TR.20.6 Examples of Member Property Specification

This section illustrates the various options available for MEMBER PROPERTY specification.

1  TO  5  TABLE  ST  W8X31
9  10  TABLE  LD  L40304  SP  0.25
12  TO  15  PRISMATIC  AX  10.0  IZ  1520.0
17  18  TA  ST  PIPE  OD  2.5  ID  1.75
20  TO  25  TA  ST  TUBE  DT  12.  WT  8.  TH  0.5
27  29  32  TO  40  42  PR  AX  5.  IZ  400.  IY  33. -
IX  0.2  YD  9.  ZD  3.
43  TO  47  UPT  1  W10X49
50  51  UPT  2  L40404
56 TA TC W12X26 WP 4.0 TH 0.3
57 TA CM W14X34 CT 5.0 FC 3.0

This example shows each type of member property input. Members 1 to 5 are wide flanges selected from the AISC tables; 9 and 10 are double angles selected from the AISC tables; 12 to 15 are prismatic members with no shear deformation; 17 and 18 are pipe sections; 20 to 25 are tube sections; 27, 29, 32 to 40, and 42 are prismatic members with shear deformation; 43 to 47 are wide flanges selected from the user input table number 1; 50 and 51 are single angles from the user input table number 2; 52 through 55 are designated as COLUMN members using the ASSIGN specification. The program will assign a suitable I-section from the steel table for each member.

Member 56 is a wide flange W12X26 with a 4.0 unit wide cover plate of 0.3 units of thickness at the top. Member 57 is a composite section with a concrete slab of 5.0 units of thickness at the top of a wide flange W14X34. The compressive strength of the concrete in the slab is 3.0 force/length2.