Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Model Import/Export

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Create Terrain Model from File - Create a terrain model by importing from an external file. Numerous file formats are supported such as LandXML, Lidar (*.las), and legacy products (InRoads, GEOPAK, and MX).

Create Terrain Model from Ascii File - Create a terrain model from 2D graphics which also contain an elevation label.

Create Terrain Model from Elements - Create a terrain model from 3D graphical elements.

Create from Point Cloud - Create a terrain model from MicroStation Point Cloud data.

Create Clipped Terrain Model - Create a terrain model by clipping an existing terrain model and providing an optional horizontal or vertical offset.

Create Complex Terrain Model - Create a new Complex terrain model by merging/appending multiple terrain models.

Edit Complex Model - Edits a complex terrain by changing the order of merging, change merge or append methods and add or remove component terrain models.

Create Delta - Create a new terrain model by the difference between 2 terrain models or a terrain model and a plane (elevation).

Create by Text Interpolation - Create a terrain model from 2D graphics which also contain an elevation label.

Create Corridor Alternate Surfaces - Create a terrain model from user-specified points in a corridor model along any given path.

Import Geometry - Import geometry elements that are stored in the cogo databases if they are MX (FIL), InRoads (ALG or FIL), or GEOPAK (GPK )elements.

Import Horizontal Geometry from Ascii File - Import horizontal geometry element from an ASCII file via a text wizard.

Import Vertical Geometry from Ascii File - Import vertical geometry element from an ASCII file via a text wizard.

Import Haestad Model - Imports another model into your project.

Import Haestad Submodel - Imports another model, or any portion thereof, into your project.

Import SWMM v5 - Imports a system that has been saved in SWMM v5 format.

Note: This tool is only available if the CivilStorm or SewerGEMs licenses are active.

Import LandXML - Imports a model from a LandXML format .xml file.

Import MicroDrainage - Imports a model from a MicroDrainage .sws / .fws / .ews / .mdx file.

Import InRoads - Imports an InRoads file into your project.

Export Haestad Submodel - Exports any portion of a model as a submodel for import into other projects.

Export to SWMM v5 - Exports a system as a SWMM v5 format.

Note: This tool is only available if the CivilStorm or SewerGEMs licenses are active.

Export LandXML - Exports a model to LandXML format.

Export MicroDrainage - Exports a model to MicroDrainage .sws / .mdx format.

Export Excel - Exports a model to Excel.