Picture Manager dialog

Used to edit report contents for pictures and delete pictures no longer needed.

Opens when either:
  • the Picture Manager tool is selected from the Setup group on the Reports ribbon tab

  • Format is selected from the right-click pop-up menu on a picture item in the Report Builder panel

Selecting one of the pictures along the left-hand list displays the following details for that picture:

Setting Description
Caption Type a caption to use for the image (up to 120) characters. This defaults to the title given when the picture was first captured.
Width / Height Edit one of these fields to change the overall dimensions of the image used in the report. The units used (inches or millimeters) are determined by the system of units settings in the Application Configuration dialog. A change in one field automatically will update the other such that the picture aspect ratio is maintained.
Alternatively, you may select Fit to Page to scale the image to fit to the report area width.