Section Database Manager Ribbon toolbar

Table 1. Clipboard group
Tool Name Description Shortcut

Paste clipboard contents into the table. Ctrl+V

Copy the selection to the clipboard and delete the original. Ctrl+X

Copy the selection to the clipboard. Ctrl+C
Table 2. Standard Profile group
Tool Name Description

Create Database
Opens the Standard Profile Database Wizard, which is used create a new standard database.

Import Spreadsheet
Opens the Standard Profile Database Wizard - Import Spreadsheet, which is used create a new standard database from either a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.

Delete Database
Used to delete the selected standard database.

Add Table
Opens the Standard Profile Database Wizard, which is used to add a new table to the selected standard database.

View / Edit Database Info
Opens the Database Details dialog, which displays the meta data of the selected standard database.

Delete Table
Used to delete the selected table from a standard database.
Table 3. Edit group
Tool Name Description Shortcut

Unlock / Lock
Unlocks the current table for editing. Once unlocked, the same tool re-locks the table to prevent further changes.

Append Row
Adds a new table row at the end of the table.

Add Above
Adds a new table row before the current selection.

Add Below
Adds a new table row after the current selection.

Delete Row
Deletes the currently selected row from the table. Delete

Clear Data
Clears all data from the currently selected table.

Import Data
Opens the Import Data dialog, which is used to import section data from a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.

Saves all changes to the current table.

Undoes all uncommitted changes made to the current table.
Table 4. Show group
Tool Name Description

Close Table
Closes the currently selected table.

Close All
Closes all open tables.
Database list Toggles the display of the Databases panel.
Search bar Toggles the display of the table Search field.
Status bar Toggles the display of the Status bar.
Table 5. Options group
Tool Name Description

Configuration >

Standard Profile
Opens the Default Database Configuration dialog, which is used to select the default country and section databases to use in the Standard Profile Databases dialog in STAAD.Pro.

Legacy Profile
Opens the Default Database Configuration dialog, which is used to select the default country and section databases to use in the Legacy Profiles Databases dialog in STAAD.Pro.
Table 6. Publish group
Tool Name Description Shortcut

Print Preview
Opens a print preview of the currently selected table.

Prints the currently selected table contents. Ctrl+P

Opens a Save As dialog, where you can choose a location and file format for exporting the current table contents to a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet file (.xlsx format).
Table 7. Tools group
Tool Name Description

Convert Database Access to SQLite
Opens the Convert Access Database to SQLite Database dialog, which is used to convert legacy section database files in Microsoft Access database format (either mdb or accdb format) to SQLite database files (db3 format).