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ClosedLinearComplex Methods


_IsClosed Indicates whether a LinearElement is closed. (Overrides LinearElement._IsClosed())
Accept Accepts this element (Overrides LinearComplex.Accept(LinearElementVisitor))
ApplyFilterByTunnel (Inherited from LinearComplex)
BackProjectPointOnPerpendicular (Inherited from LinearElement)
CalculateAllProjectionPointsRange2d(DPoint3d, Nullable(Double), Nullable(Double), Boolean, Nullable(Double)) Calcuklates all projection of point within a range. (Inherited from LinearElement)
CalculateAllProjectionPointsRange2d(DPoint3d, Nullable(Double), Nullable(Double), Boolean, Boolean, Nullable(Double)) Calcuklates nearst projection of point within a range. (Inherited from LinearElement)
CalculateAllSkewPoints2d Calcuklates all skew points (Inherited from LinearElement)
CalculateAllTangentPoints2d Calcuklates all tangennt points (Inherited from LinearElement)
CalculateNearestProjection2d Calcuklates nearst projection of point. (Inherited from LinearElement)
CalculateNearestProjectionRange2d(DPoint3d, Nullable(Double), Nullable(Double), Boolean, Nullable(Double)) Calcuklates nearest projection of point within a range. (Inherited from LinearElement)
CalculateNearestProjectionRange2d(DPoint3d, Nullable(Double), Nullable(Double), Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Nullable(Double)) Calcuklates nearest projection of point within a range. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Clip Clips the LinearElement and returns the result. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Clone (Inherited from LinearElement)
CloneInternal Creates a deep copy of the complex element (Overrides LinearComplex.CloneInternal())
ComputeClosestIntersWithInfiniteLine Computes intersection with an infinite line which is closest to the origin. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ConvertToCurveSetComplex (Inherited from LinearComplex)
DefineCurveSet (Inherited from LinearComplex)
Dispose() (Inherited from LinearElement)
Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from LinearElement)
DropLineStrings (Inherited from LinearElement)
Dump() Dumps the element information. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Dump(StringWriter) Dumps the geometry for debug purpose. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Equals(Object) Indicates whether otherObject is a LinearElement and is identical to this LinearElement. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Equals(Object, Double) Indicates whether otherObject is a LinearElement and is nearly identical to this LinearElement. This is to use in unit tests only to compare with baselines stored in XML for example. Never use this method in application code. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendBeginByLineOrTrim(Double) Returns extended by line or trimmed element from its start point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendBeginByLineOrTrim(Double, Double) Returns extended by line or trimmed element from its start point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendEndByLineOrTrim(Double) Returns extended by line or trimmed element from its end point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendEndByLineOrTrim(Double, Double) Returns extended by line or trimmed element from its end point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimBegin(Double) Returns extended or trimmed element from its start point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimBegin(Double, Double) Returns extended or trimmed element from its start point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimBeginByParameter Returns extended or trimmed element from its start point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimBeginByPoint(DPoint3d) Returns extended or trimmed element by its start point. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimBeginByPoint(DPoint3d, Double) Returns extended or trimmed element by its start point. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimEnd(Double) Returns extended or trimmed element from its end point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimEnd(Double, Double) Returns extended or trimmed element from its end point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimEndByParameter Returns extended or trimmed element from its end point (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimEndByPoint(DPoint3d) Returns extended or trimmed element by its end point. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ExtendOrTrimEndByPoint(DPoint3d, Double) Returns extended or trimmed element by its end point. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Finalize (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetAsProfiledElement Get the linear element as a profiled element (Inherited from LinearElement)
getBcLinearEl (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetBestApproximatedArea(Double) Gets the area of a closed linear complex element
GetBestApproximatedArea(Double, Double) Gets the area of a closed linear complex element
GetCentroid Get the centroid of a linear element; (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetChordDistanceFromDistanceAlong(Double) Gets Chord distance that corresponds to a given distance along the element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetChordDistanceFromDistanceAlong(Double, Double) Gets Chord distance that corresponds to a given distance along the element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetChordDistanceFromParameter(Double) Gets chord distance that corresponds to a given parameter along the element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetChordDistanceFromParameter(Double, Double) Gets chord distance that corresponds to a given parameter along the element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetComponentAtDistance Gets the component information at a given distance along the element. (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetCurvatureAtParameter Gets curvature at a given parameter on linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetCurveSetInfoByIndex (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetCurveVector (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetDistanceAlongFromChordDistance(Double) Gets distance along that corresponds to a given chord distance along the element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetDistanceAlongFromChordDistance(Double, Double) Gets distance along that corresponds to a given chord distance along the element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetDistanceAlongMatches Gets the correspondances between distance along on this element and the other element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetDistanceFromParameter Gets distance that corresponds to a given parameter along the element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetEndPositionOfComponentByIndex(Double) Gets the end position of the Nth Component, with N being provided index (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetEndPositionOfComponentByIndex(Int32) Get the end position of a component at provided index (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetEnumerator Gets enumerator (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetExtendedElement Get the element extended with lines of the given length. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetFirstDerivativeAtParameter Gets the first derivate at a given parameter on linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetHorizontalControlPoints(HorizontalControlPointTypes) Get horizontal control points from this linearelement. The resulting collection contains the control points merged with points of the linearPoints arguments. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetHorizontalControlPoints(HorizontalControlPointTypes, LinearPointCollection) Get horizontal control points from this linearelement. The resulting collection contains the the control points merged with points of the linearPoints arguments. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetLength Gets 2D length of linear element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetLinearPointCollectionBySelection Ported from Bentley.CifNET.GeometryModel (src.cs) (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetLinearPointCollectionFromLineString Ported from Bentley.CifNET.GeometryModel (src.cs) (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetNativeElement Gets the native element embedded into the managed LinearElement. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetNestedSubLinearElements Gets all sub linear elements that make up the LinearComplex. Exp: complex C1 = line1 + line2 complex C2 = C1 + arc complex C = C2 + linestring ==> return: components = linestring + arc + line1 + line2. (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetOffsetElement(Double) Returns offset element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetOffsetElement(Double, Boolean) GetOffsetElement (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetOffsetElement(Double, Double) Returns offset element (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetOffsetElement(Double, Boolean, Double) GetOffsetElement (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetOffsetElement(Double, Boolean, Double, Double) Returns offset element (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetOffsetPoint Gets a point at parameter offset. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPartialByDistances(Double, Double) Returns a partial element from start distance to end distance (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPartialByDistances(Double, Double, Boolean) Returns a partial element from start distance to end distance (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPartialByDistances(Double, Double, Double) Returns a partial element from start distance to end distance (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPartialByParameters Returns a partial element from start parameter to end parameter (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPartialByPoints Gets partial between two points. Points can be null, meaning that it starts on beginning or end. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPointAtDistanceOffset(Double, Double) Gets point at given distance/offset from linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPointAtDistanceOffset(Double, Double, Double) Gets point at given distance/offset from linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPointAtParameterOffset Gets point at given parameter and offset on linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetPositionMatches Gets the correspondances between psition on this element and the other element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetSecondDerivativeAtParameter Gets the second derivate at a given parameter on linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetSpiralizedParallel Creates Spiraled Parallel (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetStartPositionOfComponentByIndex(Double) Gets the start position of the Nth Component, with N being provided index (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetStartPositionOfComponentByIndex(Int32) Get the start position of a component at provided index (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetSubLinearElementAtIndex Gets the sublinear linear element at an index on a complex. (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetSubLinearElementAtParameter (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetSubLinearElementIsReversed Gets the linear element is reversed at index for a complex. (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetSubLinearElements Gets linear elements that make up the LinearComplex. (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetThirdDerivativeAtParameter Gets the third derivate at a given parameter on linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetUnmanaged (Inherited from LinearComplex)
GetVariableOffsetElement(Double, Double) Returns offset element with variable offset (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetVariableOffsetElement(Double, Double, Double) Returns offset element with variable offset (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetVariableOffsetElement(Double, Double, Double, Double) Returns offset element with variable offset (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetVerticalControlPoints(VerticalControlPointTypes) Get vertical control points from this linearelement. The resulting collection contains the control points merged with points of the linearPoints arguments. (Inherited from LinearElement)
GetVerticalControlPoints(VerticalControlPointTypes, LinearPointCollection) Get vertical control points from this linearelement. The resulting collection contains the the control points merged with points of the linearPoints arguments. (Inherited from LinearElement)

Returns if a LinearComplex has gaps by comparing the endpoint and startpoint of subsequent elements.

Intersect(LinearElement) Gets collection of intersections with another linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Intersect(DPoint3d, DVector3d) Gets collection of intersections with an infinite vector starting at origin. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Intersect(LinearElement, Double) Gets collection of intersections with another linear element (Inherited from LinearElement)
Intersect(DPoint3d, DVector3d, Double) Gets collection of intersections with an infinite vector starting at origin. (Inherited from LinearElement)
IsByPIConvertible (Inherited from LinearComplex)
IsProfiledElement Tells if LinearElement is a Profiled Element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
MirroxX Mirrors the element on X axis. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnPerpendicular(DPoint3d) Projects a point onto an element perpendicularly. Gets the closest projection. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnPerpendicular(DPoint3d, Double) Projects a point onto an element perpendicularly. Gets the closest projection. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnPerpendicularAll(DPoint3d) Projects a point onto an element perpendicularly. Gets all the projections. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnPerpendicularAll(DPoint3d, Double) Projects a point onto an element perpendicularly. Gets all the projections. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnSkew(DPoint3d, Double, Double) Projects a point onto an element with a skewed angle. Gets the closest projection only. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnSkew(DPoint3d, Double, Double, Double) Projects a point onto an element with a skewed angle. Gets the closest projection only. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnSkewAll(DPoint3d, Double, Double) Projects a point onto an element with a skewed angle. Gets all the projection. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnSkewAll(DPoint3d, Double, Double, Double) Projects a point onto an element with a skewed angle. Gets all the projection. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnTangent(DPoint3d) Projects a point onto an element tangentially. Gets only the closest projection. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnTangent(DPoint3d, Double) Projects a point onto an element tangentially. Gets only the closest projection. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnTangentAll(DPoint3d) Projects a point onto an element tangentially. Gets all the projections. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ProjectPointOnTangentAll(DPoint3d, Double) Projects a point onto an element tangentially. Gets all the projections. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Reverse Reverses a LinearComplex. (Inherited from LinearComplex)
RotateToDirection Rotates the element around the center by a given angle. (Inherited from LinearElement)
RotateToThruPoint Rotates the element around the center and so that it passes thru the point. (Inherited from LinearElement)
SetBcLinearEl(IBcLinearEl*) (Inherited from LinearElement)
SetBcLinearEl(IBcLinearEl*) (Inherited from LinearElement)
SetCurveSetInfoByIndex (Inherited from LinearComplex)
ShallowCopy Used to create a Shalow copy of this element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
SplitElementAtDistance Splits the component at a given ditance along the complex. (Inherited from LinearComplex)
StrokeByChord(Double) Strokes element by chord (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByChord(Double, LinearPointCollection) Strokes element by chord. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByChord(Double, Double) Strokes element by chord (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByComponent Strokes LinearComplex by Component (Inherited from LinearComplex)
StrokeByConnectionPoints(ConnectionPointTypes) Strokes the complex element by its control points. The resulting collection contains the connection points merged with points of the linearPoints arguments. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByConnectionPoints(ConnectionPointTypes, LinearPointCollection) Strokes the complex element by its control points. The resulting collection contains the the connection points merged with points of the linearPoints arguments. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByDistances(Double[]) Strokes the linear element by distance. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByDistances(Double[], LinearPointCollection) Strokes the linear element by distance. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByDistances(Double[], Double) Strokes the linear element by distance. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByDivisor(Int32) Strokes linear element by divisor. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByDivisor(Int32, Double) Strokes linear element by divisor. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByEndPoints() Strokes element by end points. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByEndPoints(Double) Strokes element by end points. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByEndPoints(LinearPointCollection) Strokes element by end points. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByStep(Double, StrokingByStepMethod) Strokes linear element by step. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByStep(Double, StrokingByStepMethod, LinearPointCollection) Strokes linear element by step. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StrokeByStep(Double, StrokingByStepMethod, Double) Strokes linear element by step. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Transform Transforms an element and return the transformed element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
TranslateToThruPoint Transalets the element on a given direction so that it passes thru a point. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ValidateConnectivity Checks if the connection is valid (Inherited from LinearComplex)

See Also