STAAD.Pro 2024.00.00 Revision History

Analysis/Design Engine: (34)

  • 1050443 - The design of concrete beams to the IS 13920-2016 deign code has been updated to correct an issue in determining the value of the equivalent UDL if the value of the parameter EUDL, is not provided. This was not correctly accounting for self weight if defined with a member list or group specification. 
  • 1271381 - The routine used in the Australian physical member steel design AS4100-1998 that determines the value of alpha-m based on the moment profile, has been updated to correct an error if a value of PBRACE was not applied. This was previously reported as a known issue.
  • 1335471 - The calculations for determining the elastic critical moment Mcr in the Eurocode steel design to EN 1993-1-1 have been found to incorrectly implemented due to an error in the determination of the warping constant.
  • 1335602 - The design of User defined pipe/CHS profiles has been updated in the Eurocode EN1993-1-1 checks. Previously UPT pipe profiles were including torsional and flexural buckling checks which do not apply to CHS profiles. Note that this would not impact the design as CHS profiles do not fail in these modes. The output would include indication of the checks but with values of ****.
  • 1341242 - The IS800-2007 design code has been updated to correct an issue when processing double profile sections which have been assigned a spacing. This was internally using the distance as inches, although defined as mms. 
  • 1347586 - The Australian steel design code AS1400-1998 has been updated to address an issue in determining the value of the section slenderness, lambda-e. This was being treated as an integer rather than double precision float resulting in loss of precision and possible over estimation of the section modulus.
  • 1348456 - A new version of the US hot rolled steel design code AISC 360 has been added. This is an implementation of the 2022 publication that compliments the previous 2016, 2010 and 2005 versions previously included and has been retained as an option for legacy models. 
  • 1360103 - The design of members using the 2016 Netherlands NA to ENA 1993-1-1, has been updated to correct an issue with the calculation of Mcr in NB.NB.6. The value of kred taken as 1 if the parameter SBLT was set to 1, i.e. a built up profile instead of calculating a value for alpha from eqn NB.NB.9 and determining the value of kred from eqns NB.NB.7 or NB.NB.8 as appropriate. 
  • 1370295 - The method used to parse each command line in the input file has been updated to handle a hyphen character that is included inside single quote marks, e.g. as part of a profile definition or table name as used in the new standard databases. Previously the inclusion of a hyphen anywhere in the line would be taken to be a line continuation character.
  • 1373774 - The steel design module NZS3404-1997 has been updated to correct the of yield slenderness limits which in some cases were being taken from table 5.2 instead of table 6.5.4. 
  • 1383500 - The management of models with multiple load cases has been updated to better handle situations where the allocation of memory for the number of load cases and combinations given by the SET NL command is less than the number of load cases and combinations actually defined in the model.  If the model included plates and encountered this condition, the program would crash. Now it terminates with the error message that the value in SET NL is insufficient and should be increased.
  • 1386962 - The routine that calculates the peak stresses in solid entities in a time history analysis has been updated to include the missing mass if specified as part of the definition. Note that there was a similar issue identified in plates addressed in the previous release.
  • 1391763 - The steel design routine for AS 4100 has been updated to address an issue when handling the shear and bending iteration method as defined in clause 5.12.3. This only defines for the condition of when M*<Ñ„Ms  When M*>Ñ„Ms  the program will now report a warning that the published limit has been exceeded, but will continue taking Vvm as 0.6Vv  (i.e. solving the second equation with M*=Ñ„Ms )
  • 1391777 - An issue has been trapped when performing checks to the Eurocode, EN1993-1-1  after specifying the LAOD LIST using an ENVELOPE of type STRENGTH. A problem would arise on the second instance of a CODE CHECK command causing the design to crash the engine and thus preventing the generation of a report. This issue has been addressed allowing the use of strength envelopes with multiple code checks.
  • 1391778 - A modification has been made in the determination of the effective section properties when designing wide flange profiles that have been identified as having a class 3 web with flanges as class 1 or 2. The issue was that when designing the member with multiple load cases, the section properties would be repeatedly reduced leading to an underestimation of its actual capacity.
  • 1392128 - The design parameter FAB used with the Eurocode design EN 1993-1-1 and the parameter KT used with the AISI, ASCE, CSA S16 codes, was using the same internal memory location as the parameter KX used in AISC design codes. This means that if the above codes were used consecutively in the same model run, then setting the parameter for one parameter code block, would be set for the other next design code. As setting multiple design codes in the same model is uncommon, the occurrence of this issue coming into effect is very rare. 
  • 1405408 - The routine that determines reinforcement for columns when designed to IS456:2000 has been updated to ensure that if any load case that is included in the deign that does not induce any axial or bending load in the member does not result in providing any more than the minimum reinforcement required as per the code.
  • 1419270 - The seismic design to AISC 341-16 has been updated to address an issue with the use of the parameters STFB and STFT which set the width and thickness of web stiffeners. These were not being processed correctly and have been replaced by two new equivalent parameters STB and STT. Note that if a model includes the older parameters, a warning is reported when the file is opened indicating that it should be replaced.
  • 1423362 - A problem was introduced in STAAD.Pro 2023 that would cause models the attempted to change the section property of members after an analysis using the CHANGE command. This would cause the analysis to crash, has been corrected. 
  • 1427565 - The routine that distributes self weight loading on plate constant thickness elements has been updated to correct the basis of distribution which was previously using the plate origin (i.e. average location of the plate nodes) rather than using the plate centre of gravity.
  • 1428684 - A new method has been added to IS800-2007 LSD design code routine that allows for an alternative allowance for accounting for wide flange sections with slender webs. A new parameter MTH is used to identify whether such sections which are subject to high shear forces should be subject to checks according to clause as this is not explicitly defined in the IS800-2007 code.
  • 1429080 - The TRACK 2 output from a design to AISC 360-16 has been updated to include details of the critical buckling stress check about the local major axis which was included in versions prior to STAAD.Pro 2023, Note that this is only a printing issue and does not affect the design results.
  • 1431399 - The column design routines used in the IS456:2000 and IS13920:1993 and 2016 codes have been updated to catch a situation where members connected to the columns have been defined as inactive which previously caused the analysis to crash.

Analytical Workflow: (16)

  • 487683 - The output for a non-linear analysis has been updated to include an additional warning if during the analysis the displacements from three successive iterations are increasing, as it is suggesting that the solution is diverging. Note that the solution will then attempt to address the issue by pivoting. However, if this has been triggered, then the following should also be observed Run an Eigenvalue analysis to identify if there are any negative eigenvalue (which indicate we have a rigid body mode in the system). Check that mode shapes seem ok and check if any Eigenvalues are very close to zero or not. If pivoting has been applied and solution is successfully completed, review the resulting displacements for any excessively large displacements, or rotations that could indicate an underlying issue.  Review the stresses reported in shell elements that were reported as warped either at the start or during the analysis. Ideally eliminate any warped shells by increasing mesh density. 
  • 487957 - An issue in the handling of plate elements associated with parametric models which would cause elements not associated with the parametric model to be deleted along with those that were, has been corrected.
  • 487783 - The limitation of a geometric non linear analysis that it currently does not support models with solid elements was not being trapped and would cause the aplication to crash. This situation is now caught and an error message confirming the case reported. The analysis is now terminated gracefully. 
  • 487970 - The routine that manages the data associated with intermediate results for members in models that have been defined to have combination load cases has been updated to address an issue which would arise if there were a number of load combinations that were defined as either ABS or SRSS and additionally some of them were defined to also include the GENERATE option. Those cases without the GENERATE option would not report any  intermediate member values.
  • 488019 - The steel design routine for BS5950-1 has been updated to address an issue which was causing the design routine to generate additional sets of results which meant that the intermediate section results were not being stored correctly. End results were correctly stored.
  • 550148 - A new Australian/New Zealand cold formed steel design code has been added. The 2018 version of the  AS/NZS 4600 can be used to check members defined with profiles defined in a new standard Australian cold formed steel database.
  • 630598 - The control for setting the P-Delta iterations in the dialog for Direct Analysis has been updated to ensure that it operates in the range supported by the program, i.e. from 5 to 25 steps.
  • 675432 - The analysis of models defined with members that have been specified with a curve along its length has been updated to ensure that assigned member end releases are correctly accounted for.
  • 705044 - An addition test/warning message has been added when processing plates that have offsets defined. Offsets assigned to any given plate should be defined using only one method, i.e. Local/ global or ZOFF and not mixed.
  • 714510 - A new version of the Australian hot rolled steel design code AS 4100 has been added. This is an implementation of the 2020 publication that compliments the previous 1998 version previously included and has been retained as an option for legacy models. 
  • 807595 - The routine that processes the command line for a Canadian seismic code NRC 2005 or NRC 2010 has been updated to correct a routine which failed to process the parameter FV, long-period site coefficient, if it was included in the command. Note that this was previously reported as a known issue.
  • 893702 - The routine that determines column rebar to IS 456-2000 has been updated to correct an issue in which variables used in the calculation were not being initialised and thus could lead to incorrect determination of the column capacity when checking against multiple load cases and combinations.
  • 979053 - The routine that processes the output for curved members has been updated to address an issue that would generate incorrect values for intermediate section forces (as these are not currently supported) but were also being reported as 'unavailable for curved members'. The correction now ensures that no output is generated. 
  • 1085552 - A new warning message with an option to cancel has been added when using the wind load generator tool to the IS 8175 code. If a set of wind loads have previously been defined, then re-running the tool will result in the existing set of load cases being replaced, thus the warning prevents the existing load cases being replaced without notification..
  • 1037578 - The Technical Preview option for performing an analysis using a cloud based service has been updated to use a new service and a method for creating multiple sub-models to solve a large model by running in parallel has been added. To access this additional option requires unlocking. Contact Bentley support for more details. 
  • 1334325 - The method used in the routine to infill loops of beams with plates has been updated to address an issue that would prevent valid loops from being infilled. This was previously published as a known issue.
  • 1335651 - The method used in the routine to define a composite deck area has been updated to address an issue that would prevent valid areas from being set. This was previously published as a known issue.
  • 1336547 - The routine used in updating a composite deck definition has been updated to address an issue which failed to correctly format the data resulting in an obscure message box being displayed saying 'Corner No.' and not  updating the definition.
  • 1349134 -  The parameter FLX has been added into the list of parameters for the AISC 360-05 design code in the Steel Design dialog. Note that this omission did not affect any design if the parameter was entered using the Editor, the value was used in the design.
  • 1403048 - The routine that verifies that a Load Generation instruction can be added in the Load & Definition dialog > Add New Load, has been updated to ensure that the specified number of load cases being requested does not overlap any load case/combination numbers.
  • 1405419 - The method used to parse the parameter TND used in AISC 360-16 has been updated to better handle the range of supported options. Any value greater than 4 was being offset from the value entered. Note that STAAD supports 9 of the 11 methods defined in Table in Appendix C.4 of AISC Design Guide 9, although not methods 5, 8 or 11.
  • 1405546 - Parametric models create meshed of plates can include openings and regions. However, the method used to define an opening or region was failing to process shapes that included internal angles from the first three points such as when defining a cross or star shaped opening. This condition is now being handled.
  • 1416449 - A small modification has been made to the method used to update the Materials table to ensure that if the display units of any column heading is modified, then the table headings are refreshed along with the content that was being converted to the specified units.
  • 1422306 - The geometry tool 'Merge Selected Beams' has been updated to catch a situation in which if members had releasees assigned could result in the program crashing. This issue would occur if the beams had releases and the beams did not have a consistent beam direction. This issue is now captured and handled by the program.
  • 1427183 - A method used to update member properties with a material has been updated to address an issue which was resetting the specification on members that were assigned as Ts cut from a wide flange such that they returned to their initial wide flange status.
  • 1429382 - The routine that manages the collection of load cases included in a LOAD ENVELOPE definition has been updated to ensure that if a load case is deleted from the model, then this load case is also removed from any LOAD ENVELOPE definitions that it has been included in.
  • 1422777 - The management of dialogs used by the Load and Definition dialog has been updated to address an issue which would occur after adding a new load case and then clicking on a load item or load case without first closing the first dialog. This sequence of events would result in the application crashing. Now, this sequence of events is properly managed meaning that the load case creation dialog does not have to be closed first. 

Documentation and Printing: (14)

  • 488517 - The User Report currently does now includes the following data Definitions (Load Generators) 1) Snow Load 2) Seismic - Floor weights, reference loads, element weights 3) Pushover definitions 4) Direct Analysis definitions 5) Time History Definition Spectrum, missing mass, cdamp/mdamp option? B - Loading data 1) Seismic load 2) Floor Load 3) Snow Load assignment 4) Response Spectra Assignment for code based methods 5) Temperature load - lateral 6) Time History assignment factor and rel/abs

    Note that this was previously reported as a known issue.

  • 525134 - The help topic  D12.B.6 Tubular Joint Checking for the NORSOK N-004 design code, has been updated to clarify the correct method for performing a joint check with this code.
  • 687060 - The OpenSTAAD documentation has been extended to include details for 34 material and property functions that were available but previously were undocumented .
  • 1195554 - The details provided in the OpenSTAAD documentation for the function Output.GetPlateStressAtPoint() has been updated to correct a few typos.
  • 1215482 - The OpenSTAAD documentation for the functions Design.CreateDesignBriefCode() and Design.AssignDesignParameter() has been updated to correct a few identified typos.
  • 1238728 - The details of the parameters associated with the various functions for Tables have been updated in the OpenSTAAD Documentation to provide clearer guidance on their use. 
  • 1282860 - The printing routing used in the Output Viewer that processed the header and footer has been updated to correct an issue which would fail to print the page footer (if set), if the margins for the page were set to 0.0 (in).
  • 1370915 - The routine that manages the User Reports has been updated to handle models that are hosted on network drives. Previously when attempting to access the User Report with models hosted on a network drive would cause the program to crash. 
  • 1371366 - The User Report has been updated to handle load combinations that have been defined with a primary load case referenced multiple times. Note that whilst the engine will correctly account for this situation, the GUI will report this as an error and if saved, only the last reference will be saved. It is highly recommended to only use a single reference of a primary load case with the factor as the sum of all the separate factors of that load case required in the combination.
  • 1420742 - A process that managed filtering of user reports has been updated to catch an issue that would cause the application to crash when attempting to process a range filter. 
  • 1438535 - The User Report workflow has been updated to improve the performance of creating reports with very large data sets and a new method implemented for defining and previewing customisations of tables.
  • 1446058 - The routine that captures pictures to include in a User Report has been updated to address an issue which would result in a picture of a view that had been zoomed, would display as the full extent of the view, but with the zoomed part as a rectangle in the picture. Now the picture is that defined by the rectangle.
  • 1451618 - Section D4.E.5. that details section classification for designs to the Canadian steel design codes CSA S16-09/14/19 has been updated to clarify how channel profiles are classified.
  • 1458680 - The Quality Statement that is included with the installation has been updated to remove a redundant date at the base of the document.

Generic GUI Updates: (18)

  • 937185 - The routine that processes a model when it is opened in the GUI has been updated to handle the plate load command,  ELEMENT LOAD JOINT, created using the Nodal Load>Region Node Load' in the Load Items dialog, when defined in a reference load case. Previously encountered would cause the program to go into an infinite loop or crash.
  • 1313520 - A number of minor corrections have been implemented in the controls used for setting the scales of Structure Diagrams. These include instances when a second unt label would be displayed, the tab order that is followed when using the keyboard to step between values and the conversion unit used for distributed moments has been increased in precision when displaying values in metric units. 
  • 1332686 - The message displayed when attempting to open a STAAD.Pro model that is already open (and thus locked) by a separate instance, has been revised to clarify the reason why the file cannot be opened.
  • 1338580 - The list of entities reported in the Color Manager dialog has been updated to remove reference to the surface objects that were removed from STAAD.Pro in the CONNECT Edition and thus no longer relevant.
  • 1343890 - The rendering of curved members has been improved to better handle unit conversions which had caused some curved members not to display in the rendered 3D view when the curve aligned in certain global planes. 
  • 1345494 - The routine that is used to set the display options for plates and solid labels has been updated to ensure they use the options as specified in the Options dialog 
  • 1345529 - The routine that is used to set the display options for Dimension labels has been updated to ensure they use the options as specified in the Options dialog 
  • 1345749 - The routine that is used to set the display options for annotation labels has been updated to ensure they use the options as specified in the Options dialog 
  • 1360095 - The details of the configuration options for localised versions of STAAD.Pro has been updated to confirm the option that relate to a standard STAAD.Pro theme.
  • 1378884 - The routine that parses a file when opening has been updated to report a warning if a combination load case is defined with multiple instances of a given load case. This is a command that is at risk of being modified to only include a single instance of that referenced load case. The reason is that although the engine will process the command, if it is edited in the GUI, the dialog does not support multiple instances and only the last instance will be used.
  • 1378946 - The routine used to display wide flange profiles as a section outline has been updated to better account for displaying their positions when the member also includes end offsets.
  • 1415484 - The User Tools drop list displayed in the Utilities Ribbon has been updated to ensure that the displayed list is refreshed with content when modified by the associated Configure tool that provides for adding/editing/deleting menu items for the User Tools drop list.
  • 1418338 - The European standard database tables for hollow profiles have been updated to replace the list provided which were produced as cold formed sections and will be provided in a separate European cold formed database. The profiles included in the UK standard database have been revised in order to ensure that those included are defined in the standard publications.
  • 1435591 - STAAD.Pro 2024 has been updated to support ProjectWise 2023
  • 1442840 - A rare situation has been trapped in handling a button response in the Load Assignment dialog in which attempting to access an un initiated variable would cause the application to crash.
  • 1444620 - A method used to process lists of data has been updated to catch a condition if called without data which would cause the application to crash.
  • 1447071 - The routine that displays the load arrows for joint (node) loads that have been specified with the inclined option, has been updated to correct the directions of the resolved Y and Z axes.
  • 1452378 - The plastic properties (Zy and Zz) of the H-Shape profiles defined in the standard Chinese steel database table have been updated to include the rolling radius. This does not impact the analysis results, but can be used in steel design routines.

Interoperability: (7)

  • 488480 - The interop of models using iTwin Services now includes the details of the coefficient of thermal expansion as part of the material definition. Note that the unit is defined using the current Base Unit. / degree fahrenheit used when set as English and / degree centigrade when set the Metric.  Note that this was previously reported as a known issue.
  • 880055 - The Export option provided to create ADINA models for complex methods of analysis that are currently not available with STAAD.Pro, has been enhanced and extended. It has been enhanced by mapping STAAD.Pro shapes to ADINA shapes (where mapping is practical). It has been extended to now include loading definitions which can be mapped to ADINA load cases or time functions to suit the method of analysis that will be expected in ADINA.
  • 1268906 - The backstage has been enhanced with a new menu 'Tools' which includes a file converter that can create STAAD.Pro (*.STD) files from a Microstran that has been saved in the (*.ARC) format.
  • 1268909 - The backstage has been enhanced with a new menu 'Tools' which includes a file converter that can create STAAD.Pro (*.STD) files from a Multiframe that has been saved in the (*.MFD) format.
  • 1288000 - The iTwin Services interop solution provided in the Physical Modeller has been updated to utilise the latest version of the iTwin components that can provide a significant performance boost. This version also now includes support for load combination definitions, tapered curve beams and tapered surface definitions.
  • 1392667 - The module used by the iTwin Service and ISM interop for section properties called SPC has been updated to v 10.0.04 which has removed a dependency on Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 and has been replaced by SQLite as SAL Server 4.0 is no longer supported by Microsoft.
  • 1416409 - The routine that is used to create DXF files from the Export backstage has been updated to first precheck that the DXF file is not locked such as being currently open in another application. Previously, without this change, the export would attempt to modify the locked file and result in STAAD.Pro crashing.

OpenSTAAD: (13)

  • 488436 - The OpenSTAAD function Load:AddSelfWeightInXYZ() has been updated to include the fact that this is applied to all objects. Note that there is a separate function Load:AddSelfWeightInXYZToGeometry() that can be used when the requirement is to assign self weight to a range of geometry objects.
  • 687064 - The user documentation for OpenSTAAD has been updated to include details of six functions relating to the Load section that were previously included, but did not have documentation. These are:- GetBeamCountAtFloor(),  GetInfluenceArea(),  AddRSLoad(),  GetReferenceLoadType(),  GetReferenceLoadCaseTitle(),  SplitLoadsOnBeam()
  • 709414 - New functions have been added to allow control of the view and pictures including creating files and copying to the clipboard so that they can be used in applications such as MS Word or Excel. Refer to the OpenSTAAD help documentation for full details of all available functions.
  • 989405 - The routine Design.CreateDesignBrief() has been updated to ensure that it only creates parameter sets for codes that STAAD currently supports.
  • 1270798 - A new function has been added to replicate the method provided in the GUI to create variable pressure loads Loads.AddElementHydrostaticPressure() to replicate the GUI tool that creates trapezoidal plate loads using an interpolation of minimum and maximum values, interoplation direction and load direction . Additionally, note that the function Loads.AddElementTrapPressure() has been deprecated. This function was replaced by Loads.AddElementTrapPressureEx() as the former function was incomplete and did not operate correctly. 
  • 1271920 - The OpenSTAAD function Load.AddElementTrapPressureEx() has been updated to correct an issue which would fail to add the load correctly if any of the parameters was set to zero.
  • 1283780 - The method used to add the OpenSTAAD function GetMemberSteelDesignResults() by using the reference tool has been updated to correct an issue which resulted in only 10 of the 11 required parameters being inserted into the macro. The 10th parameter which represented the array of design forces was not included. This issue has been addressed and using the tool now adds all 11 parameters.

    Note that this method can only be used if STAAD.Pro V8i is NOT installed as this overrides the inclusion of later versions of STAAD.Pro referencing. This is a currently known limitation.

  • 1359675 - The function Output:GetStaticCheckResult() has been corrected to ensure that the arrays of applied forces and reactions are correctly populated with the appropriate values. Previously, these were returned from the function with zeros for items. 
  • 1368084 - The function GetMemberDesignParameters() has been updated to ensure that the return value of -1 is set if the function is called using an invalid member number.
  • 1369003 - The function AssignDesignParameter() has been updated to address an issue when assigning the parameter BRC to an AISC 360-05 or AISC 360-10 design parameter set. The function was previously adding 1 to the specified value that would be inserted into the STAAD file.
  • 1388049 - The function Table.CreateReport() has been updated to correct an issue in which the return value was not correctly being reset and if used on multiple models in  a single session, could return an arrogated number rather than the number of the current model.
  • 1392411 - The function Load.AddSeismicDefMemberWeight() has been updated to allow it to support definitions in which either the start and/or end distances are zero. Note setting start and end lengths to zero is used to indicate that the member weight applies to the full length.
  • 1392925 - The function Load.AddSeismicDefSelfWeight() has been updated to ensure that it operates with any seismic code. Previously this would fail when used with a number of codes.  

Other Workflows: (12)

  • 1199774 - The routines used to draw and create DXF files from the Steel AutoDrafter workflow have been updated to EyeShot 2022.3.544-0, (by DevDept)  and CadLib  4.0.2023-42401(by Woutware).
  • 1328718 - The routine used to draw the cross section of purlins in the Steel AutoDrafter workflow has been updated to correct the orientation of channels and angle profiles to better align with the rafters on which they are supported.  
  • 1345163 - The Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated to correct an issue which was introduced with the GB50018 cold formed steel design routine that prevented hollow and angle profiles from being designed to GB50017.
  • 1346351 - The Chinese steel design workflow routine that allows the design parameters for a member to be modified from within a report has been updated. Previously, the parameter set that was displayed was based on the design code defined in the ribbon bar rather than the design code of the member in the report. This issue has been corrected.
  • 1346352 - The Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated to correct an issue that would cause the design to crash if attempting to run an optimisation on a member defined from the new standard databases.
  • 1351550 - The introduction of the Table of Contents for User Reports has been slightly modified such that the option to include it has been changed from being part of the Report Setup, to now being an option that can be toggled in the Reports ribbon.
  • 1352795 - The routine used in the Chinese Steel Design to read the design parameters from the *.GSP file has been updated to ensure that the assigned 'Axial Compression Section Type' defined in the Stability Factors section correctly sets the properties for the options Class B and Class C. 
  • 1394221 - The Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to correct an issue in which after checking the details of a member design by double clicking in it, then closing the details would cause the application to crash.
  • 1395555 - The method used in the Chinese Steel Design workflow that validates a member for design to the cold rolled design code, GB50017, has been updated to better report error messages when attempting to design members with invalid properties.
  • 1420632 - The routine used to create reports in the Steel Connection Design and Chinese Steel Design workflows has been updated to better handle the generation of reports that contain a large number of connections or members. Due to the method previously implemented, this could result in the report generation causing the application to crash.
  • 1429974 - The Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated to ensure that if the option 'Section Query' is clicked to display the data on a selected member, then if there is more data to display than fits in the dialog, then a vertical scroll bar is added. Additionally, a new verification has been added when performing a design to confirm that the assigned parameter set includes at least one load case, otherwise a warning message is displayed. 
  • 1433949 - The Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated to better handle models which include profiles defined in different databases. The management process has been updated to prevent an issue which could result in the application crashing.

Physical Model Workflow: (2)

  • 1313301 - The Structure Wizard schema has been extended to support the definition of openings, polygonal and circular.
  • 1343605 - The routine used to 'drop' a physical model so that it breaks the connection to the analytical model has been updated to ensure that the details of the meshing options are included to retain the rules for creating a mesh on the parametric models created for each surface.

Post Processing Workflow: (3)

  • 488399 - The method used to display the bending moments, shear forces and deflections in the Member Properties dialog (also known as the Member Query), for non linear analysis methods including Direct Analysis, P-Delta and GNL where secondary effects need to be considered in establishing the changes of force along the member length, has been updated to now correctly account for these secondary effects. Note that this condition was previously reported as a known issue.
  • 1242063 - The scope of diagrams that are available to be displayed on members has been increased as it is now possible to display the axial (FX) loading for ENVELOPES.  
  • 1385151 - A correction applied in the last release that modified the displacement diagrams for plates to account for lateral releases on nodes, introduced a side effect that meant that models of plate only models wouldn't display the displacement diagrams. This side effect has been addressed.  

The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules: (8)

  • 716967 - The detailed output of a steel connection design reported in the Steel Connection Design workflow, for double angle BG connections designed to the Chinese GB500-17-2003 has been updated to correct the details of the Vertical Edge Distance which was previously output with the wrong format.
  • 1058380 - The Steel Connection Design routine that processes the Truss-Gusset-Branches (TGB) connections has been updated to include any beta angle assigned to the chord member of the connection.
  • 1111792 - A new, improved method for determining the properties of cross sections has been introduced as a replacement for the Section Wizard module which has been deprecated. Shape Editor provides the equivalent functionality provided by Section Wizard, but adds additional capabilities for determining the properties of thin wall profiles and also utilizes the same standard databases as used in the main STAAD.Pro application. This means that any additional databases or tables that you add for STAAD.Pro will be available to both the main application as well as Shape Editor. Note that Section Wizard *.CON or *,SEC files can be imported into Shape Editor.
  • 1283853 - The IntelliSense used in the Editor has been updated to support the new Standard database profiles.
  • 1349083 - The value of IZ for the Indian profile WPB360x370x150.87 has been corrected.
  • 1389809 - The Section Database Manager has been updated to support viewing the details of the legacy Steel Joist databases which are defined without profiles being defined a 'STAADName' attribute and thus would not be handled by the module and cause it to crash.  
  • 1405210 - The Macro Editor has been updated to ensure that the list of recently viewed files is updated when the Editor is closed.
  • 1425375 - The routine that parses the ANL file to display the label contents panel has been updated to better handle very large output files which could end up failing to complete parsing the file and displaying details in a contents panel.