PlantWise Help

Pipeline Editor

The Pipeline Editor allows you to inspect and modify the pipeline parameters that control routing.

There are two ways to open the Pipeline Editor:
  1. Select Plant > Pipeline... menu in the PlantWise dialog, (see "Plant Commands"); or
  2. Select the Edit tool icon in the Plant Toolbox, then select and accept the desired pipeline in the CAD window.
The second method opens the editor with all the information of the selected pipe filled it.

Pipeline Editor.

Note: In the figure above, the mouse cursor is shown over the button that is used to open the floating Origin editor dialog.

The Pipeline Editor contains a large quantity of information. Most of that information, however, is automatically derived from data tables and the router. You can change most of the values in the Pipeline Editor by either entering or selecting the desired value and clicking Accept. You can select or change the pipeline to be edited from the Pipeline drop down list. Once selected, the dialog fills in with all of the pipeline’s properties.

Routing Results The Routing Results section lists pipeline length and number of elbows by diameter.
  • Frozen – For manipulated pipelines, the Frozen field indicates if the line has been completely Frozen or Partially frozen.
Description If Comments were provided in the Pipeline List, they are – and can be edited – in the Description field of the Pipeline Editor.
Routing Properties This section shows certain key routing control variables as well as if there are exceptions on the pipeline.
  • Priority – Pipelines are routed in free space in priority order as described in "Priorities" in Free Space Routing . The Priority of a pipeline ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest priority and 50 being the default value.
  • Category – shows the pipeline’s automatically determined routing category – whether the pipeline is routed directly between its origin and terminus or goes via a pipeway.
  • Non-Pocket Route – indicates whether or not the AutoRouter treats the pipeline as one requiring a non-pocketing route. The most common examples of a non-pocketing route are pump suction and gravity-flow lines.
  • Start PW / End PW – both fields generally show <default>. If you have set the pipeway path of a pipeline, the starting and ending pipeways display, respectively, in these fields. Setting pipeway routes is discussed in "Editing Pipeway Paths".
You cannot directly edit the values in the Start PW, End PW, and Frozen fields. Except when a pipeline is Frozen or Partially frozen (indicated by type), un-editable attribute values are written in dark rather than black.
Connectivity If connectivity has been defined for the current pipeline, the origin and terminus displays and inline components list in sequence. You cannot change any connectivity information in the Pipeline Editor.
  • Inline Sequence – the Inline Sequence list has a special pop up menu for inline components.
    • Edit – depending on the component selected, the Edit opens:
      • the Tee Editor for the tee connecting the selected branch line to the main line;
      • the Editor for a control valve or flow element component; or
      • the Connectivity dialog for the current pipeline opens for user inlines (this is because these items are defined with connectivity and they do not have separate editors.)
    • Slide – opens the Inline Manipulator (Slide) dialog for non-placeable components. Selecting Slide for control valves and other placeable components, opens the prompt.
    • Place –Opens the Inline Placement dialog for control valves and user inlines that have set the placeable attribute to Yes. Selecting Place for a slideable component prompts you with the message.
    • HighLight / UnHighLight – you can also HighLight or UnHighLight the selected component.
Pipeline Properties The Pipeline Properties section contains the pipeline information defined in the Pipeline List and data table values that are derived from that definition. For clarity, the attributes that are defined in the Pipeline List are indicated by bold type for the attribute name and type for the attribute value.
  • Diameter – is the nominal diameter of the pipeline;
  • Pipe Class – specifies the Material and Rating of the pipeline, using the data from the "pipe-class-properties" table;
  • Commodity – from the Commodity code, the "commodity-properties table" specifies:
    • the Fluid Phase,
    • operating temperature (Operating Temp.),
    • design temperature (Design Temp.),
    • the Temperature Class (hot or cold),
    • the insulation code (Inusl Code),
    • the insulation thickness (Insul Thickness),
    • if there is flange insulation (Flange Insul),
    • the Tracing Type,
    • the Tracing Size,
    • the tracing number (Tracing No.),
    • the Painting Type,
    • the Pipeway Level the pipeline prefers,
    • if the Pipeway Level is required (PW Level Required), and
    • the CAD Level (or layer) the pipeline is drawn on.
    Note: Pipeway level required and flange insulation do not have values set in the commodity-properties table; and, insulation thickness is set in "the insulation-properties table".
User Attributes From here, you can change the default values of any Pipeline "User Defined Attributes". These attributes are defined in the Project Setup.


The Pipeline Editor menus give you access to multiple functions:

The File menu allows you to:
  • save the model (Save Model),
  • save the model under another name (Save Model As), and
  • exit the dialog (Close).

The Edit menu gives you access to editors for multiple aspects of the pipeline.

  • Update Dialog with new routing results
  • Rename Pipeline
  • Open the Connectivity editor for the selected pipe
  • Open the editor for the Origin of the pipe
  • Open the editor for the Terminus of the pipe
  • Open the Pipeline List
  • Open the Inlines List
  • Open the Exception List for the selected pipe
  • Delete the pipe.
Edit menu commands can also be accessed with a right mouse click over any un-contained area of the dialog.

The Disply menu gives you the ability to:

  • Turn on/off the centerline representation of the calculated vicinity routes for each end of the pipeline (Toggle Vicinity Routes);
  • Turn on/off boxes, drawn on the interference drawing level, that surround pipeline interferences (Toggle Interferences);
  • Open the Mass Properties dialog for the selected pipeline;
  • Zoom To the pipeline;
  • Highlight the pipeline;
  • UnHighlight the pipeline.

From the Route menu, you can:

  • Unroute the pipe (UnRoute this Pipe);
  • Route the pipe without routing the pipeways (Route this Pipe);
  • Route the pipe with the pipeways (Route This Pipe (with PWs)); and
  • Open the Router Control dialog with just the current line in the Route or Re-Route fields (see AutoRouter Control Dialog ).

From the Modify menu, you can:

  • Freeze the current path of the pipeline (Freeze this Pipe);
  • Thaw the pipeline (Thaw this Pipe);
  • Open the Segment/Point Manipulator for the selected pipeline (Manipulate Pipe Route) (see "Segment/Point Manipulator");
  • Thaw the placement of all the inline components on the current pipeline (Thaw All Inlines); and,
  • Select the pipeways used for the route of the current pipeline (Pipeway Router Selection) (see "Editing Pipeway Paths").