MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Named Expressions Dialog

Used to define and manage named expressions .

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Utilities > Utilities
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Utilities > Utilities
  • Ribbon: Admin > Home > Environment
  • Customize dialog: Utilities > Named Expressions

Tip: Pop-up (right-click) menus are enabled text fields in this dialog. When chosen, the menu items, such as Undo, Copy, and Select All, have the standard effects, except where noted in this topic.
list filter (drop-down menu) Choose an application keyword to filter the named expressions listed below. Otherwise, all of the active file's named expressions are listed.
New Click to create a list entry for a new named expression.

Copy Click to create a named expression by copying the selected one.

Delete Click to delete the selected named expression.

Save Click to save the selected named expression.

Reload Click to remove all changes that you made to the selected expression’s properties and to refresh the properties from those stored in the file.

list (box) Lists named expressions in the active file. To edit a previously defined named expression, you must first select it. Named expressions with unsaved changes are listed in blue.

The list is filtered according to the selection in the drop-down menu above the list.

Internal Name Sets the name of the selected named expression.
External Name Sets the text label that appears in the user interface to describe the test that will be applied in the evaluation of the selected named expression.
Description Sets the description of the selected named expression. A description is not required.
Keywords Checked application keywords are applicable to the selected named expression. Selecting User Interface, for example, enables the named expression to be used to define conditions under which a custom task, tool, or menu item will be shown/hidden or a menu item will be enabled/disabled in the user interface. To add or delete keywords, select Edit > Keywords. Keywords selections are also used to filter the named expressions listed in the adjacent list box.

The following keywords are defined by default:

  • Annotation
  • Element
  • File
  • Markup
  • Model
  • Print Set
  • Task
  • Tool
  • User Interface
Required Symbol Sets (list box) Lists symbol sets which contain symbols that are required to define the selected named expression.
symbol set selection (drop-down menu) Choose a symbol set to add to the list of required symbol sets for the selected named expression.
Add Adds the symbol set chosen with the drop-down menu above to the list of required symbol sets for the selected named expression.
Remove Deletes the symbol set chosen with the drop-down menu above from the list of required symbol sets for the selected named expression.
Expression Define the selected named expression in this multi-line field. To insert an operator, number (integer or double-precision real), or string, key it in. To insert a symbol, right-click in the field and choose the symbol. The pop-up menu contains a submenu of symbols for each required symbol set.

To clear the Expression field, right-click and choose Clear.

Test Click to evaluate the selected named expression for testing purposes. The result displays in the adjacent field.
File > Import XML… Opens the Import Named Expressions dialog, which is used to import to the active file named expressions that were defined in other files and exported to XML format.
File > Export XML… Opens the Export Named Expressions dialog, which is used to export the named expressions in the active file to XML format for importing to other files or for backup purposes.
Edit > Keywords… Opens the Named Expression Keywords dialog , which is used to manage the filtering keywords selection in the Keywords section.
Utilities > Report Expressions Opens the Report Available Expression Symbols dialog, which is used to save an HTML document in which the named expressions defined in the active file are documented.
Utilities > Report Symbols Opens a Web browser to display documentation of available symbol sets.