M. To assign support springs as a one-way

To specify spring supported nodes as capable of carrying only tension or compression, use the following procedure.

You must assign spring supports to nodes before assigning tension-only or compression-only spring definitions. You may not use tension-only or compression-only springs in a model that contains multilinear springs.

STAAD.Pro assumes that negative displacement is compression and positive displacement is tension.

  1. Select one or more nodes assigned with spring support types.
  2. On the Specifications ribbon tab, select the One-way Spring tool in the Supports group.

    The Create Support dialog opens to the Tension/Compression Only Springs tab.
  3. Select the load direction the support is capable of resisting:
    • Tension Only
    • Compression Only
  4. Select the Spring Direction options for this support type:
    • KFX
    • KFY
    • KFZ
  5. Click Assign.