M. To manually define and assign hinges

Use the following optional procedure to define parameters and assign hinges manually.

  1. On the  Loading ribbon tab, select the  Pushover tool in the Define Loading Systems group.
    The Create New Definitions / Load Cases / Load Items dialog opens with only the Pushover tab displayed.
  2. Select the Define Hinge Property tab.
  3. Select the Hinge Type.
    Types FEMA or Ignore do not require any additional parameters.
  4. Optional: For user-defined hinge types only:
    1. Select an existing Type ID or select New Type to define a new hinge type.
    2. Specify a unique integer for the Type Identifier.
    3. Specify coordinate values for points C, D, and E in the Load Deformation Curve Points and IO, LS, and CP values in the Acceptance Criteria.
      These values can be determined using Tables 5-6 and 5-7 in FEMA 356.
    4. Specify values for Yield Moment (YR) and Yield Rotation (YR).
      These values are calculated per Section of FEMA 365 (Refer to G. Frame element hinge properties).
  5. Click Add.
  6. Once any other parameters have been added, click Close.
    Entries for the hinge types are added in the Loads & Definitions dialog in the Definitions >  Pushover Definitions section.
  7. Select one of the hinge types and click Assign.