M. To generate loads on the roadway

  1. On the Bridge Deck ribbon tab, select the Loading > Run Load Generator tool in the Loading group.
    The Load Generator Parameters dialog opens.
  2. On the General tab, select the appropriate Design Code.
    The <code> tab updates to reflect this selection.
  3. Select the appropriate Limit State.
  4. Select the <code> tab.
  5. Make the code-specific selections for vehicles, load conditions, multiple presence factors, and impact factors.
  6. Select the Node Displacements, Support Reactions, Beam End Forces, or Plate Center Stress tab.
  7. Specify a structural object number, direction of action, and sign of effect.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as many times as needed.
  9. Click OK.
    The program analyzes the deck to obtain the critical load positions for the specified action.
A summary of the analysis is opened in your default text editor (e.g., Notepad). The file (named filename_deckx.out) is saved in the same location as the input file. Close the text editor once you have completed reviewing this file.
The placement of the loads for each effect requested may be reviewed.