GS. Right-Click Pop-up Menu

Provides convenient access to frequently used tools and utilities. The menu pops up when the right mouse button is clicked.

No Selection

Menu item Description
Cut Used to cut selected object(s) (delete and copy to clipboard). The deleted objects may then be pasted.
Copy Used to copy selected object(s) to clipboard for subsequent pasting.
Paste Opens the Paste With Move dialog, which is used to specify the insertion point for pasting clipboard elements into the model.
Select Cursor > Nodes Used to graphically select nodes.
Beams Used to graphically select beams.
Plates Used to graphically select plates.
Surface Used to graphically select surface elements.
Solids Used to graphically select solids.
Plates & Solids Used to graphically select plates and solids with one cursor (ignores other object types).
Geometry Used to graphically select nodes, members and elements of the structure simultaneously.

To select nodes, members or elements using the Geometry Cursor, simply click on the desired structural components. To select multiple nodes, members and elements, hold Ctrl while selecting. We may also select the structural components graphically by creating a window on screen with the cursor around these components.

Physical Member Used in Steel Design or Concrete Design to graphically select all those beams defined as a same member in the member set up of member design, simultaneously.

Members may be user defined or may be generated automatically using the Auto Form Member tool.

To select all the beams defined as a same member using the Member Cursor, just click on one beam. The other beams having the same member name as the selected one will automatically be selected.  To select multiple physical members, hold down Ctrl while selecting. You may also select the physical members graphically by dragging a fence area around these physical members using the cursor.

Selection Mode > Drag Box Click to activate the drag box selection mode.
Drag Line Click to activate the drag line selection mode.
Region Click to activate the region selection mode.
Take Picture Used to take a snapshot image of current view. The picture is automatically added to a picture album.
Add Beam Used to add beam by clicking start and end nodes.
Tables Opens the Tables dialog, which is used to display and close different tables, such as Node coordinates, Beam incidences, Node displacements, etc. irrespective of the current page.
Connection Tags > View Connection Tags Opens the Assign Connection Tags dialog.
Check Connection Tags (Active only after a successful analysis has been performed) Opens the Assign Connection Tags dialog and Check Connection Tags dialog, the latter of which is used to check the load case results from the analysis against the defined connection capacities in the Connection Tags XML data file.
Open View Opens the Open View dialog, which is used to open a previously saved structural view window.
Labels Opens the Diagrams dialog to the Labels tab, which is used to select various display labels for different components of the structure.
Orientation Opens the Orientation dialog, which is used to modify the settings that define various view orientations of the structure, such as Plan view, Elevation view, Perspective view, etc.
Structure Diagrams Opens the Diagrams dialog, which is used to customize the view of the structure by setting different view-related parameters.
Model View Details Opens the Structural Diagram Info dialog, which contains counts of the objects in your model.
3D Rendering

Used to render the model using true lighting, reflection and shading in a separate window. It enables walk-through, dynamic zoom and panning capabilities in the 3D rendered view.

Once the 3D Rendering option is chosen, a separate window opens displaying the rendered view. The structure can be dynamically rotated about all three axes by simply holding the left mouse button down and dragging the structure in the intended direction. Right-clicking the mouse button will display a myriad of viewing options.

Depending on the material used (steel, concrete, etc.), an appropriate texture will be applied to the structure. A property or material must be assigned to the entities of the model before this feature can be used. This is for visual and presentation purposes only.

Beam Selection

Menu item Description
Move Opens the Move Entities dialog, which is used to specify the translational offset for moving a selection of beams.
Insert Node Opens the Insert Node into Beam # dialog, which is used to insert one or more nodes at specified distances along selected members.
Form Member Used to manually form a physical structural member from a selection of one or more connected analytical beam segments.
Assign Loads
Properties Opens the Beam dialog which displays properties for the selected member. Additional tabs become available after analysis and design is performed.
Define Section Profile (disabled)
Connection Tags > Assign Opens the Assign Connection Tags dialog and New Connection tag dialog, which are used to assign existing connection tags to member ends in the model and to create new connection tags, respectively.
Remove Opens the Assign Connection Tags dialog and initiates the remove connection tag tool for the connections on the selected member. A confirmation dialog opens to confirm the remove action.
New View

Opens the New View dialog, which is used to create a new view window for displaying the selected structural elements. You are prompted to indicate whether the selected view would be opened in a new (child) window or whether it would replace the current (parent) view. Any number of child view windows in this way.

Create Seismic Frame Opens the Seismic Frames dialog, which is used to specify the type of seismic frame used for the selected members creating a seismic frame definition during connection design.
Add Member Attribute Opens the Member Attribute which is used to select and apply a member attribute to selected members.

Refer to TR.29.1 Struclink Member Attribute for additional information on the Struclink attribute which is assigned using this dialog.

List/Delete Member Attribute Opens the Member Attribute dialog to display the currently used Member Attribute for a single selected member.