M. To assign an inclined support

To assign a support that acts inclined with respect to the global axis, use the following procedure.

You may want to change the length unit to a more convenient value if you are going to define an incline direction by coordinate or vector.
See Inclined Support Axis System for details on how the reaction directions are determined from the reference coordinate.
  1. Select the nodes that will have the same support condition.
  2. On the Specification ribbon tab, select the Other Supports > Inclined tool in the Supports group.
    The Create Support dialog opens to the Inclined tab.
  3. Select the method for specifying the Incline Reference Point:
    To use this reference…Do…
    an arbitrary point with respect to the supported node select the Coordinate option and then type the relative global X, Y, and Z distances to the reference point
    an arbitrary point with respect to the model origin select the Ref option and then type the global X, Y, and Z coordinates
    an existing node in the model select the RefJt option and then select the node number from the drop-down list
  4. Select the Support Type to use.
    • Pinned - restrained against translation but free to rotate
    • Fixed - restrained in all degrees of freedom
    • Fixed But - released in specified degrees of freedom and can have spring constants assigned in restrained degrees of freedom
    • Enforced - restrained in all degrees of freedom and can have imposed support displacements assigned as loads
    • Enforced But - released in specified degrees of freedom and can have imposed support displacements assigned as loads
  5. Optional: For Fixed But support type, type linear spring constants to use as necessary.
  6. For Fixed But or Enforced But support types, select the released degrees of freedom.
  7. Either:
    To…Do the following…
    add the support type to the model and assign to the current node selection click Assign.
    add the support to the model for later assignment click Add.
    The dialog closes.