M. To apply a wind load

To apply a defined wind load to your structure, use the following procedure.

  1. Either:
    • On the Loading ribbon tab, select the Load Items tool in the Loading Specifications group
    • In the Load & Definition dialog, select a primary load case in the Load Cases Details list and then click Add.
    The Add New Load Items dialog opens.
  2. Select the Wind Load > Wind Load tab.
  3. In the Select Type drop-down list, select the wind load definition for this load case.
  4. Select the Direction of the load and then type the load Factor value.
    • X (External)
    • Y (External) - for Z Up
    • Z (External) - for Y Up (default)
    • -X (Internal)
    • -Y (Internal) - for Z Up
    • -Z (Internal) - for Y Up (default

    The direction options are dependant upon the global orientation of the model. The selected Direction and sign of the Factor affect how the wind is applied (i.e., internal or external pressure for an enclosed structure).

  5. Optional: If the wind load definition is for a SNiP code, specify the additional SNiP Parameters:
    1. Select the configuration from the drop-down list.
    2. Type the wind pressure coefficient.
  6. Specify the range of values over which the load applies. Type the along the global axis of how the wind load acts.

    Depending on the arrangement of walls, you may need to sub-divide the wind load application into multiple entries with overlapping ranges. The program may not automatically recognize all open-ended wind panels. Refer to Controlling Open-Ended Panel Identification for additional details.

  7. Optional: Check the Open Structure option for truss, lattice, or other open structure types.
    This will apply the load only to the projected area of the members and joints, not to the bounded area of members or surfaces.
  8. Click Add.
The program will automatically calculate the joint loads for structure that lies within the specified range. Selecting the wind load item in the Load & Definition dialog will highlight the loading members. The calculated surface exposure and the tributary areas will also be displayed for closed structures.
Review the wind panels for each wind load case to ensure that the intended areas are loaded. The panels are color coded to identify unique tributary areas.