STAAD.Pro 2023.00.03 Revision History

Analysis/Design Engine: (4)

  • 1353322 - The analysis engine has been updated to better handle situations where a modal analysis has been performed with a model that results in the solver generating unreliable eigenvalues. Previously a warning was reported that the eigenvalues were not in the right order and the analysis continued. As the results are then dependent on these values being correct, the analysis now reports this as an error and will terminate. The same suggested change of increasing the mode cut if reported, although this may not solve the problem and may be down to a property of the model itself. Note that this change was introduced in V2023 update 2 but was not included in the Revision History .
  • 1353310 - The analysis of models that include both finite element plates and a response spectrum loading to IS 1893 has been updated to account for a change that took place in STAAD.Pro 2023.00.02 in which plates which had lateral releases (rather than rotational releases) assigned onto plates. This change resulted in a modification in the way displacements were stored and thus would result in the application crashing. This issue has now been addressed. 
  • 1352814 - The routine that calculates the values of plate stress from a dynamic analysis has been updated to ensure that if the loading has been set to include missing mass, then the effect of missing mass is included in the plate stress calculations.
  • 1350894 - The calculation of slenderness for single angle profiles designed using the AISC 360 codes has been updated. In the AISC 360-16 design, profiles defined using the ST parameter would use KY and LY along with the radius of gyration rz, when determining the slenderness for the Z axis and conversely use KZ and LZ with ry when determining the slenderness in the Y axis. A similar issue has been resolved with the AISC 360-05 and 10 codes where the buckling lengths LY and LZ were used with the incorrect axes when determining the slenderness. This applied to members using either the ST or RA parameter with the profile definition.

Analytical Workflow: (2)

  • 1352925 - The method used in the Effective Length Calculation tool provided in the steel design dialog for the analytical method, was not correctly calculating the factors when the selected members are specified as braced.
  • 1352267 - The introduction of the new Effective Length Calculation Tool introduced in STAAD.Pro 2023 minor 2 also introduced a side effect that the dialog displayed in the 'Add...' button is clicked in the Load & Definition dialog. This dialog was failing to display the last two options of 'Define Combinations' and 'Auto Load Combination'. This side effect has been trapped and all 4 options are now available.

Physical Model Workflow: (1)

  • 1351047 - The method used to generate the analytical STD file has been updated to catch a situation where a region has been defined on a surface, a load specified, but with zero magnitude. This action would cause the application to crash.

Post Processing Workflow: (1)

  • 1349022 - A defect was introduced in the displacement diagrams routine of the 2023 minor 2 release that did not initialise a required setting if the model did not contain any beam elements. This means that whilst all the result values were reported, the displacement diagram would not display.

The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules: (1)

  • 1350534 - The backstage section provided for QA&R users to validate their installation against the separately supplied verification datasets has been updated to better reflect the behaviour provided by the tool and address an issue that would occur if the tool was operated before selecting a valid reference folder that would cause the application to terminate.