TR.20.7 Composite Decks

A composite deck generation facility is available in the program.

General Format

The command syntax for defining the deck within the STAAD input file is as shown below.

_DECK deck-name 
PERIPHERY member-list 
DIRECTION d1 d2 d3 
COMPOSITE member-list 
OUTER member-list 
VENDOR name 
FC f1
CT f2
CD f3
RBH f4
RBW f5
PLT f6
PLW f7
DIA f8
HGT f9
DR1 f10
SHR f11
CMP f12
CW f13 MEMB cw-member-list


_DECK deck-name an alphanumeric name you specify to identify the deck. The deck-name line must start with '_DEC' or '_DECK'. The deck-name is the second word and is limited to 23 characters. This name must not be the same as any group name.
member-list the list of members belonging to the deck. TO, BY, ALL, and BEAM are permitted. ALL means all members in structure; BEAM means all beams.
DIRECTION d1 d2 d3 the x, y, and z components of the direction of the deck, respectively

The following parameters may be in any order or omitted. They only apply to the composite members listed above. Do not enter a member list for these parameters.

FC f1 compressive strength of the concrete for all composite members listed above for this composite deck.
CT f2 concrete thickness
CD f3 concrete density
RBH f4 height of rib of form steel deck. This is the distance from the top of the I beam to the bottom of the concrete deck.
RBW f5 width of rib of form steel deck
PLT f6 thickness of cover plate welded to bottom flange of composite beam
PLW f7 width of cover plate welded to bottom flange of composite beam
DIA f8 diameter of shear connectors
HGT f9 height of shear connectors after welding
DR1 f10 ratio of moment due to dead load applied before concrete hardens to the total moment
SHR [0 | 1] temporary shoring during construction.
  • 0 = no shoring
  • 1 = with shoring
CMP [0 | 1 | 2] composite action with connectors.
  • 0 = no composite action in design
  • 1 = composite action
  • 2 = ignore positive moments during design
CW f11 MEMB cw-member-list f11 is the concrete width for each composite member listed. cw-member-list is the list of composite members in this deck that have this width.

Enter as many CW lines as necessary to define the width of all composite members of this deck.

This Deck definition data should be entered after the member properties have been entered.


  1. The DECK definition must start with the START DECK DEFINITION command and end with the END command.
  2. More than one DECK may be specified between the START and END.
  3. The same member number may be included in up to 4 deck/groups. Multiple definitions are useful for output but can be ambiguous for input data such as constants, section property, release, etc.
  4. If two or more consecutively entered decks have the same name, then they will be merged. If not consecutive, the second entry of the same name will be ignored.
  5. The _deck-name must be unique within the Deck definitions and the Group definitions.
  6. PER, DIR, OUT are data created by the GUI. Do not edit this data.
  7. This Deck definition data should be entered after the member properties have been entered.


PERIPHERY 4 1640 18 38 56 50 49
DIRECTION 0.0000000.000000 -1.000000
COMPOSITE 41 74 38
OUTER 7 8 3130
DIA 0.700
HGT 2.75
CT 11.0
FC 3.1
RBW 2.6
RBH 0.1
CMP 1.0
CD 0.0000870
CW 123.000000 MEMB41
CW 123.000000 MEMB7
CW 61.500000 MEMB4
CW 61.500000 MEMB38