Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Create Clipped Terrain Model

Last updated: October 25, 2019

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You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Terrain > Create > Additional Methods split button

The Create Clipped Terrain Model creates a new terrain model by clipping a previously created terrain model. Note that a copy of the original terrain is created. The data in the original terrain does not change.

The clipping element must be drawn prior to commencing clipping and can be any type of closed area.



Reference Terrain Model

Terrain model or mesh to be clipped.

Clipping Method

Internal - places a void in the copy of the clipped model.

External - clips any terrain data outside the clipping element.

Horizontal Offset

The Horizontal Offset affects the clipping limits. If it is toggled off, then the closed polygon is used as the clipping limits. If the Offset is toggled on, then the polygon is moved out similar to doing a copy parallel with the offset value.

Vertical Offset

The Vertical Offset moves the resultant terrain model up (positive value) or down (negative value) by the offset distance, in terms of master units. It does not change the clipping limits.

Clipping Limits

The first graphic below depicts the original TM. In the middle of the model, a closed area has been placed, denoted with heavy black lines.

Internal - results in a void created in the resultant TM.

External - clips all data outside of the clipping limits with the clipping polygon being the boundary of the resultant TM.


  1. Place a Microstation closed area to be used for clipping.
  2. Select the tool.
  3. Set the Feature Definition and Name for clipped TM to be created.
  4. Follow the heads-up prompts.


User Action

Locate Reference Terrain Model Element

Graphically select the terrain model to be clipped.

Locate Clipping Element

Select the previously drawn closed area. A warning prompt is displayed if the area is not closed.

Horizontal Offset

Toggle on and enter the offset. If not using, be sure toggle is off.

Vertical Offset

Toggle on and enter the offset. If not using, be sure toggle is off.

Clipping Method

Select Internal or External.

See also

Feature Definitions