M. To add a profile to a table

To add a profile for use in a standard table, use the following procedure.

  1. Open the table you want to update in the Databases panel.
  2. On the Home ribbon tab, select the Unlock tool in the Edit group.

  3. Add a new row to the table by selecting one of the following tools in the Edit group of the Home ribbon tab:
    • Append Row - adds an empty row at the end of the table
    • Add Above - adds an empty row above the currently selected row
    • Add Below - adds an empty row below the currently selected row
  4. Type in the values.
    Required values for the table shape have a yellow background. Other values are optional and some section properties can be automatically calculated by the program.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more rows as needed.
  6. On the Home ribbon tab, select the Commit tool in the Edit group.

  7. On the Home ribbon tab, select the Lock tool in the Edit group.