Drawing Style Manager dialog

Used to create drawing styles for Steel AutoDrafter. This facilitates production of drawings as per selected style. You can also create standard styles with the required variations.

Opens when the Drawing Style Manager tool is selected from the Edit group on the Steel AutoDrafter ribbon tab.

All aspects of the drawing; Layer Descriptions, Layer colors, Connection / Member Descriptions, Dimension styles, Text Styles and sizes, and gird styles can be changed to create new text styles.

The Drawing Style can be imported, exported, and restored from the default file.

Drawing Style can be imported from another adfx file using the import grid option provided. The adfx file will be available along with the relevant STAAD.Pro file in the same folder.

Layers tab

This table lists all the layers that are used in the drawings generated by Steel AD. The layer descriptions and the colors can be changed.

Member Labels tab

Member / Connection type table lists all the various symbols that are used in the drawings. These symbols can be changed as desired.

In case you do not wish to have any symbols in the drawing, keep the symbols column blank.

The Section Referencing box, determines how the various sections will be labeled in the drawing, by using a reference number or the entire description of the section.

Appearance tab

This tab lists all the appearance related data.

Setting Description
Font Data Select the font to use for both Labels and Text items.
Text Heights Specify the text height to use for Labels, Table Text, Members, and Grid Marks .
Drawing Units Select to use Metric or English (i.e., imperial) unit systems.
Grid Marking Select the option to use for grid marks:
  • Circle & Level Mark
  • Capsule Shape
Dimension Style Data Specify the text size and color options to use for dimensions.
Setting Description
Member Release Symbol Check this option to include symbols for the member end release conditions selected:
  • Show Rigid - rigid ends (or no release) are specified using a triangle these ends
  • Show Release - released ends are specified with a circle