To Place a Standard Section

To place a parametric section in the Shape Editor, use the following procedure.

  1. Either:
    • select Section > Place Standard Shape.
    • right-click in the view window and select Place Standard Shape from the pop-up menu
    The Place Standard Shape dialog opens.
  2. Select the Shape type from the drop-down list.
  3. Type in the key Dimensions (those that default to non-zero values).
  4. Optional: Type in the Radii for shapes with curves.

    If you enter non-zero values for the fillet and/or toe radii, r1 and r2, these radii will be modelled as small polygons in the placed shape. This improves the calculation of section properties so that the computed values compare very closely to values published by manufacturers. The radii of the fillet and toes are also stored in section property fields r1 and r2 in the sections library.

  5. Click OK.