What's New in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 3

(A) Analysis/Design Engine (44)

A) 01 The AISC 360-16 design routine for designing tapered wide flange or tube sections has been updated to ensure that the section properties are correctly processed. Refer to the values reported when using the TRACK 2 option for a member design.

A) 02 The Japanese steel design routines to the 2002 and 2005 codes have been updated for members that are subject to axial only forces. The design will now only perform the interaction checks provided that there is applied bending in one of the axes.

A) 03 The AISC 360-16 design routine which was updated in the V22 Update 2 release to provide multiple results in the post processing workflow has been further update to ensure that the number of results that are will be made available to the routine is correctly identified. There were instances when this would not be reported correctly resulting to the application crashing when entering into the post processing workflow.

A) 04 The IS 800-2007 steel design module has been updated to ensure that when designing unsymmetrical sections, such as plated I beams, then the section modulus used in clause should use the minimum section modulus. The capacity should be based on the minimum section modulus as yield can be compression yield or tension yield.

A) 05 The AIJ 2002 and 2005 steel design modules for tapered I sections have been updated to ensure that the value of torsional moment of inertia IX is taken as that provided in the UPT definition.

A) 06 The AIJ 2002 and 2005 steel design modules have updated the method used to account for the elastic torsional modulus Zx for GENERAL UPT profiles. Additionally the Von-Mises calculation for these profiles has also been updated.

A) 07 The AIJ 2002 and 2005 steel design modules have been updated for the design of T and Channel sections. The routines that obtain the section property data from the UPT to obtain the values of CY and CT have been revised resulting in a more accurate report of the bending stresses for these sections.

A) 08 The design of pipe sections to the Russian steel SP16.13330.2011 has been updated to ensure that the required coefficient in eqn 42 is used, not that for a solid bar which was used previously.

A) 09 The routine used to determine the static wind loading according to SP20.13330.2016 has been updated to ensure that it correctly utilises any specified exposure factors assigned to nodes on the loaded panel.

A) 10 The AISC 360-16 design module has been updated for the design of UPT T sections to ensure that it uses the value of CT if provided for the section.

A) 11 The AISC 360-05 and 360-10 steel design codes have been updated with the torsional checks to DG9. The calculation for the pure flexure shear stress was using the major axis geometric static moment when it should have been using the minor value to determine the geometric stress.

A) 12 The AISC 360-05 design code routine to account for torsion to DG9 for angle sections has been updated to address a defect which resulted in the pure torsion stress being evaluated and reported as zero. Note this issue did not exist in the later versions of the AISC 360 implementation.

A) 13 The AISC 360-05 and AISC 360-10 design routines for unequal angles has been updated to addess a defect which was using the incorrect section modulus for the major and minor axes which could lead to over estimating the member capacity.

A) 14 The Eurocode steel design EN1993-1-1 has been updated to ensure that solid plates and rods are reported as not designed. Previously, solid plates such as those from the Dutch database were incorrectly reported as designed.

A) 15 The IS456 concrete design routine has been updated to ensure that if a column is repeatedly designed, the second and subsequent designs the calculation of interaction ratio does utilise the correct value of bending moment about the Y axis. Previously any repeated design would result in the value of moment about the Y axis being incorrectly obtained.

A) 16 The ACI 318-14 concrete design routine has addressed an issue when reporting the output with TRACK 0 in that the internal member number rather than the actual member number was used.

A) 17 The output for an IS 1893 seismic load that uses a GROUND LEVEL specification (GL) to reduce the lateral force below this level as according to 6.4.5. will now include an extra note in the output to clarify the distribution of self weight loading.

A) 18 The AISC 360-16 steel design routine has been updated to ensure that when the design collection includes members that are currently not supported such as tapered members, this is confirmed in the output file.

A) 19 The Indian steel design IS 800-2007 has been updated to ensure that the analysis accommodates a collection of members being CHECKED when one or more have been made INACTIVE. Previously this would have caused the analysis to crash.

A) 20 The AISC 360-16 design routines for tapered tubes have been updated to ensure the correct section properties are utilised.

A) 21 The IBC 2006 response spectrum routine has been modified to handle situations where the values of T0 and Ts are close to interpolation points and caused inaccurate results. Additional points are now included in the calculation which addresses this issue.

A) 22 The IBC response spectrum routines have been updated to support values of time period in excess of TL. For time period greater than TL, the engine will determine the values at time T as SD1*TL/T**

A) 23 The analysis engine has been updated to support multiple design parameters from the Russian and AISC codes.

A) 24 The accuracy of tapered tubes has been increased for those that have been specified as a prismatic (i.e. non-tapered) tube. For those that may introduce inaccuracies a user note will be added to the output file.

A) 25 The Russian steel design for SP 16.13300.2011 has been updated to ensure that checks performed for clause 9.1.1 correctly obtain the coefficients for C(cx).

A) 26 The Russian steel design SP 16.13300.2011 parameter BMT for torsion checks was not previously being utilised as the bimoment 'B' in the interaction checks given in clause 8.2 and 8.4.

A) 27 The Russian steel design SP 16.13300.2011 has been updated to ensure that the value of alpha used to determine the ultimate slenderness correctly accounts for the cross section of the member.

A) 28 The Russian steel design code SP 16.13300.2011 has been updated to ensure that square hollow sections are designed as square rather than rectangular hollow which was resulting in incorrect evaluations of clause

A) 29 The wind loading on open structures has been updated to better support the use of tapered tube sections. The calculated load on these is now taken as the average diameter where as previously the load was calculated from the diameter at the start of the member.

A) 30 The wind loading on open structures has been updated to better support the use of members prescribed with double angle sections. For unequal angles, it accounts for whether it is the long or short leg that is back to back.

A) 31 The Canadian steel design codes S16-09 and S16-14 have been updated in the deflection check routines to ensure that when the check is performed on a multi-segment member, if the members forming the segments are identified as not being colinear, then this member will be reported as not checked as only members formed from colinear segments are currently supported for a deflection check.

A) 32 The analysis processing of a response spectrum command which includes the TOR optional setting has been updated to ensure that when a second instance of the command is included in the file, it accesses required data which previously caused the analysis to crash.

A) 33 The option to assign the wind loading in the Russian codes SP 20.13300.2016 (and SNiP 85) has been removed as the engine does not support this method.

A) 34 The Russian static wind loading SP 20.13300.2016 has been updated to ensure that the value of ze as defined in clause 11.1.5 part 2 correctly accounts for the dimensions of the structure.

A) 35 The analysis processing of a wind loading definition to the Russian SP 20.13300.2016 code with classification type 1, building, has been updated to catch when applied to a structure that has no influence area. Additionally the classification types 2 and 3 have been removed as these are not currently supported.

A) 36 The AISC 360-16 steel design routine has been updated to address an issue when designing built up wide flange sections with top and bottom cover plates where the thickness of the web was not being correctly managed.

A) 37 The ASCE 10-97 routine for transmission tower member design has been updated to ensure that when angle profiles are checked, the slenderness checks are performed and the results reported in the output file including any warning if the slenderness check fails.

A) 38 The composite deck routine has been updated to address an issue with the properties of the main beam material such that if it was not a standard steel definition, it would terminate the analysis. Additionally the message that would be reported a modulus of elasticity that was outside the supported range was incorrectly defined. Both issues have now been addressed.

A) 39 Thermal loads when included in a buckling analysis were not being correctly included in the geometric stiffness matrix (Kg). This affected both the basic iterative buckling and the advanced eigen buckling analysis methods.

A) 40 The intermediate section torsional moments MX were incorrectly reported if the member was subject to a concentrated moment along its length.

A) 41 The processing of temperature loading has been updated to address an issue introduced in the last release that resulted in the causing the analysis to crash or generate incorrect results.

A) 42 The Canadian steel design codes S16-09 and 14 have been updated to support designs of members that have large assigned member numbers which were causing the analysis to terminate.

A) 43 The AISC 360-16 design for serviceability has been updated to ensure that if a member is included in the design list without the DFF parameter assigned, i.e. no deflection limit, it does not cause the application to crash or display invalid ratios when A) 44 entering the Post Processing workflow. Note that the output file did report the correct results with a warning saying that the member was not checked for deflection.

A) 44 The check of a serviceability envelope in the AISC 360-16 design routine has been updated to address an error in the deflection check calculations if the number of members included in the CHECK CODE command exceeded 1000.


(B) Generic GUI Updates (17)

B) 01 The routine that is used to manage the windows has been updated to ensure that if any window is manually closed, this is recorded and relevant controls are properly managed. Previously this could result in the application crashing.

B) 02 The application has been updated to ensure that if the data is modified in the Editor and saved, any currently produced results are discarded and a new analysis is required to ensure that the input data and results are both in alignment.

B) 03 The routine that redraws the screen layout when the application is minimised and then restored has been updated to preserve the state of the windows and their arrangement.

B) 04 The GUI has been updated to manage the process of deleting releases, which have been assigned to the model, from the Specifications dialog box. If a member had one of these releases was double clicked to display the member query dialog, this would have caused the application to crash.

B) 05 The GUI has been updated to support very large node numbers using 9 byte character arrays to allow for the terminating character which would otherwise could cause a crash when being added to the model.

B) 06 The method used by the GUI to determine the next available node number has been updated to ensure that it always reports the new number. Previously this might temporarily display a deleted number, although when refreshed the GUI was displaying the correct number.

B) 07 The GUI has been updated to catch an event when attempting to close the main structure view of the model. This should not occur and would result in the application crashing when a new layout is clicked on. Now when the main window is attempted to be closed, a warning message is displayed and the window is not closed.

B) 08 The tool to check for identifying multiple structures has been converted to a modal dialog. This will now prevent the application from crashing if the dialog is open and the application is closed.

B) 09 The management of the ‘Select Group’ dialog has been updated to ensure that if it is open at the same time as the ‘Groups’ dialog in which a defined group is deleted, then the deleted group is removed from the displayed list in the Groups dialog. This will then prevent the selection of a group that has been deleted.

B) 10 The graphical feature 'Zoom Previous' which was available in STAAD.Pro V8i has been added to the View ribbon

B) 11 STAAD.Pro CE has been updated to support the ability to open the application from a command line by adding the file name (*.STD) without having to provide a full qualified path. In other words, if no path is given, the file is taken to be from the current folder.

B) 12 The search tool has been extended to support commands that are included in the Analytical Modelling>Specification>Constants, Node, Beam and Plate drop lists. Additionally Analytical Modelling>Analysis and Design>Miscellaneous Commands and Connection Design>Connection Design>Select Joints and Select Connection drop list items.

B) 13 The View>Windows ribbon has been enhanced with a Windows drop list that displays the names of all windows that are currently open, including those that may be hidden beneath one of the other windows or dialog boxes.

B) 14 The Russian wind loading module SP 20.13330.2011 has been deprecated and no longer supported. It is strongly recommended to utilise the SP 20.13330.2016 wind loading module if Russian wind loading is required.

B) 15 The routine that creates New Views has been updated to catch invalid geometry vectors when creating views from plates has been trapped to prevent it from causing the application to crash.

B) 16 The GUI routine that checks for background processes has been updated to catch an issue that could occur if the application was left open for a period of time that could result in a crash when returning to the program.

B) 17 An update in the last commercial release provided to improve the performance of the model drawing had introduced an issue which could cause the GUI to randomly crash. This part of the code has been reformatted to prevent this possible event from occurring.


(C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (9)

C) 01 The Analytical Modelling workflow has been updated to catch an issue which would occur when editing a model by selecting a group of plates properties and deleted them, then when attempting to add a new property would result in crashing the program. This issue is now captured and has been resolved.

C) 02 The handling of a delete instruction has been introduced into the Loads Values table. The intention is that the delete key should remove the selected row from the table. If the contents of a cell are selected, then there is no row selection ad this was causing the application to crash.

C) 03 The analytical workflow has been updated to ensure that if the parameter TRACK 3 is assigned to the Russian steel design SP 16.13300.2011, then this is reported as invalid as it is outside the supported range of values for this code.

C) 04 The management of deleting plate properties (thickness and material) has been slightly modified to ensure that when a property is deleted, the model view is correctly updated and subsequently adding a new property after a deletion is also better managed.

C) 05 The GUI processing of a time history definition using a spectrum has been updated to ensure that attempting to edit such a definition, does not cause the application to crash.

C) 06 The tool provided in the Utilities>Geometry Tools>Beam Tools>Duplicate Beams has been enhanced with the option to Remove All Duplicates to allow rapid editing of a model that has a large number of beams defined between the same node points.

C) 07 The new model creation routine has been updated to ensure that if the location entered includes speech marks, these are removed before processing. Previously the inclusion of speech marks in the path would cause the application to crash.

C) 08 The routine that controls the actions of the User Table Manager has been updated to catch an issue which would occur when attempting to delete a user table with sections assigned to the model resulting in the application crashing.

C) 09 The routine that is used to generate a composite deck from a selection of nodes has been updated to prevent the application from crashing if the members that are identified from the selected nodes do not have any section property assigned.


(D) Physical Modelling Workflow (14)

D) 01 The grid tool in the Physical Model workflow has been updated to ensure that when the grid is reloaded to be edited, the values are correctly converted into the current display units.

D) 02 The logic used to manage load cases created in the Physical Modeller and tied to the Analytical Model data (i.e. *.STD) has been updated to ensure that the load case numbering is retained as the same in both locations.

D) 03 The Surface spreadsheet heading 'Attribute' has been made a localisable item.

D) 04 The processing of loads that are incorrectly assigned to members of surfaces with invalid connectivity or geometry are now identified and not displayed on the model. Previously an attempt to draw the load would have resulted in a warning message being displayed 'Unable to create coordinate system'

D) 05 The application of concentrated loading on surfaces has been made easier by the addition of the option to define the location of the load with a 'Select' button in the Add Surface Concentrated Load dialog.

D) 06 The surfaces defined in the Physical Modeller now support an alignment setting which is used when interoperating with the ISM repository. Note currently this does not affect the analysis model which will still use the nodes as the centroid of the surface.

D) 07 The modelling tools Translation Repeat, Cir5cular Repeat, Mirror and Rotate have all been enhanced with an option to preview the specified generation which will display as a dotted line for verification before committing to the generation.

D) 08 Other than the Load Group, Load Case and Load Combination dialogs, all the dialogs in the Physical Modelling workflow have been updated to reload any current data to assist in editing data.

D) 09 The display of the Physical Modeller workflow has been enhanced with a display in the lower left corner of the screen of the coordinate of any point that is being snapped to.

D) 10 The Physical Model workflow has been enhanced with the addition of the option to add regions on surfaces that can be used to define local properties or loading. The surface will be meshed to the boundaries of any defined region inside the surface.

D) 11 A new object type 'Reference Line' has been added which can be used to defined non structural loading entities and will also be used to define meshing points if included on or crossing a surface.

D) 12 The ISM inteop routine in the Physical Modeller workflow has been updated to address an issue when updating a repository with hollow parametric shapes that resulted in any data following these would not be correctly updated.

D) 13 The addition of regions as surface objects now provides the facility to define patch loading on surfaces.

D) 14 The generation tools in the Physical Modeller have been extended to allow the reference points used in the creation routine to be picked directly from existing node or grid intersections similar to that provided in the equivalent tools in the Analytical workflow.


(E) Other Modelling Workflows (1)

E) 01 A limited version of the Advanced Concrete Design workflow using RCDC has been provided to engineers with only a basic STAAD.Pro license (the full version is available with a STAAD.Pro Advanced license). This provides a replacement for the limited capabilities that was previously provided as a Concrete Design Workflow using RC Designer. All new models or models with no RC Designer data will have access to this facility.


(F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (5)

F) 01 The logic used to display the plate results layout in the post processing workflow has been revised to prevent the Structure Diagrams dialog from being displayed as the application window is resized when not displayed as a full screen application.

F) 02 The torsional bending moment diagram (MX) on members subjected to concentrated moments along the length of the member in their local axes has been corrected.

F) 03 The reporting output for a Russian steel design to SP 16.13330.2011 has been updated to better capture a member which has a higher slenderness ratio than the ratio from checks from the applied forces.

F) 04 The Russian steel design to SP 16.13330.2011 has been updated to ensure that the clause reported in the post processing module is consistent with the clause producing the maximum effect reported in the output file

F) 05 The post processing module has been updated to support the cutline routine on a surface when the model is created from the physical workflow.


(G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (5)

G) 01 The Connection Design workflow has been updated to include the RAM Connection design templates to the Canadian S16-14 design code.

G) 02 The Steel AutoDrafter workflow has been enhanced to support any profile defined in a standard hot rolled steel database. Note that wide flange beams with top and/or bottom cover plates are supported, details of composite data are not. Tables currently not supported include US: Castellated, Solid Rod and Cable, and Steel Joist. US and Canadian Tube. Netherlands Plates/Strips, Solid Round and Solid Square. Additionally, note that sections from UPT tables are based on the section name as described in the help section P. Built-Up Sections in Steel AutoDrafter.

G) 03 The Advanced Concrete Design Workflow RCDC has been updated to ensure that it supports an evaluation entitlement.

G) 04 The routine that saves the connection data has been updated to prevent an issue which could occur if a model has connections assigned, then later deleted leaving a data file with no content. Attempting to access content from this file would result in the application terminating.

G) 05 The Steel AutoDrafter workflow has been extended to handle profiles defined parametrically including those with no overall dimensions such as GENERAL PRISMATIC, such that when these are encountered, they are displayed as a single line.


(H) Interoperability (1)

H) 01 The interop services for ProjectWise have been updated to v10.0.3.271.


(I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (1)

I) 01 The Chinese steel database has been rebuilt with additional data. The previous table of angle profiles incorrectly included the details of root radius as the minimum radius of gyration. This would result with incorrect slenderness design checks.


(J) OpenSTAAD (3)

J) 01 The OpenSTAAD function obj.NewSTAADFile has been updated to ensure that the value defined in the first parameter is taken as the FileName including path.

J) 02 A new OpenSTAAD function Output.GetPLateStressAtPoint has been added to obtain the value of stresses at any given location in a plate given the plate number, load case number, coordinate of the stress as a three dimensional array, the facing point as a three dimensional array and a place holder for the stresses as a 32 dimensional array. The return value is a boolean that confirms that the function was successful in obtaining the stresses.

J) 03 A new OpenSTAAD function Property.GetAlphaForSection has been added to obtain the relationship between geometric and principal axes of angle profiles. Provide the function the property reference and a variable to obtain the alpha value. Aa additional OpenSTAAD function has been added Proerty.GetCentroidLocationForSection to locate the position of the centroid of the angle from its heel. Provide the function the property number and two variables for obtaining the offset in Y and the offset in Z.


(K) Documentation and Printing (12)

K) 01 A number of AISC 360-16 verification documents have been updated to correct minor typing errors.

K) 02 Technical Reference of STAAD Commands > TR.19 User Steel Table Specification > TR.19.8 General has been updated removing the incorrect statement that if the values of AY and AZ are zero then shear deformation is ignored. The correct way to have the analysis engine ignore the shear deformation is to use the command SET SHEAR.

K) 03 Design > D.Design Codes > D8. Indian Codes > D8.E. Indian Codes - Concrete Design per IS 456 > D8.E.3 Design Parameters has been updated with the parameter METHOD to set the eccentricity as per clause 25.4

K) 04 Ribbon Control Reference > Beam Tools tab has been updated to include details of the action of the Define Section Profile icon.

K) 05 Design > D.Design Codes > D5. European Codes > D5.D. European Codes - National Annexes to Eurocode 3 [EN 1993-1-1:2005] > D5.D.12 German National Annex to EC3 > D5.D.12.1 Clause 6.1(1) – General: Partial Safety Factors for buildings has been updated correcting a typo on the gamma M1 parameter which should be 1.10

K) 06 Design > D.Design Codes > D9. Japanese Codes > D9.C. Japanese Codes - Steel Design per 2002 AIJ > D9.C.5 Member Capacities corrected typo of the parameter MBG (was written as MGB)

K) 07 Getting Started > GS. About STAAD.Pro > GS. Limits on Models extended to include the limit of physical members supported by STAAD.Pro

K) 08 Details of supported shortcut keys have been added to Getting Started > GS. Keyboard Shortcuts

K) 09 Technical Reference of STAAD Commands > TR.35Load Combination Specification has been updated to add clarity to the behaviour of the combination command options.

K) 10 The details of the AISC ASD weld design has been added in a new topic, Design > D.Design Codes > D1. American Codes > D1.B. American Codes - Steel Design per AISC 9th Edition > D1.B.1 Working Stress Design > D1.B.1.10Weld Design

K) 11 Design > D.Design Codes > D8.Indian Codes > D8.F. Indian Codes - Concrete Design per IS13920-2016 > D8.F.1 Scope has been updated to clarify that doubly reinforced T beams are not supported.

K) 12 Additional documentation has been provided to provide more guidance on the principles of using a batch steel design in Design > D. Steel Design > D.Batch Steel Design Operations > D.Steel Design Overview


(L) Licensing / Security / Installation (4)

L) 01 The installation has been updated to ensure that when it is used to update an existing STAAD.Pro CE installation, the additional MEMEBR ATTRIBUTES that were added in CE V22 Update 2 are added to a users profile INI file.

L) 02 The routine that produces a backup of the data folder "%localappdata%\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\Default" after a new update is installed, has been updated to ensure that it does capture and backup this data. Previously this was in fact creating a backup of the AppData folder rather than LocalAppData folder.

L) 03 STAAD.Pro CE both the standard and STAAD.Pro Advanced now support use with a Bentley academic license.

L) 04 The license client used by STAAD.Pro has been updated to address an issue where cancelling the initiation of the application states that this would result in an overuse actually reports an error in the license tool report.
