MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Customize Dialog

Used to add and manage custom toolboxes, tools, tasks, and Main tasks; and customize context menus, and icons.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Settings > Configuration > Customize

Note: Use the CUSTOMIZE DELETEALLDATA key-in to delete all template data and all custom toolbox, tool, task, and menu data from a DGN file. All elements that are associated with the templates being deleted will no longer be associated with the templates.
Note: Use the CUSTOMIZE RELOAD key-in to reload all template data and all custom toolbox, tool, task, and menu data into a DGN file. You would use this key-in if the DGN libraries had been updated and you wanted to reload this data to make it available. Closing the DGN file and reopening it will produce the same result.
Note: Use the CUSTOMIZE EXPORT ICONS <path\directory\> key-in to export icons from the open DGN library to a directory. You may want to export icons in order to edit them.
Key-in: CUSTOMIZE EXPORT ICONS [ path\directory\ ]
Note: Use the CUSTOMIZE IMPORT ICONS <path\*.ico> key-in to import icons to the open DGN library. To import a single icon, use CUSTOMIZE IMPORT ICONS <path\filename.ico>.
Key-in: CUSTOMIZE IMPORT ICONS [ path\*.ico ]
Note: Use the CUSTOMIZE OPEN TOOLBOXASMENU key-in to open a custom toolbox, task, or main task at your pointer location. The name of the custom toolbox, task, or main task must be specified. Task names must be preceded by one backslash (\), main tasks by two backslashes (\\), and custom toolboxes by no special characters.
Key-in: CUSTOMIZE OPEN TOOLBOXASMENU [ name of custom toolbox, \task, or \\main task ]
Note: Use the CUSTOMIZE ACTIVATE TOOL <toolpath> key-in to activate the tools added to custom tasks and toolboxes. The <toolpath> syntax for each of the custom items is as follows:
  • For Toolbox - ToolboxName\ToolName
  • For Task - \TaskName\ToolName
  • For Main Task - \\MainTaskName\ToolName
Key-in: CUSTOMIZE ACTIVATE TOOL [ toolpath ]
File > Import > From XML File Used to import data from an XML file to create templates, custom toolboxes, custom tools, tasks, and custom menus. Data can be imported from multiple files. Opens the Import XML Data from File dialog .
CUSTOMIZE IMPORT XML [ path\XML_filename ]
File > Export > XML Used to export template, custom toolbox, custom tool, task, and custom menu data from a DGN library to an XML file. Opens the Export XML Data dialog.
CUSTOMIZE EXPORT XML [ path\XML_filename ]
File > <configured DGN libraries> If the MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable is defined, lists the files in the configured DGN libraries. Choosing one of the files closes the open DGN file and opens the selected file.

If the MS_GUIDGNLIBLIST configuration variable is set differently from the MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable, these files are listed as well. If you have created a personal DGN library, this file is listed, too.

Utilities > Generate HTML Report Used to generate an HTML report on all the template, custom toolbox, custom tool, task, and custom menu data in the open DGN library file. Opens the Generate HTML Report dialog.
Utilities > Named Expressions Opens the Named Expressions dialog.
Utilities > Element Templates Opens the Element Templates dialog.
Tools tab, Tools pane Used to add and manage custom toolboxes and tools .
Tools tab, Tasks tab Used to add and manage custom tasks .
Tools tab, Main Tasks tab Used to customize the Main task .
Tools tab, Context Menus tab Used to customize context (right-click) menus .
Icons tab Used to import and manage icons .