Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Importing a Haestad Submodel

Last updated: October 25, 2019

Using the Submodel Import feature, you can import another model, or any portion thereof, into your project. Input data stored in the Alternatives as well as any supporting data will also be imported. It is important to notice that existing elements in the model you want to import the submodel into (i.e. the target model) will be matched with incoming elements by using their label. Incoming input data will override existing data in the target model for any element matched by its label. That also applies to scenarios, alternatives, calculation options and supporting data. Furthermore, any element in the incoming submodel that could not be matched with any existing element by their label, will be created in the target model.

For example, the submodel you want to import contains input data that you would like to transfer in two Physical Alternatives named "Smaller Pipes" and "Larger Pipes". The target model contains only one Physical Alternative named "Larger Pipes". In that case, the input data in the alternative labeled "Larger Pipes" in the submodel will replace the alternative with the same name in the target model. Moreover, the alternative labeled "Smaller Pipes" as well as its input data will be added to the target model without replacing any existing data on it because there is no existing alternative with the same label. Notice that imported elements will be assigned default values in those existing alternatives in the target model that could not be matched.

Notice that regular models can be imported as a submodel of a larger model as their file format and extension are the same.

For more information about input data transfer, see Exporting a Submodel.

Note: The label-matching strategy used during submodel import will be applied to any set of alternatives, including Active Topology alternatives. Therefore, if no Active Topology alternative stored in the submodel matches the existing ones in the target model, the imported elements will preserve their active topology values in the alternatives created from the submodel, but they will be left as "Inactive" in those previously existing alternatives in the target model. That is because the default value for the "Is Active?" attribute in active topology alternatives other than the one that is current is "False".

User-defined data is not transferred during submodel import and export operations.

To import a submodel:

  1. Click File > Import > Submodels.
  2. In the Select Submodel File to Import dialog box, select the submodel file to be imported. Click the Open button.