M. To add a custom section database

To create a custom section database for use in STAAD.Pro, use the following procedure.

The database files used in STAAD.Pro have a specific structure. Therefore, you should start by copying an existing section database file. Attempting to create a new section database file from scratch is strongly discouraged.

The best practice is to identify the section database that includes tables most similar to your custom table requirements. You can change the country of the section database, but it is recommended to start with a source database from the same country you intend to use as your custom database.

  1. Copy an existing section database file:
    1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to Sections (typical installation location).
    2. Copy the appropriate section database file (extension .db3) to a convenient location.
    3. Give this copied file a new file name.
  2. Use a SQLite database editor program to update the database values:
    You must use a third-party SQLite database editor such as SQLiteStudio or SQLite Administrator. Details on the use of these products is beyond the scope of this documentation.
    1. Update the sections database name to something unique.
      This will be used to identify the sections database in STAAD.Pro so it must be different from existing databases, both those installed with the program and other custom databases. The section database files contain a table named DBInfo that contains the name used in STAAD.Pro.
      Typically, this can be done by running the SQL query: UPDATE 'DBInfo' SET name='custom database name', where custom database name is the unique name you want to use.
    2. Update the field units if necessary.
      The units for each section value are maintained outside of the section tables in a table named Field Units. If these need to be changed (e.g., you are creating a metric version of an imperial table), then these must also be updated using a SQLite editor application.
    3. If you need to add additional field (columns) to a table, then this must be done in an SQLite editor.
    4. Save the database if necessary.
      Typically, SQL queries such as UPDATE write the changes to the database and do not require saving.

      You can use the SQL query SELECT * FROM 'DBInfo' to view all the field values in that table to verify the name has been updated.

  3. Select the Section Database tool in the Tools group on the Specifications ribbon tab.

    The Section Database Manager application opens.
  4. On the Home ribbon tab, select the Configuration tool in the Options group.

    The Default Database Configuration dialog opens.
  5. Select and add your custom database:
    1. Click Browse and then navigate to where you saved your custom database file.
    2. Select the file and click OK.
    3. Click Add.
      An information dialog opens to confirm the database was added.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Click Save.
      An information dialog opens to confirm the Database INI file was updated.

The database is added and can now be edited.

Figure 1. A custom database has been added to the Section Database Manager