Vehicle Database dialog

Used to display code specified vehicle load data and to create user-defined loads.

Opens when Vehicle > Database is selected.

Setting Description
Vehicles list All vehicle definitions in Bridge Deck are listed here. User-defined vehicles are added at the bottom of this list. Select a user-defined vehicle to make any changes.
New … Opens the Add New Vehicle dialog, which is used to specify a name for the vehicle load to be added.

(User-defined loads only) Deletes the currently selected vehicle definition.

Rename (User-defined loads only) Opens a Rename Vehicle dialog, which is used to specify a new name for the selected vehicle definition.
Vehicle Data

The dialog contains a set of simple parameters which can be used to define virtually any vehicle load.

  • Force / Length - Select the units for use when specifying Force (lbF or kN) and Length (m, mm, or ft) values.
  • Front / Rear Clearance - Specify the clear distance between the first and last axle, respectively, to another vehicle or load within the same design lane.
  • Width - Specify the total width (half on either side of the vehicle center line) for placement within a design lane.
  • A plan diagram displays the configuration of the vehicle load. Axle 1 is the right-most solid line, with subsequent axles to the left. Variable and multiple Fixed axle Positions are shown in dashed lines.
  • Is Convoy Vehicle - Select this option to signify to the program that this vehicle is to applied repeatedly along the design lane, using the Front and Rear Clearances specified.
  • Number in Convoy - Specify the number of vehicles present in the convoy.
  • Axles - Use the combo box to select the number of axles (fixed or variable) on the vehicle.
  • Details of Axle - Select the axle (up to the number of Axles specified) for which the current load and position data is entered.
  • Wheels - Use the table to enter the Force (wheel weight) and Position (distance from vehicle center line), in the selected units, for the currently selected axle.
  • Bending Axle - Select this option …
  • Positions - Select if the current axle is a Fixed distance (or a number of different fixed distances) from the previous axle or if the distance is Variable. For Fixed positions, the table below allows for one or more set distances between the current and previous axle. For Variable positions, a Minimum and Maximum distance must be specified, along with an Increment value for generating a finite number of positions.
Setting Description
OK Accepts changes made to the currently selected vehicle (user-defined only) and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.