STAAD.Pro 2023 Revision History

Analysis/Design Engine: (40)

  • 488409 - The routine used in the BS5950-5 cold formed steel design has been updated to support UK cold formed channel profiles with lips.
  • 488489 - The routine that produces the details from a member design to the Australian AS4100 steel design code that is can then be used by the Beam Properties/Member Query dialog, has been updated to so that the values of Mnz displayed in the Steel Design sheet can reported when both positive or negative.
  • 579524 - The routine used for joint checks in the IS13920 design module has been updated to address an issue which prevented the checks to be performed on columns which had no column section continuing above such as at the roof level of a building. The routine will now include checks at these locations.
  • 705991 - The routine that validates the flatness of quad plates prior to building the stiffness matrix has been updated to better account for plates that have been assigned offsets which was previously erroneously reporting plates as warped, although continued to correctly solve the model.  
  • 788760 - The formatting of the output command 'STEEL TAKE OFF' has been updated to ensure that the header is correctly printed after the competed command. Previously, where the command was extended onto a second line, this would result in the header and completion of the command being printed out of sequence.
  • 933496 - The routine that manages members defined as cables during a cable analysis in models that include floor diaphragms or control/dependant nodes. The analysis will now catch any instance where a member cable has been defined as part of a floor diaphragm as a cable member only has no bending stiffness required for the diaphragm action and as such reports an error and terminates.  
  • 933497 - The routine that processes load cases that include the command MODAL CALCUATION REQUESTED has been updated in that such load cases, i.e. only intended to report the eigen results, now only report the eigen results and not other results associated with primary cases such as deflections, forces, reactions etc.
  • 937140 - The memory handling of the data used in the IS 456 concrete design routine has been updated to ensure that it is properly cleaned up. Previously, if a design to IS456 was followed by design to another code, such as checking the steelwork to IS800, then this would cause the analysis process crash. 
  • 937179 - The routine that identifies members as non-co-linear which was addressed in a previous issue, 487838, has been further updated so as to better inform only those members which fail the collinearity check rather than any within the limits of the check.
  • 939242 - The routine that manages concentrated loads that are applied at the end (rather than the start) of a member has been updated to provide a clearer advice message regarding the preferable use of JOINT LOAD instead. 
  • 963982 - The validation routines used in the steel and concrete design have been updated to report any member specified with an aluminium material as invalid and will not be designed.
  • 973697 - The design of physical members to the Australian steel design code AS4100 has been updated to address an issue in which for member segments unrestrained at one end, the Moment Modification factor (alpha-m) was incorrectly evaluated as per Eqn (a) (iii), instead of Table 5.6.2. As a result, the value of alpha-m and the moment capacity as overestimated.
  • 976119 - The IS800:2007 LSD and WSD design code routines have been updated to better handle members with slender elements such that if the flanges are not slender, but the web is, provided there is no bending, the design for the other criteria and maximum reported. If there is any bending, then a warning reported as this is not supported. 
  • 977465 - The design of web tapered members to IS800:2007 has been updated to include checks to section 12. Previously these were not included in a design for web tapered members.
  • 977643 - The design of web tapered members to the Eurocode, EN 1993-1-1 has been updated to ensure that the section properties relating to the critical section are reported. Previously, the radius of gyration was reported was that of the average over the member length.
  • 984980 - The routine that reports the results of a deflection check for the analytical members as part of the Australian steel design AS4100, has been updated to ensure that the load case reported refers to the actual load case number rather than the internal load case index.
  • 985082 - The output report for members defined as TRUSS and designed to the IS800 2007 LSD/WSD codes has been updated to ensure that the nature of the axial force reflects the sign of the FX component of the force, i.e. when the axial force at the start of the member is positive or negative when reporting the end axial force, then this is reported as a compressive force.
  • 992661 - The output report for a cold formed steel design to AISI 2016 has been slightly modified so that the if the governing utilization ratio values is so large that it fails to fit in the space provided, rather than displaying it with *****, it displays as >100. This could be the case if there is no capacity for any demand.
  • 996557 - The steel design routine used in the older Indian steel code IS800:1984 has been updated to address an issue identified in calculating section properties by failing to reset the profile CG location. 
  • 1003677 - The design of members to the New Zealand code NZS 3404-1997 has been updated to address an issue where a physical member is constructed of multiple segmental parts which are of different lengths and the bracing information is defined using the PBRACE parameter. The issue occurred in determining the forces to calculate the moment amplification factor alpha-m (eq.
  • 1005695 - Further to the issue reported in 1003677, the routine being used to determine the value of alpha-m has been updated to ensure that the values determined at the segment quarter points have been correctly determined from the analysis.
  • 1014420 - The TRACK 2 (detailed) output provided for members designed to the Eurocode EN 1993-1-1 has been updated  to remove a redundant warning relating to deflection checks if the serviceability check was not included. 
  • 1015058 - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design module has been updated to address an issue that has been identified when a member is checked to both strength and serviceability envelopes. If the governing condition (i.e. maximum utilization ratio), is from the serviceability checks, then the output in the ANL file does not include the header section, i.e. summary for the design.  For a TRACK 1 or TRACK 2, that means that only the detailed sections of the report are included. However, for a TRACK 0, then the member design is missed entirely. Additionally it was noted that for the serviceability checks, whilst the design details for the governing load case were correct, the load case reference was given as the value used internally by the program rather than that as specified in the file. Also note that the corrections to these issues have also addressed the design details provided in the Member Query dialog. 
  • 1022499 - The AS4100 steel design module has been updated to ensure that if a member fails with a slenderness check, the critical condition is reported based on the maximum ratio of the checks performed. Previously, if slenderness failed, then this would always be reported as the critical condition irrespective of the ratios from the other checks.
  • 1023065 - The method used to internally process the command line of a time history load has been updated to allow the scaling factor to be defined with a scaling factor of <-994  which previously would cause the analysis to terminate reporting an error.
  • 1032348 - The steel design routine used for double channel profiles (either back to back or front to front) in the AISC 360-16 and BS5950-1:2000 codes has been updated to address an issue which used the properties of only a single channel when determining the shear capacity in the minor axis. This resulted in under estimating the capacity and potentially conservative designs.
  • 1037816 - The steel design routine to the Canadian CSA S16 codes, 2009, 2014 and 2019 have all been updated to include the shear areas defined in UPT ISECTION and WIDE FLANGE profiles where provided instead of automatically calculating the values from the section dimensions.
  • 1049138 - The routine used to process envelopes in the design of members to the New Zealand steel code NZS 3404:1992 has been updated. If the LOAD LIST command included envelopes defined as Strength and Serviceability, then the deign would consider both sets of load cases as both Strength AND Serviceability resulting in potentially conservative designs.  Now, the program will consider only those defined in the Strength envelope for the strength checks and those defined in the Serviceability envelope for the deflection checks.
  • 1050391 - The design of steel members to the New Zealand code NZS 3404-1997 has been updated to catch situations where serviceability checks are being requested on physical members. This is currently not supported. Serviceability checks should be performed on the analytical members. A warning message is now reported if this is encountered which previously would have caused the program to terminate. 
  • 1068635 - The deign of members to the European steel design code EN 1993-1-1 has been updated to address an issue that did not account for the radius of gyration being swapped when using a model that is defined with a SET Z UP command. 
  • 1073141 - The routine the processes the value of accidental eccentricity (ECC) for the following codes has been updated,  IS1893 2002, (Part1) 2016, (Part4) 2015, IBC
  • 1076095 - The design routine for concrete members to the ACI 318-14 design code has been updated to address an issue which failed to use a default material of normal weight aggregate (i.e. LWF=0). Instead it was taking a default of LWF=1, i.e. sand light weight and thus reducing the modulus of rupture, resulting in a potentially conservative design.
  • 1077049 - The parsing of a the Eurocode EN 1993-1-1 steel design parameter NA has been updated to remove a redundant message when a member list is assigned to the command. 
  • 1088953 - The routine used to validate section profiles in the EN 1993-1-1 and IS800:1984 has been updated to ensure that profiles defined as UPT Prismatic  and Prismatic General are identified and not designed as they are outside the scope of these codes.
  • 1121536 - The Eurocode steel design to EN 1993-1-1 has been updated to address an issue when dealing with clause 6.2.5 in which it was only being triggered when there was a compressive axial force and moment about one or both axes. This limitation has been removed and the clause is now always checked. Additionally, clause 6.3.3-661 and clause 6.3.3-662 were not being checked if the axial load was less than 0.1 kN and there was moments about both axes. Again this limitation has been removed.
  • 1127889 - The shear areas Ayy and Azz used in the design were not being reported in an AISC 3601-16 design output for designs of HSS round and pipe sections.
  • 1153474 - The analysis engine has been updated to catch an unsupported situation where a primary load case is defined with both RALEIGH FREQUENCY and MODAL CALCULATION commands. Only one or other method should be used in a load case.
  • 1162473 - The design routine that reports the slenderness on members in the IS800:1984 code has been updated to address an issue when the member has both compression and tension in it. Although rare, it is possible for the appropriate slenderness not to have been reported.
  • 1166667 - The calculation to determine the response spectrum to IS1893:2016 when applied as a vertical load has been updated to ensure that if it follows a CHANGE command, it is factored with  (Vb/VB) ratio as per Cl 7.7.3b. Note the the assignment of a vertical response spectrum should not precede that of the response spectrum assigned in the lateral directions.
  • 1199138 - The routine used in the design of angle profiles used in AISC 360-16 has been updated when checking clause H-2. The equation is checked at three locations, then ends of the legs and the outside of the heel of the angle. For equal angles this should have had a zero effect when bending about the major axis, but due to the effects of rounding very small numbers, this was resulting in a value being equated which is now caught and being filtered out. 

Analytical Workflow: (27)

  • 488101 - The method used to determine the distribution of loading using the FLOOR ONEWAY definition has been updated to better handle areas which are not constant and result in the load varying. This however still has limitations and in many cases would be better served by using the new ZONE LOADING command.
  • 488325 - The details of the options for defining the Section command in the Analysis/Print Commands dialog has been updated to provide a better reflection of the options that the commands supports as defined in the Technical Reference topic, TR.41 Section Specification,
  • 507185 - A new command set has been added to define loading over an enclosed zone, similar to the FLOOR LOADING command but can include voids, ignored members and inclusive angles that would fail using the FLOOR LOAD command.  
  • 532405 - The routine that displays the section properties of wide flange user table profiles in the 'Beam Properties' (aka as the Member Query) has been updated such that profiles defined to include the properties of a concrete slab (i.e. additional composite top flange), will include the properties of this addition in the overall member profile and as is used in the analysis.
  • 562618 - The design parameter definition dialogs have been updated to ensure that if the model does not contain any design parameter information, then the dialog will be set to display the parameters of the code specified in the Configuration dialog. 
  • 985283 - The routine used when defining a One Way Floor Load assigned to a group has been updated to address a system check that would prevent the creation of the command if one or more members of the group have been assigned a steel joist property.  Although this check has been removed, it should be noted that any load that spans onto steel joist members will be converted into node loads at the ends of these members which are intended only to distribute load and have no stiffness in the analysis.
  • 993165 - The Loads and Definitions dialog that allows Time History definitions to be specified has been updated to include an option for entering the scale parameter as provided for in the command syntax.
  • 993168 - The Loads and Definitions dialog that defines the damping and arrival times to be associated with time history definitions has been updated to remove the duplicated Integration Step definition which is actually provided for in the main Time History Definition dialog.  
  • 993210 - The edit routine used with a Define Time History dialog has been updated to ensure that if the forcing function is defined with discrete points in a table, then if a group of rows are deleted in a single step, this triggers the option to save the modification.
  • 993314 - The design of circular hollow (pipe) sections to the Canadian CSA S16-09/14/19 steel design codes have been updated to address a couple of issues regarding the determinization of the values of Lv and Fcr. Lv was set to the overall length of the member rather than the distance between zero shear points. When determining the value of Fcr, as per eqn. G6-2b, instead of using a power term of 3/2 it was using 5/4 in the denominator term, of D/t. Typically these resulted in underestimating the member capacity and conservative designs.
  • 1003743 - The routine that is used to automatically scale the loads associated with the current load case when entering the Loading layout has been updated to ensure that if the current load case is a combination, then the auto scaling routine is used as with primary and reference load cases. 
  • 1016109 - The Load List sheet in the Analysis/Print Commands dialog that displays the load case and combination names to be selected for inclusion in a LOAD LIST command, has been updated with the addition of a horizontal scrollbar to account for long load case names.  
  • 1016620 - The Envelope dialog that can be used in the Load & Definitions dialog for creating envelope commands, has been updated with the addition of a horizontal scrollbar to account for long load case names.  
  • 1032361 - The plate and solid property dialog boxes (sometimes referred to as the Plate Query and Solid Query dialog boxes) have been updated in order to display the data using the format of the required data using the format defined in the Options dialog. 
  • 1037620 - The routine that allows the assignment of design parameters has been slightly updated to ensure that if the model has a current set of results, then assigning or editing any parameters is used to trigger the that the results are no longer valid.
  • 1039994 - The routine that manages the display of members in the GUI has been modified to address an issue which could occur when the view contained references to undefined members and would result in the application crashing. This situation is now caught and the program will now correctly manage this situation.
  • 1040588 - The routine used by the User Table manager to process externally defined user tables such as those created using the Section Wizard module, has been updated to better handle the units defined in the UPT file and displayed in the GUI. Note that this did not affect the way the UPT was processed by the analysis engine and thus results are unaffected.
  • 1049846 - The routine used to display values of loading that will be assigned as member loads resulting from the distribution of floor loads has been updated to address an issue where the value from applying loads from either side of an internal member would be shown twice. This was purely a display issue and did not affect the analysis.
  • 1055516 - The routine used by the Properties>Values table to display the various properties defined in the model has been updated such that the torsional values of HSST profiles are now reported as defined in the profile database rather than internally calculated from the section dimensions as was done previously. This method was also used by the Member Properties dialog (also referred to as the Member Query) and has also be changed.
  • 1056455 - The routine used to validate the collinearity of PMEMBER objects has been updated to ensure that it follows the specified tolerance that each segment should be within 5 degrees of the overall member vector. This test was added in V22 U12, although not correctly implemented and caused a number of models that would previously open without issue, report failure of this test. As a result of this issue, the decomposition of some physical members into analytical members would fail and could result in the removal of defined commands that were added in the Analytical Workflow.
  • 1056805 - The routine used to graphically assign beta angles using the method 'Use Cursor to Assign' has been updated to address an issue with the way the data was stored which resulted in the beta angle not being added to the STD file when the file was saved. This issue has been addressed and now beta angles defined in this way are saved with the model.
  • 1074617 - The User Provided Table dialog used to display a shape of type 'General' has been updated to display the generic shape rather than a RHS shape.
  • 1080102 - The Load & Definition dialog routine that has been provided to define trapezoidal loads has been updated to allow a load to be defined with a zero value of intensity as W1. Previously, if even if the value of W2 was specified as <>0.0, this would be trapped and reported as an error, such that in order to define the load a very small value would be required as W1.
  • 1088230 - The Analytical Workflow GUI has been updated to catch a situation which would occur when a reference load case is deleted, but it was still being used in a primary load case. This was causing the application to terminate. This has been addressed and now the instance of the reference case is also removed when the definition is deleted.
  • 1092878 - The GUI has been updated to address an issue which was introduced and prevented a material to be assigned graphically to solid objects.
  • 1118211 - The routine that manages the setting of factors for wind definitions to the Chinese GB5009-2012 code has been updated to account for when the UI has been set with a non English interface.
  • 1146792 - The processing of a wind load command by the GUI has been updated to ensure that if an optional LIST assignment has been used as a parameter in the command, whilst this is currently not directly editable in the Loads and Definitions dialog, this will be retained when the file is re-saved. Previously, whilst a list of members was being retained, the use of a group would not and result in the file failing to analyse when this command line was processed.

Documentation and Printing: (13)

  • 488222 - The new user report system has addressed an issue in which the details of SDS and S1 in an IBC settings were not correctly reported.
  • 692788 - The User Report capability has been rearchitected to use a new SQL based platform that allows for better customization. 
  • 989667 - The OpenSTAAD documentation has been updated to provide a complete list of country codes that can be used with the functions Property.CreateBeamPropertyFromTableEx() and Property.CreateBeamPropertyFromTable()
  • 1026089 - Additional verification samples have been added which include, verification of the floor spectrum analysis, AISC 360-16 channel, AS4100 UPT angle profiles subject to concentrated loading and AS 4100 1998 angle profiles subject to combined axial and UDL loading.
  • 1034852 - The User Report table item for printing Section Property details has been updated to ensure that if an angle has been specified as a double angle, then that is indicated in the section name.
  • 1055645 - The help topics  TR. 37.6.6 Harmonic Ground Motion Loading and TR.37.6.7. Harmonic Force Loading have been updated to clarify that if an amplification method is not defined then the defined amplitude is applied equally to all frequencies.  
  • 1080557 - Details of the computer requirements for supported operating systems has been updated.
  • 1082113 - The topic TR.19 User Steel Table Specification has been updated to clarify that the user of a hyphen character in the title or path as this would conflict with the use of the hyphen character as a line continuation character.
  • 1085357 - The help topic 'Wind Load Generation
  • 1091220 - The verification example titled 'V. Steady State Loading on a Beam', has been updated to better express the situation being validated.
  • 1100375 - The help topic in the Post Processing section, 'P. Finite Element Contour Logic' has been updated to correct the equation that defined how the application calculated the value of a contour at a node when the option 'Index based on Centre Stress' is checked.
  • 1107412 - The help documentation has been updated to clarify the use of the SET STAR option which triggers whether the analysis engine attempts to hold data in memory of use scratch files on disk, i.e. in-core or out-of-core.
  • 1238004 - The User Report Workflow has been updated to support additional license types provided by Bentley including Practitioner.

Generic GUI Updates: (28)

  • 487843 - The routine that parses the STD file has been updated to address an issue if the file only contains the text STAAD as the first command line, but no additional data. This would be flagged as an error, but then if the option to ignore the error was chosen, then program would crash. Now this is treated as any other invalid model and no attempt made to open it.
  • 487990 - The method used to pick objects in the graphical window has been revised in order to allow for more more accurate selections and reduce selection of surrounding objects.
  • 488272 - The routine that saves data files has been updated to address an issue in the logic when the configuration option 'File Format>Input Format>Single Line Format Commands>Plate' which when set would fail to include solid objects in the saved file.
  • 488534 - The routine used to manage searches in the upper right corner of the application, has been enhanced such that when a new search is initiated, a list of the recent searches performed is displayed to allow previous actions to be recalled.
  • 517795 - The reporting message associated with a licensing thresholds being exceeded has been modified so as it does not get hidden by other parts of the GUI if it has been triggered.
  • 646166 - A new system for defining standard profiles has been added that provides addition flexibility for defining new databases that do not require replacing an existing database as required with the old system. New databases can be constructed of tables of any standard shape and contain multiple tables with similar named profiles occurring in multiple tables. The legacy database system has been retained for backward compatibility.
  • 675254 - The management of the Trial license has been updated to provide a clearer indication of the license method being used. Previously, additional references to the separate Evaluation license would be displayed which is now removed.
  • 880051 - A new Export option has been added to the GUI to allow a model to be exported into the ADINA IN text format. This routine also allows for the coordinate system to be accounted for so that it can be displayed with similar verticality. That is typically STAAD models are defined with Y as vertical, but ADINA uses Z as vertical when displaying a model. Note that currently this only exports the structure geometry and properties, not loading.
  • 1016072 - The Loading ribbon dialog that displays the load case and combination names to allow the required load case to be displayed, has been updated with the addition of a horizontal scrollbar to account for long load case names.  
  • 1024833 - The steel section databases have been updated to rationalise the data reported in  a number of tables that had values calculated rather than published and had been reported with an excessively large number of decimal points. 
  • 1038104 - The method used to display a 3D profile of beams defined with prismatic tee and trapezoidal cross sections has been updated so that they do not appear as hollow sections. Note that for speed of display, this uses a simplified rendering and no account is made of the way members overlap.  
  • 1056837 - The method used to parse the input file (*.STD) has been updated to address an issue which would cause the program to terminate if it encounters an incorrectly defined wind load, that is where the command TYPE (n) (description) should be followed by the wind definition itself but instead starts a new command such as DEFINE REFERENCE LOADS. This error is now trapped and a warning reported without causing the program to crash.
  • 1061169 - The values of the elastic modulus, Wz, provided in the T Shape table of profiles in the Chinese Steel database have been slightly updated to match the values in the published document GB/T 11263-2017.
  • 1072240 - The build settings of a number of DLLs installed by STAAD.Pro have been reconfigured to comply with requirements that mitigate any potential security vulnerabilities. Note that these changes are purely precautionary, and not implemented to address any know situation.
  • 1077136 - Bentley have replaced the CONNECT Project service with ProjectWise 365. Consequently the options to assign a CONNECT Project to a STAAD model has also been removed. 
  • 1078170 - The routine used with copy/paste with plate elements that have assigned properties, has been updated to address an issue in which if this was followed by an undo operation, an invalid warning message could be displayed. This was reporting 'Validation error: Property -1 does not exist.', with options to Retry or Cancel. 
  • 1085991 - The routine that displays the profile names in the Define Colors dialog has been updated to ensure that it displays the name using the same format as used in the Section Properties dialog.
  • 1092601 - The version of Connection Client included installation, which is used as the method to allow for proper used of STAAD.Pro, has been updated to v11.00.00.50 For more details see Release Notes
  • 1092613 - The STAAD.Pro installer has been modified to provide a faster response to confirm with a visual indication that the installation has been initiated.
  • 1093785 - The routine used to determine the distribution of wind loading on closed frames has been updated to catch situations where the panel is defined by a collection of short column segments which resulted the panel area not being loaded as indicated by the distribution panel not being filled.
  • 1098143 - The QSE ASA file format is no longer supported and the import/export options have been removed.
  • 1113450 - The routine used by the Structural Tooltips to display member end releases information has been updated to address an issue which could occur with various combinations of degree of freedom releases.
  • 1113454 - The routine that manages the application desktop space when displaying the backstage has been updated to better react to the user interaction.
  • 1183937 - The link provided in the application backstage Help>Ideas, has been redirected to the landing page for the brand level portal specific to STAAD.
  • 1185015 - The Cloud Analysis backend has been restructured and updated and with the new 2023 analysis engine. This is provided along with an option to alternatively use the older V22 U12 engine.
  • 1186276 - The installation of STAAD.Pro has been updated to allow side-by-side copies to be installed for major versions.
  • 1186277 - The installation has been updated now to include both Japanese and Chinese versions of the GUI. Note that post installation, the GUI can be changed between these languages and English from the Application Configuration dialog.
  • 1241446 - A modification provided in STAAD.Pro 2023 to improve the member selection (487990)) has been rolled back as it has been found that this was adversely affecting the selection of members in a number of situations. The change will be reintroduced again in a future release once a method to address all situations can be implemented.

Interoperability: (4)

  • 1078275 - The iTwin Services module included in the Physical Model Workflow has been updated to version v2.3 and the iTwin Analytical Synchroniser updated to V2023.
  • 1133823 - The routine that processes surface objects from an ISM repository has been updated to exclude any surface that does not have a thickness defined. Also this means that a surface in the repository that is defined with a corrugated deck sometimes used to indicate a roof deck will be excluded. 
  • 1153247 - The routine used in the Physical Model Workflow to interoperate with ISM repositories using iTwin Services, has been updated with a new algorithm to define the story levels in the ISM repository by assigning biasing associated with the different types of element that have been set to a given story height in the STAAD. Slabs have the biggest then beams, columns and walls have the smallest bias. Taking all elements into account, the height that has the largest value will be assigned as the level.
  • 1183232 - The method used by the Physical Modeller to place profiles that have used 'Cross Section Position' to offset and align a beam to the end nodes has been updated to support all profiles currently supported. Previously some insertion points would reflect differently between STAAD.Pro and the ISM repository.

OpenSTAAD: (7)

  • 984913 - The function Load.CreateLoadEnvelop() has been updated to include support for the types, Strength and Serviceability. 
  • 1039491 - The function  Geometry.GetMemberReleaseSpecEx() has been updated to correctly return the data associated with partial moment release values assigned to the different local axes in the correct array as defined in the OpenSTAAD user documentation. Additionally the documentation for the function Geometry.GetMemberReleaseSpec() has been updated to clarify the return values that should be expected when using this function on a member that has partial moment releases, which this function is not intended for. In such cases the alternative function Geometry.GetMemberReleaseSpecEx() should be used.
  • 1041607 - An issue has been addressed in which if there were multiple instances of STAAD.Pro, the use of OpenSTAAD would link to the initial instance of STAAD.Pro rather than the one from which the use, such as a macro, was launched from. Note that validation that the association is with the file intended by using the function  objOpenStaad.GetSTAADFile stdFile, "TRUE"
  • 1043742 - The function Geometry.GetBeamPropertyAll() has been updated to address an issue which failed to set the properties of analytical members which have been assigned their properties as being part of a physical member.
  • 1044335 - A new function Output.GetPMemberEdForces() has been added to obtain the end forces of physical members that operates in a way comparable to that provided for getting the end forces of analytical members. 
  • 1044336 - A new OpenSTAAD function has been added Output.GetPMemberIntermediateForcesAtDistance() that can be used to obtain the values of forces on a member at a given distance from its start.
  • 1066890 - The documentation for the functions Load.GetRepeatLoadCount(), Load.GetNoLoadFactorInRepeatLoad() and Load.GetRepeatLoadByIndex() have all been updated to provide better clarity on the parameters the functions, the return values and sample code.

Other Workflows: (20)

  • 487766 - The routine used in the Advanced Slab Design workflow to create slab objects that can be used to interoperate with RAM Concept has been updated to ensure that the plates that form the floor surface part of the slab definition are all of a single thickness, or do not taper.
  • 966697 - The Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated with the option to perform designs using a Performance based design as defined in C GB50017-2017, chapter 17.
  • 981791 - The internal logic used in processing the walls supporting a slab defined in the Advanced Slab Deign Workflow has been updated to address an issue which could occur when attempting to use the routine 'Export to Ram Concept'. This would result in the application freezing and failing to generate the RAM data.
  • 1040923 - The routine used in the Section Wizard>FreeSketch module used to export a profile as a General Section has been updated. The method used to define the profile points has been updated to ensure that these are defined relative to the profile centroid rather than the position used to draw the profile.
  • 1056083 - The routine used by the Bridge Deck Workflow to handle the filename of the STD file has been updated in order that it can handle filenames that include a period '.' within the name as well as being used as part of the file extension, e.g. The inclusion of a period in the filename in this way would cause the application to crash.
  • 1059757 - The routine used to collate the profile names to be used in the Material Take Off (MTO) table has been refactored to address an issue which could occur when building the list when the number of profiles differed from the number of profiles defined resulting in the MTO table not being drawn.
  • 1061042 - The routine used to determine the major axis second moment of inertia (Iz) for profiles defined in a User Provided Table (UPT) of type WIDE FLANGE and specified with unequal flange dimensions as been revised where it provides data to the user report tool, export to QSE and external modules including, Steel Connection Design Workflow and Chinese Steel Design Workflow.  Note that this issues did not affect the analysis, although this would have affected the values reported on these sections for the profile stresses in the Beam Stress Layout for these profiles.
  • 1061839 - The format of the equation that defines alpha in the detailed report from the Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to ensure that the line that includes the actual values used in the calculation are displayed correctly. Note, issue was purely formatting and had no affect on the design itself.
  • 1061894 - The routine used to manage the definitions of envelopes and slabs in the Advanced Slab Design Workflow has been updated to allow models defined in the Physical Modeller, so that editing/deleting of envelopes is no longer prevented. 
  • 1063573 - The routine used to display steel angle profiles in the Steel AutoDrafter Workflow has been updated to better account for the alignment of the profile. Specifically ensuring that it is drawn according to the orientation of the profile's principal axes where previously this was rotated to align with the geometric axes  
  • 1087909 - The Steel Design Workflow routine used to create Beam-Girder (BG) connections has been updated to improve the logic in identifying the beams that form the girder and those that are the supported beams.
  • 1106751 - Changes in the processing of the model profile data into the Steel AutoDrafter workflow format has been updated which has addressed an issue in which some profiles were reported as being ignored as the material was not specified.
  • 1149176 - The routine used to create a User Provided Table from a Section Wizard shape definition has been updated to invert values of D, TD, B, TB, AY and AZ when the angle between geometric and principal angles (reported in Section Wizard as alpha), is between 45 and 135 degrees. 
  • 1182082 - The routine that passes the member data to the connection design routine has been updated to remove the setting of the alignment of bracing members with truss TGB connections as previously this was being set as the brace beta angle and not the relative alignment of the brace to the truss. This was preventing a number of models from being able to design valid connections, but does require the engineer to check and set the orientation as needed.
  • 1183638 - The routine that provides the details of the STAAD.Pro model to STAAD Foundation Advanced has been updated to address an issue which was indicating that a column formed from a tapered tube should be treated as a circular column rather than rectangular. 
  • 1199706 - The Building Planner workflow has been withdrawn from the application.
  • 1211541 - The routine used to design column cap plate connections has been updated to resolve an issue which resulted in the capacity being reported as 'nan' if the  loading in the connection is zero.
  • 1212159 - The Chinese Steel Design routine that processed the design parameters failed to identify the Stability Factors>Axial Compression Section Type, and would set the options to the default 'Auto' condition.
  • 1221781 - The Chinese steel design workflow has been updated such that when checking for member slenderness for truss members, when using multiple load cases, the value calculated was not being managed correctly and could result in an incorrect design ratio.
  • 1241411 - The installation has been updated to include version of the RCDC application which is used with the Advanced Concrete Workflow.

Physical Model Workflow: (3)

  • 1046394 - The routine that is called when a decision has been to break the relationship between analytical and physical models, i.e. 'Break' has been updated to improve situations which could leave incomplete commands in the analytical model file from operations undertaken in the last physical model session.
  • 1079675 - The routine that is used in pasting data into the nodes spreadsheets has been updated to address a crash which would occur if the data in the clipboard had blanks rather than zeros. This situation has been rectified such that now any blank data is treated as zero.
  • 1182025 - The routine used to display releases on the ends of members has been updated to allow the size of the icon to be modified by using a key and mouse combination of : CTRL + SHIFT + Mouse Wheel. The default size of release has also be reduced to be more practical for larger models. Note also that using the key combination of : CTRL + mouse Wheel can be used to resize text, such as Node or member numbers.

Post Processing Workflow: (10)

  • 487870 - The 'Beam Results' table displaying the values from a pushover analysis has been updated to ensure that setting the result 'MZ' option on the Structure Diagrams>Load and Results does not affect the 'Distance' values reported in the table.
  • 487875 - The Utility provided in the post processing workflow to allow animations to be saved as AVI files has been updated to better support creating displacement videos for time history load cases such that for these load cases, the animation will now cover the entire duration of the time history loading and response as per the definitions.
  • 488278 - The routine used to generate animations of mode shapes has been updated to address an issue when the routine attempted to read non existent result data which and cause the application to terminate.
  • 588963 - The routine that calculates the forces along a line cutting through surfaces has been updated to correct the values reported for the shear forces along the line, i.e. MTS-Line. Additionally the routine now handles situations where the local Z axis of plates varies along the surfaces that have been cut.
  • 978973 - The routine that displays the summary of a concrete design in the member properties dialog (sometimes referred to as the Member Query), has been updated to correctly identify members that are defined as circular when displaying the rebar layout.
  • 1003749 - The details reported in the Plate Query dialog for Principal Stresses has been updated due to a correction applied to the function that extracted the values as reported in the Plate Centre Stress Table. Also the function that reports the angle of the principal stresses relative to the local plate axis has been updated to be consistent with the values reported in the output file.
  • 1016078 - The Loads sheet in the Results Setup dialog that displays the load case and combination names to be selected for inclusion in the results tables, has been updated with the addition of a horizontal scrollbar to account for long load case names.  
  • 1040367 - The Design Results sheet of the Structure Diagrams dialog has been updated to ensure that if a 'Basic Diagram' is selected, then these settings cannot be changed. Only if the option 'Detailed Diagram' is selected, can the settings be changed.
  • 1052361 - The routine used by the Results Setup dialog to set the range of objects displayed in  the various results tables in the Post Processing Workflow has been updated to handle Groups defined in collections of type 'Geometry'.
  • 1070278 - The routine that prepares the Structure Diagrams dialog when opening a model has been updated to address an issue that was added into the program in V22 U11 in which if a model is closed and re-opened, then the dialog was failing to be reset with a default load case as displayed in the 'Loads and Results' and 'Force Limits' sheets would be unset and the Animation sheet would have no options available. Now, the first load case is selected no matter how the model is opened. Note that this issue had no effect on the results, only in the load case that is selected for display purposes.

The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules: (3)

  • 487842 - The routine that parses the output file and displays it in the Output Viewer has been refactored to optimise the code and address a number of throttle points that was causing large output files to take a significant amount of time to load.
  • 605122 - The Editor has been updated to improve the user experience, with a new default color for text by providing new color settings, "Find Text match Highlight Color" and "Find Text Scope Highlight Color". Additionally, the file type settings dialog has been improved.
  • 1238417 - The routine used in the Section Wizard application to create an RTF document, i.e. a Report of the calculated section properties (which will be opened with the application associated with *.RTF files such as MS Word) has been updated to address an issue in implementing an improved method for creating a new RTF file.