MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Customize Dialog, Icons Tab

Contains controls that allow you to import, delete, and export icons to be used for custom tools, tasks, workflows, menu items, and context menu items. The icons are stored in the open DGN file.

The Icons tab in the Customize dialog

Import Icons

Clicking the arrow on this icon allows you to select which type of icon file you would like to import. Icons can be imported from MDL resources, Bitmap files, ICO files, DLL and EXE files, or DGN and DGNlib files. All of the import options open a dialog that is analogous to the File Open dialog, except importing icons from a Bitmap image, which opens the Import BMP dialog and importing a new icon model, which opens the Define Icon Name dialog.
Delete Selected Icon(s)

Deletes the selected icon(s) from the open DGN file. If an icon exists in multiple sizes, all sizes are deleted.
Current File Icons List Box Displays all of the icons that have been imported or created. Right-clicking an icon in the Current File Icons list box allows you to:
  • Delete — You can delete an icon from the list.
  • Rename — You can edit the name of an icon in the list.
Icon Properties Displays the name, width, height, ID, and color type of the selected icon. If an icon has multiple sizes, then all sizes are displayed in the Icon Properties pane. The right side of the Icon Properties pane displays the icon in each of the sizes. Right-clicking an icon in the Icon Properties pane allows you to:
  • Delete the icon — You can select one or more icon sizes to delete.
  • Export the icon as a BMP file — The exported BMP file is placed in the same folder as the configured DGN library file. The icon's width and height information is added to the file name. For example, an exported 16 x 16 icon named Note will be named Note16x16.bmp.
  • Export the icon as a PNG file — The exported PNG file is placed in the same folder as the configured DGN library file. The icon's width and height information is added to the file name. For example, an exported 32 x 32 icon named Tack will be named Tack32x32.png.