STAAD.Pro 2023.00.02 Revision History

Analysis/Design Engine: (30)

  • 487774 - The processing of joint loads that use a INCLINED REFJT option has been updated to address an issue in which if applied to a range of joints, then the direction of load was being resolved for the first node and the same direction used for all other nodes.
  • 487893 - The routine used by the analysis engine for determining the load applied to members subject to wind load on open structures, has been updated to better account for members that have an applied beta angle. 
  • 488137 - The analysis engine has been updated with a revised 'Note' when it is observed that self weight has been assigned and it appears that part of the model might have been missed. Previously this was reported as a 'Warning', although this is clearly an engineering judgement and the note provides information to the engineer in case this was not the intent.
  • 702960 - The processing of joint groups has been updated to prevent names of groups that include GEN being processed as a GENERATE parameter which is not relevant to a group command and thus would report as an error during an analysis.
  • 709396 - The command LOAD LIST has been updated in order to support the option ALL when used with the ENV (i.e. envelope) form of the command. Previously this would have terminated the analysis which would have reported an error.
  • 766112 - The routine used to generate the output of member section forces has been updated to clarify that there is a limitation in that the effect of temperature loads determining the section forces does not get accounted for when reporting section forces with a direct analysis.
  • 785947 - The routines provided for the Netherlands National Annex for steel design to Eurocode 3 has been updated to the NEN-EN 1993-1-1+C2+A1/NB publication.
  • 995133 - The method used in the Indian steel design module IS 800 2007 LSD and WSD routines that processes a Tee profile to be designed as either rolled or welded using the STP parameter has been updated to ensure that the section classification of the profile when considering the flange as an outstanding element. A similar modification has been made when considering the outstanding legs of double angles.  
  • 1055642 - The Steady State Analysis method has been updated to ensure that when the Frequency/Amplitude data pairs are supplied as opposed to the formula method, then they can be used with a Harmonic Ground Motion load definition.
  • 1082557 - The AISC 360-16 steel design code has been enhanced with a new parameter H36 which allows for an alternative method for checking for HSS profiles subject to combined torsion, shear, flexure and axial force, other than that published as eqn H3.6.
  • 1086305 - The main routine used during a member design has been refined to address an issue which resulted in each member being checked for co-linearity multiple times unnecessarily and thus could result in increased analysis/design time.
  • 1087227 - The SELECT OPTMIZE routine that operates with the AISC 360-16 steel design has been updated to catch a situation when the applied forces are such that a suitable profile cannot be found from the relevant table, then results from the largest profile will be reported although this will show that the profile fails. Previously this situation will have caused the analysis/design process to crash.  
  • 1091170 - The Steady State analysis routine has been updated to terminate if no amplitude definition is included in a harmonic ground motion definition.
  • 1098475 - The Steady State analysis routine has been updated to support definitions of the frequency-amplitude data sets as outlined in the help topics,  TR.37.6.6 Harmonic Ground Motion Loading and TR.37.6.7 Harmonic Force Loading such that these now support large definitions which extend over multiple lines by use of the line continuation character.
  • 1107413 - The routine used by the analysis engine to automatically switch from an in-core to an out-of-core method as identified by the SET STAR value (see TR.0 STAAD Commands and Input Instructions and TR.5 Set Command Specification) has been corrected to use the logic as stated. Previously, it was switching to out-of-core based on the limitations outlined for a 32-bit engine.
  • 1167993 - The routine used to determine the loading on frame members  resulting from a wind load has been extended to support models that have been defined with the Z axis as vertical. 
  • 1176400 - The design of single angles to the AISC 360-16 design code has been updated to improve the determination of slenderness which was being restricted to being a member of a space truss, but by including a new parameter IMM and using the E5P parameters, the appropriate determination of slenderness according to the code can be determined.
  • 1196899 - The recently added method for defining Enclosed Zone Loads has been enhanced to provide options to assign the loads resolved into the global axes.
  • 1204072 - The routine used for outputting the results from a Eurocode EN 1993-1-1 steel design for single and double angle profiles defined in a user provided table (UPT) has been updated to avoid printing the output for clause 6.2.1(7) twice. This duplication occurred as a result of checking clauses 6.2.9 and 6.2.1(7). However, it should only perform one as determined by the ELB parameter.
  • 1213593 - The method used in the Canadian steel design routines for CSA S16-19 2009, 2014 and 2019 has been updated to correct an issue for members in uni-axis bending, in which the value of Cr as defined in clause 13.8.3 could fail to correctly identify the shape of the bending curve when the end moments were zero. This could lead the program to assign an incorrect value of K for the design.
  • 1225794 - The design of wide flange profiles with cover plates has been updated in the AS 4100-1998 and NZS 3404-1997 design codes to correct an issue which calculated the reference buckling moment (Mo) using  cl (a) instead of  cl
  • 1232633 - The routine used in the Canadian steel design codes CSA S16 2009/2014 and 2016 that determines the factored moment of resistance in clause Cl 13.6.1.e.i has been updated. For singly symmetric Class 3 sections (unequal flange UPT I, T-section) and Class 1, Class 2 T-sections with tip in compression, the term Mp should be set with the value of My which was not happening.
  • 1247164 - The routine that processes the material properties in the steel design module has been updated to change a restriction that would terminate the design of a member if the value was outside what was deemed to be an expected range, e.g. less than 200 GPa. Now the design will report this with a warning, but continue with the design.
  • 1247470 - The output of a member designed with AS 4100-1998 has been updated to correct an issue in which the axial force FX was not that from the critical load case. However, note that the design itself did use the correct value. 
  • 1255098 - The output for the Canadian steel design modules CSA S16 (all versions) has been updated to better support reporting the value of Lyr.  
  • 1266088 - The processing of MEMEBR TRUSS and MEMBER OFFSET commands has been modified to correct an issue introduced in STAAD.Pro 2023 in which only the last instance of these commands was being processed. 
  • 1275311 - The routine used in the AISC 360-05 steel design code that processes the seismic provisions has been updated to address an issue which would result in the analysis crashing if there was insufficient design criteria data assigned to a member that has been set to check for seismic provisions.
  • 1277828 - A new method has been added in the steel design routine for AISC 360-16 to provide an alternative method to account for the requirements of section E5 when designing single angles in compression.
  • 1314172 - The routine used when processing a MEMBER ATTRIBUTE command has been updated to address an issue when the attribute 'BRANCH' has been assigned to a list of members using the TO keyword to form a list, e.g. "MEMBTYPE" "BRANCH" LIST 1 TO 10   and the list included additional member numbers which may or may not include the TO keyword and that list extends onto one or more lines using the line continuation character, i.e. '-'. In such cases, the program was failing to process the full command and would result in reporting an error in the output file. 

Analytical Workflow: (15)

  • 487799 - The routine used to edit wind load items that have been defined in a load case in converting them to/from a two way load to one way loading has been updated. In certain situations the block header FLOOR LOAD or ONEWAY LOAD was not correctly when the modified file was saved resulting in the file reporting an error with the floor load command when reopened or analysed.
  • 488217 - The details of the torsional modulus 'C' for the Legacy- RHS table in the Australian cold formed steel database have been updated to reflect the values as published in AS 1163-2009.
  • 488319 - The routine that is used to edit a Floor Load Definition has been updated to ensure that if a floor load definition is deleted, then any references to that floor load definition are removed from any load case that it has been included in.
  • 488458 - The routine that is used to display a vehicle from a moving load definition has been updated to account for when the directions of travel (defined by XINC/YINC/ZINC) is given a negative value. 
  • 635976 - A new tool has been added in the Design workflow that can be used to determine the effective length and factor parameters LY, LZ, KY and KZ according to AISC rules in order to assist in speeding up the production of design data.
  • 1101285 - The routine used to display Notional loads that have been defined in a file has been updated to corrected to address an issue which failed to correctly process notional loads defined in the Z axis. Note that this was only a display issue. 
  • 1105272 - The Loading>Definitions>Direct Analysis Definition dialog has been updated to address an issue which would occur in that if the dialog was open and an alternative Loading dialog was selected without closing or adding the Direct Analysis item, then part of the dialog would remain. This was purely a cosmetic issue, but has now been addressed.
  • 1204289 - The Section Properties> Values table has been updated to address an issue with regard to the values reported on wide flange profiles defined with cover plates. When such a profile was created, then the values reported were of the base wide flange section only. However, if a file is opened that includes this same definition, then the values would be of the profile including the cover plates. These are the values as used for analysis. Now the values reported in the table are reported of the full profile plus plates when the section is created as well as when it is opened from an existing file. 
  • 1216402 - The method used to display the values of Brazilian hollow pipe and tube profiles in the Section Properties>Values table and Beam Properties (aka Member Query) has been updated to use the correct indexes. Note that this was only an issue in the GUI and did not affect any analysis or design.
  • 1222322 - The wind load Generator method included in the Loading Ribbon has been extended to include the Chinese wind loading code GB5009-2012. This offers similar functionality to the method previously offered in that it creates wind definitions and load cases, but rather than adding the Shape Factor as a multiplier for the applied wind definition in the load case, separate wind definitions are created with the profiles accounting for the shape factor. Additionally the option to determine the value of the vibration factor, beta-z, has been extended to include alternative methods previously limited to only the High-tower structure method.
  • 1236680 - The routine that manages the assignment of beta angles assigned to members in the Analytical Modelling workflow has been updated to ensure hat if multiple beta angles are created and assigned to the same members, then the assignment list is maintained with the last assigned beta angle being saved on each member with the model.
  • 1252067 - The routine used in the Composite Deck layout that saves the assigned attributes of a deck has been reformatted to better account of the use of small numbers. Previously any value entered that was less that 0.0005 would be saved as zero. This would be a problem when the current length and force units were feet, meters, kNs or KIP. The revised logic will handle small values irrespective of the unit systems being used.
  • 1260099 - The Steel, Concrete and Aluminium Design dialog boxes have been updated to remove the Select Parameters option. This was provided to reduce the list of parameters that would be displayed in the Define Parameters dialog. However, in reducing the available parameters, when adding those that are retained could result in the wrong parameter actually being added.
  • 1276188 - The Steel Design assignment dialog provided in the Design layout has been updated to remove a Parameter Selection button which was provided to filter the list of available parameters in the Design Parameters dialog, but was found to cause problems in creating design commands if it was used. 
  • 1287118 - The factors provided in the Automatic Load Combination tool for the 'ASCE 7 -2016' combinations have been updated to correct the rules associated with clause 2.4.1-6 which had failed to reduce the effect of the wind load by 60% meaning it had been using factors of 0.75 rather than 0.75*0.6 = 0.45.
  • 1334276 - The routine used by the Nodes table to support pasting data has been updated to address an issue that allows data to be added to the end of the table when there are gaps in the current set of node numbers.

Documentation and Printing: (6)

  • 533682 - The new User Report Workflow has been updated to provide a picture management tool, details of a steel design checks, option to provide a contents page, extended details of seismic data and additional loading data options for snow loading, direct analysis and pushover. 
  • 1086533 - A new facility has been added to the Help backstage which provides a method to display a Quality Statement that relates to the specific version of STAAD.Pro being used.
  • 1246685 - Section D1.A.9 Seismic Provision Checking per AISC 341 has been updated to clarify how the design of members accounts for the value of Ry.
  • 1247289 - The help documentation topic TR.32.12.3 Generation of Wind Loads, has been updated with additional clarification the logic used in determining the panels subject to wind loading to provide an insight as to why certain structural arrangements might not be suitable for this operation.
  • 1265933 - The processing of the user report item Statics Check Table has been updated to remove the application of the load case filter so that now it will report the statics check for all primary load cases as was done in the previous version of the user report tool.
  • 1272600 - The routine for including the tables of Quantities by Section and Quantities by Material has been updated to ensure that the correct conversion unit is used. Previously the mass unit conversion was used instead of weight unit.

Generic GUI Updates: (14)

  • 487896 - The routine that parses the input file when it is opened has been updated to catch models which define new coordinates after a CHANGE command. This is not a supported data format and is reported as an error with the new/modified joint coordinates being ignored.
  • 1196870 - An additional tool has been added into the main application backstage for users who have a current QA&R subscription that allows for validation of the results produced on a local workstation when compared to the results of these models which have been produced by Bentley.
  • 1197380 - The new standard database schema added in STAAD.Pro 2023 has been extended to support 4 new cold formed shapes, namely, CF angles (with or without lips), CF channels (with or without lips), CF Hat and CF Zee profiles. Additionally databases from AISI (US), GB (China) and IS (India). have been added.  
  • 1204290 - The logic used to display the arrows of node loads applied as an inclined load has been updated to catch situations where the vector of the inclined load aligns with a global axis. This only affected the display of the arrows, the values would be displayed and the analysis performed as the load is defined.
  • 1210088 - The backstage link in Help section for Technical Support has been updated to provide a direct link to the Bentley Service Case system where issues can be registered directly.
  • 1238414 - The routine that manages the Dynamic Zoom, Pan, Magnifying Glass and Zoom Window functionality has been updated to ensure that when if is called from the Quick Commands menu, then the commands can operate as when called from the ribbon menu.
  • 1245243 - The routine used to display Structural Tooltips has been updated to correct the method used to display beam end releases.
  • 1252981 - The setting of scales of loading has been updated to correct an issue that was introduced in STAAD.Pro 2023 which prevented the loading diagrams to be reset in the Loading Layout. Note that the scale is automatically set when first entering the layout in order to provide some indication of loading based on the largest load of each type.
  • 1256381 - STAAD.Pro has been extended to support a specific license for accounts who subscribe to the QA&R programme.
  • 1260129 - The use of Bentley logos in STAAD.Pro has been updated to the new corporate styles.
  • 1275996 - The Display Options>Force Units>Rotation selection drop list has been updated to correct an issue which prevented units other than the 'Rad' unit to display and be selected.
  • 1286071 - The plastic modulus properties defined for the H Shape table in  the profile database China (GB 2023)  have been updated as these were referring to the elastic properties. Note that these values are not used in the analysis itself, but would be used in a Chinese steel design.
  • 1308664 - The details in Help Backstage has been updated to provide better clarity on the assistance options that are available.
  • 1315561 - A situation has been addressed which would attempt to report analysis results if the model opened the Editor from the Post Processing Workflow and made changes which invalidated the results. Whilst the data was correctly disposed of, the GUI would attempt to initiate displaying the results only to find there were none to display and report that to the user. Ow the program will automatically return to the Analytical Workflow if any changes are mode to the model in the Editor. 
  • 1334281 - The routine used to parse profile names defined in the new standard profile databases has been improved to better handle profile that have been defined with spaces in their names.

Interoperability: (5)

  • 1196892 - The iTwin Services included in the Physical Model workflow has been updated to v2.6.01.01 and iTwin Analytical Synchronizer
  • 1220006 - The method used to import an iTwin / ISM model has been updated in the Physical Model Workflow to improve the logic for accounting for imported load cases. Due to the requirement that static seismic cases must be defined in the first analysis set, this logic was being applied to other cases when being imported. This has been modified to only be applied to load cases defined as static seismic cases.
  • 1232292 - The method to create ISM files in the Analytical Workflow has been updated to better handle members defined as tapered wide flange profiles. An issue occurred if the profile was defined with the dimensions of the lower flange was zero, to indicate they are the same as the top flange. However, this was taken to be incorrectly defined during the ISM interop and the property not created. This has been addressed, however note that the ISM interop does not support tapered wide flange profiles where the flanges have different dimensions. 
  • 1246363 - The routines behind the Section Property Catalog (SPC) system used by StrucLink has been updated with the following: A crash associated with clicking the "About" button has been addressed. The handling of custom catalog path naming logic has been improved.Update from SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 to SQL Server Compact 4.Update SPC DLL to supports high entropy Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).EULA updated.Assemblies updated are now all strong-named.
  • 1259222 - The method used to push a model to an ISM repository using the iTwin Services in the Physical Model Workflow has been updated to allow models that have been defined with a modal load case as part of the design cases. Previously, this load case would have been filtered out of the ISM load cases and thus resulted in an error with a reference to a load case that did not exist in the ISM repository.

OpenSTAAD: (1)

  • 1227876 - The function RefershView() has been updated to correct an error which previously caused the function call to not operate.

Other Workflows: (9)

  • 1033424 - The Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to use the DLLs from Ram Connection v2023 (1). 
  • 1218153 - A new option has been added to the Chinese Steel Design Workflow to allow cold formed steel members to be designed to GB 50017-2002. This has been designed to work with standard cold formed profile shapes defined in the new Chinese Cold Formed database.
  • 1229070 - The output report created in the Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to ensure that the formula for the flange slenderness ratio is included. Note that this was only a reporting issue. It was considered correctly in the design.
  • 1232238 - The design routines used in the Chinese Steel Design Workflow have been updated to support the profiles defined in the new standard section profile databases.
  • 1239167 - The Optimise Design routine in the Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to address an issue introduced in the 2023 release which prevented the optimization routine to run as the result status was being reset.
  • 1271053 - The Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to better handle models which have profiles defined multiple times, but with different specifications such as angles defined as single (ST) and double (LD) profiles.
  • 1272232 - The Steel Autodrafter workflow has been updated to support the new Standard profile databases. 
  • 1272242 - The Advanced Concrete Design workflow has been updated to support models that contain members defined with the new Standard profile databases. Note that the information on such members is not imported to or used in the advanced concrete models. 
  • 1286252 - The options provided in the parameters in the Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to include an option to consider the clause C0.5 as part of the stability factors.

Physical Model Workflow: (1)

  • 1259626 - The text used in displaying a preview of a section profile in the Add Section dialog has been updated to better display values which include a decimal point.

Post Processing Workflow: (14)

  • 524656 - The method used to display the displaced position of plate objects has been updated to account for any degrees of freedom that have been released on the plate.  Note this was previously reported as a Known Issue.
  • 835233 - The range of results available for plate models has been extended to include out of plane shear forces that have been resolved into the global planes similar to that provided for global moments and global direct stress.
  • 946999 - The label used to display the reactions of nodes has been updated to ensure that where a degree of freedom has been released such as with a FIXED BUT command, then it is marked as FREE. If the value is 0, i.e. has a fixity (or sprung), but not loaded, then this is shown as a reaction of 0. Note that this issue was addressed in V22 U12, but not documented.
  • 1081725 - The displacement graphs associated with a time history analysis that have been defined with the ABS option (i.e. relative to their original position) have been corrected as previously they were always being reported as REL option, i.e relative to the position of the supports at a given time step. 
  • 1173410 - The routine used to determine the range for displaying the counter map for plates when creating a new view and only on selected objects has been updated to address an issue which could prevent the range from being recalculated with the smaller collection of plates.
  • 1206261 - The details of a design of a concrete beam to the Indian code IS456- 2000 as reported in the Beam Properties dialog (also sometimes referred to as the Member Query dialog) >Concrete Design has been updated to correct the value displayed in the elevation view of the shear reinforcement at the end of the member. This was displaying the value of the section two before the end rather than the spacing  required at the end of the member.
  • 1209837 - The routine that is provided to allows animations to be saved as AVI files has been updated to correct an issue which was saving the generated file in the .STD file location rather than the folder specified. 
  • 1210787 - The Pushover output routine that is used to determine the target displacement for a capacity curve has been updated to correctly label the Response Spectrum graph which was previously labelled as Demand Spectrum. 
  • 1218567 - The routine that is used in the Beam Properties dialog (aka Member Query) >Deflection sheet, has been updated to account for the current base unit when set to metric and reporting the displacement on a member at a distance determined by the slider. 
  • 1219459 - The routine used to initiate displaying the model in the Post Processing Workflow has been updated to better test for the available results sets which was previously resulting in the program reporting a message 'Plate Stresses Not Available', with models that have plate and/or solid objects, even though their results were available.  
  • 1222575 - The Geometric Non Linear , Node Displacement Curve has been enhanced with an option to export the data as the displacement at the end of each step from the selected node as a text file. If multiple directions have been selected, then the values in each direction are reported in each axis consecutively.
  • 1259954 - A temporary helper message box is displayed when using the mouse scroll wheel (whilst holding the control key) to adjust the scales of displayed results on the structure view.
  • 1313069 - The display of beam results in the Beam Properties dialog (aka the Member Query) has been updated to better handle load case names which exceeded 200 characters. Previously if such a load case was selected in the dialog, then this would cause the program to crash. This limitation of load case name  length has been removed. 
  • 1313547 - The display of result plots in the Beam Properties dialog (sometimes referred to as the Member Query dialog) has been updated to address an issue where the scaling of the diagrams was not getting updated and resulted in diagrams not fitting in the allocated space. 

The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules: (8)

  • 488120 - The routine used to output the values from a Section Wizard profile into a UPT file has been updated to ensure that very small values would be converted to exponential format. This issue was addressed in V22 U12, but not documented
  • 488162 - The method used in the ISM routine to update the supports in an analytical model from an ISM repository has been updated to address an issue which was not correctly referencing the ids of the new support definitions. Note that the analytical ISM interop is provided for backward compatibility, it is recommended to use the iTwin Services in the Physical Modeller for digital ISM interop.  
  • 1185783 - The export profiles to a STAAD.Pro GENERAL Section UPT routine used in the Section Wizard has been updated to ensure that the values reported all reference the principal axes rather than the geometric axes (i.e. those used to generate the section) 
  • 1206019 - One of the options provided when viewing a database table in the Section Database Manager is to export the data into various file formats. One of these formats is the Microsoft XPS format. However, this routine had an issue which failed due to not including a logo in the document which caused the application to crash. This has been corrected and now the database table can be exported in this format. Note that this issue did not affect the export of tables in other file formats.
  • 1215892 - The installer has been updated to include the latest version of STAAD Foundation Advanced which includes both V9 and the new STAAD Foundation Advanced 2023 solution for mat foundations to ACI 318
  • 1228241 - The Structure Wizard module has been updated to address an issue in the Import CAD Model>Scan DXF function which was failing to process a cancel operation and thus prevented the Structure Wizard from closing.
  • 1325121 - The Automatic Load Combination Manager tool has been updated to ensure that the GUI displays using the currently selected GUI language. Previously this was only displaying in English.
  • 1331037 - The routine used to import DXF files into the Freesketch module of Section Wizard has been updated to better prepare the memory map that is used which previously could result in the import crashing the program.