GS. About STAAD.Pro Documentation

The documentation for STAAD.Pro consists of the following sections that make up the online help.

All the manuals can be accessed from the Help facilities of STAAD.Pro.

Getting Started (GS.)

This section contains information on the contents of the STAAD.Pro package, computer system requirements, installation process, copy protection issues and a description on how to run the programs in the package.

What's New?

This section contains the software release report for STAAD.Pro contains detailed information on additions and changes that have been implemented since the release of STAAD.Pro 2007 build 06.

Tutorials (T.)

Tutorials that provide detailed and step-by-step explanation on using the programs are also provided.

Modeling (M.)

This section describes how to model structural elements and loads in STAAD.Pro using the Analytical Modeling workflow.

Analysis (A.)

This section of the help describes the analysis methods, data print commands, and how to perform analysis in STAAD.Pro.

Design (D.)

This section describes how to perform the design of structural elements using STAAD.Pro.

This section contains information on the various concrete, steel, timber, and aluminum design codes that are implemented in STAAD.Pro.

Postprocessing and Reports (P.)

This section describes how to review output, perform post-processing tasks, generate reports, and plot from STAAD.Pro.

Data Files and Interoperability (I.)

This section describes how to manually edit STAAD.Pro input files, import and export data, and interact with STAAD.Pro using external applications.

General Engineering Theory (G.)

This section deals with the theory behind the engineering calculations made by the STAAD engine.

Technical Reference of STAAD Commands (TR.)

This section includes an explanation of the commands available in the STAAD command file.

Ribbon Control Reference

This section describes the tools found in the ribbon toolbars.

Verification Examples (V.)

This section includes examples of STAAD.Pro example models along side reference (textbook) examples or a set of hand calculations. This provides you with validation of standard program calculations.

Application Examples (EX.)

This section includes examples of various problems that can be solved using the STAAD engine. The examples represent various structural analysis and design problems commonly encountered by structural engineers. Additional example models installed with the product are described here in brief.


This section describes the application programming interface for STAAD.Pro.