M. To add an ASCE 7-02 snow load

Loads and definitions are added from the Load & Definition dialog in the Loading page.

Snow load definitions are applied to floor groups. You must have at least group of the type Floor previously defined.

  1. In the Load & Definition dialog, select the Definitions > Snow Definition entry and click then Add.
    The Add New: Snow Definition dialog opens.
  2. Enter the general snow parameters and click the Add button.

    The newly created snow load definition will appear in the Definitions > Snow Definition section in the Load & Definition dialog.

  3. Either:
    • Repeat step 2 to add a second snow load definition.
    • Click Close to stop adding snow load definitions.
  4. Optional:  Create a new primary load case for use with the snow load.
  5. In the Load & Definition dialog, select the primary load case which will include the snow load.
  6. Click Add.
    The Add New: Load Items dialog opens.
  7. Select the Snow Load tab.
  8. Select the Floor Group and select the Snow Load parameters.
  9. Click Add.
    The snow load is added to the primary load case.