Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Importing From MicroDrainage (SWS)

Last updated: October 25, 2019

You can import a model from a MicroDrainage .sws / .fws / .ews file.

Subsurface Utilities is primarily concerned with the overall physical structure and connectivity of the pipe network; hence some of the available hydrologic and hydraulic data necessary for a hydraulic analysis is not transferred during import.

Subsurface Utilities imports section definitions from a MicroDrainage Conduit Library file (.SEC). If the section is open, the channel X-Y coordinates will be imported as an Irregular Channel. However, if the section is closed the channel and cover X-Y coordinates will be converted to a Depth-Width curve and imported as Irregular closed channel. Subsurface Utilities also recognizes the MicroDrainage shape codes 1-65. If one of those codes is specified the appropriate shape and dimensions will be import as specified in the MicroDrainage documentation.

Note that for the shape codes 1 - 65, the "conduit.sec" file is not read. It is assumed that this file has not been altered, and is exactly as per the documentation. If you have made alterations to the "conduit.sec" file, it is suggested that you move the adjusted conduits to a different Conduit Library file (.SEC), and use that in MicroDrainage. This will mean that the conduit diameter or section number (pipeline variable 5 in the MicroDrainage SWS file) will be written as a negative number, which will cause the information for it to be read from the different Conduit Library file (.SEC).

To import a MicroDrainage file:

  1. Select File > Import > MicroDrainage.
  2. In the Select MicroDrainage File dialog, browse to the file to be imported, highlight it, and click Open.
Note: You can import a MicroDrainage file to both new and existing models; however, you can only import to existing models that contain no elements in the model.

The following table shows how the pipe attributes are mapped to Subsurface Utilities elements and attributes:

Pipeline Variable Attribute Mapping Notes
  PipeLabel Label on Conduit  
0 kRoughness (mm) Darcy-Weisbach roughness on Conduit  
1 PipeNumber Applied to local conduit description  
2 Length (mm) Length (User Defined) on Conduit  
4 Area (ha) Imported as the User Defined Area of the upstream catchment to the current conduit. If the area is 0, then no catchment will be created.  
5 Diameter (mm) Imported as the local diameter on the current conduit  
9 Time of Concentration (min) Imported as the single User Defined Tc for the catchment.  
15 Base Flow (lps) If the value is greater than 0 then will be applied as a fixed flow applied to the wet weather inflow collection list  
17 Upstream Invert Level (m) Will be the start invert of the current pipe. Set invert to start is set to false.
21 Upstream Cover Level (m) Will be the ground elevation of the start manhole of the current conduit.  
24 Downstream Invert Level (m) Will be the stop invert of the current pipe. Set invert to stop is set to false.
25 Downstream Cover Level (m) Will be the ground elevation of the stop manhole of the current conduit.  
26 Upstream Manhole Number Applied to the label of the start manhole of the current conduit. If the label contains "Outfall" or is blank then the node will be imported as an outfall, otherwise it will be imported as a manhole.
27 Downstream Manhole Number Applied to the label of the stop node of the current conduit. If the label contains "Outfall" or is blank then the node will be imported as an outfall, otherwise it will be imported as a manhole.
30 Upstream Manhole Diameter (mm) Represents the diameter of the start node if the node structure is circular, or the length if the structure is rectangular  
31 Downstream Manhole Diameter (mm) Represents the diameter of the stop node if the node structure is circular, or the length if the structure is rectangular  
32 Upstream Manhole Width (mm) Represents the Width of the rectangular structure of the start node. If the value is 0 then the structure is circular, otherwise it is rectangular.
33 Downstream Manhole Width (mm) Represents the Width of the rectangular structure of the stop node. If the value is 0 then the structure is circular, otherwise it is rectangular.
41 Upstream Easting (m) The x coordinate of the start node.  
42 Upstream Northing (m) The y coordinate of the start node.  
43 Downstream Easting (m) The x coordinate of the stop node.  
44 Downstream Northing (m) The y coordinate of the stop node.  
53 Manhole Sump Depth (mm) Subtracted from the lowest adjacent invert of the start node to compute the invert of the start node.  
88 Mannings N Applied to the Mannings value on the conduit.