Assign Design Parameter dialog

Used to modify and assign design parameters per the Chinese steel design code.

Opens when the Chinese Steel Design workflow is selected.

A list of the current parameter sets associated with the current STAAD model. is displayed in the top portion of the dialog.

Setting Description
Add Opens the Add new: Chinese Steel Design Parameters dialog, which is used to add a parameter definition to the model for use in Chinese steel design.
Edit Used to edit the currently selected parameter set in the Edit: Chinese Steel Design Parameters dialog.
Edit Parameters (Text) Opens the parameter sets in a plain text editor (e.g., Notepad) for editing.
Delete Delete the selected parameter set from the model.
Load Template Used to open a set of parameters in a plain text (file extensions .gsp or .txt) for use in the current STAAD model.
Save As Template Save the current parameter sets as a template file which can be loaded for use in other STAAD input file for Chinese steel design.
Assignment Method

The options under the Assignment Method are used to assign parameter sets to steel members.  The assignment method can be one of Assign To Selected Beams, Assign To View, Use Cursor To Assign or Assign To Edit List.  

  • Assign To Selected Beams - To assign a specification to selected members, first select the parameter set from the table.  Then select the members to which this parameter set is to be assigned.  This is done by going to the Select menu, then choosing the appropriate cursor option.  Select the desired members using the cursor.  When all desired nodes, members or elements are selected, click the Assign To Selected Beams radio button, then click the Assign button.
  • Assign To View - To assign a parameter set to all members in a view, first select the parameter from the table.   Select the Assign To View radio button, then click the Assign button.  All members in the structure are assigned this parameter set.
  • Use Cursor To Assign - To assign a parameter set to members using the cursor, first select the parameter set from the table.   Select the Use Cursor To Assign radio button, then click the Assign button. The button will appear active and the label will change to Assigning. Use the appropriate cursor (from the Select menu) to assign the selected parameter set to the individual members. Click on the Assign button again to finish.
  • Assign To Edit List - To assign a specification using a typed list of node, member or element numbers, first select the parameter set from the table.   Select the Assign To Edit List radio button, then type the list of member numbers and click the Assign button.