
Used to view a summary of the input and output data for a plate element, including geometry, properties, and output results.

If the structure has been successfully analyzed, there will be three tabs on the plate query box: Geometry, Property Constants and Stresses.  If there are no analysis results, the last tab (Stresses) will not be shown.

Opens when a quad or triangular plate element is double-clicked with the Plates cursor.

Geometry tab

A table displays the plate corner coordinates, and the lengths of each of the edges.

Setting Description
Edge Lengths and Area This table displays the plate incidences, the lengths along each side, and the surface area of the plate (local x-y face).
Releases The releases present at each corner of the plate are displayed. Click Edit associated with any corner to make changes to the releases for that node.

Property Constants tab

Displays the thickness of each of the sides of the plate and the material properties. One may change/assign the properties of the plate by clicking on the Assign/Change Property button. One can also assign/change the material attributes by clicking on the Assign Material button.

Center Stresses tab

Displays the 8 center stresses along with the top and bottom Principal, Von Mises and Tresca stresses for a particular load case. The load case can be changed using the Load List drop-down list.

Corner Stresses tab

Used to display the stresses at the corner node points of the selected plate. The node numbers of the selected plate and the stresses at those nodes are displayed.

Setting Description
Load List Select any one of the predefined load cases for displaying the corner stresses of the selected plate due to that particular type of loading.
Plate Corner Stresses Different types of stresses at the corner nodal points of the selected plate under the specified load case are listed here.

Princ Stress and Disp tab

Used to display the nodal displacements at corner points of the selected plate.

Setting Description
Load List Select any one of the predefined load cases for displaying the displacements at the corner node points and also the principal stresses of the selected plate due to that particular type of loading.
Plate Corner Displacement After selecting a particular type of load case in the Load List, displacements in the X, Y and Z direction at the corner node points of the selected plate will be listed here.
Plate Principal Stresses Top and bottom principal stresses of the selected plate under the specified load case are displayed here.