TR.2 Problem Initiation and Model Title

This command initiates the STAAD run and is also used to specify the type of the structure and provide an optional title.

Any STAAD input file must start with the word STAAD. Following type specifications are available:

  • PLANE= Plane frame structure
  • SPACE= Space frame structure
  • TRUSS= Plane or space truss structure
  • FLOOR= Floor structure

General Format

STAAD { PLANE | SPACE | TRUSS | FLOOR } (any_title )


  • any_title = Any title for the problem. This title will appear on the top of every output page. To include additional information in the page header, use a comment line containing the pertinent information as the second line of input.


  1. Care must be taken about choosing the type of the structure. The choice is dependent on the various degrees of freedom that need to be considered in the analysis. The following figure illustrates the degrees of freedoms considered in the various type specifications. Detailed discussions are available in G.2 Types of Structures. PLANE indicates the XY plane for Y up and the XZ plane for Z up. FLOOR indicates the XZ floor for Y up and the XY floor for Z up. 

    Figure 1. Structure type A) Plane, B) Space, C) Truss 2D or 3D, and D) Floor
  2. The optional title provided by you are printed on top of every page of the output. You can use this facility to customize his output.


  • Number of joints: 400,000*
  • Joint number 1 to 999,999
  • Number of Members, Physical Members, Plates, and Solids: 500,000*
  • Member/Element numbers: 1 to 999,999
  • Number of primary and combination cases: 10,101
  • Load Case numbers: 1 to 99,999
  • Number of modes and frequencies: 2,700
  • Number of load cases that may be combined by a Repeat Load or Load Combination command: 550

* Some STAAD.Pro copies are available with much smaller limits. Please check what limits you have purchased.