MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Generate HTML Report Dialog

Used to generate an HTML report on all the template, custom toolbox, custom tool, task, and custom menu data in the open DGN file.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Element Templates dialog: Utilities > Generate HTML Report
  • Customize dialog: Utilities > Generate HTML Report

Report File Shows the location and file name of the HTML file to be created. Defaults to the location of the open DGN file. To select a different location, click the Browse icon to the right of this field, which opens the Define HTML Report File dialog.
Data Types to Process Allows you to select the types of data to include in the HTML file. You can select one or more data types.
  • Element Templates — When opened from the Element Templates dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Named Toolboxes and Tools — When opened from the Customize dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Tasks — When opened from the Customize dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Main Tasks — When opened from the Customize dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Context Menus — When opened from the Customize dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Explorer Context Menus — When opened from the Customize dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Detailing Symbol Styles — When opened from the Customize dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Mini-Toolbars — When opened from the Customize dialog, this data type is selected by default.
  • Detailing Symbol Styles