M. To add pressure load on a plate

To add a uniform pressure load over an entire plate or a rectangular portion of a plate, use the following procedure.

  1. Either:
    • On the Loading ribbon tab, select the Load Items tool in the Loading Specifications group
    • In the Load & Definition dialog, select a primary load case in the Load Cases Details list and then click Add.
    The Add New Load Items dialog opens.
  2. Select either:
    • the Plate Loads > Pressure on Full Plate tab
    • the Plate Loads > Partial Plate Pressure tab
  3. Type the magnitude of the uniform pressure (with sign), W1.
  4. For partial plate pressure loads, type the coordinates (with respect to the center of the element) to the first and second corners of the loaded rectangular area: X1, Y1, X2, and Y2
    Figure 1. Coordinate values, x1,y1 & x2,y2, in the local coordinate system
  5. Select the Direction option in which the load acts.

    Pressure loads can act in any of the global directions: GX, GY, or GZ as well as in the Local Z direction of the plate.

    Additionally, full pressure loads can act in the Local Y or Local X directions of the plate as well along projected directions, PX, PY, or PZ.

  6. Click Add.
    The load item is added to the selected load case.