GS. Quick Commands Pop-up menu

This menu Opens when you press the space bar when the View window has the application focus.

You can customize the Quick Commands with any tool by clicking the icon and then adding tools from the Customize Quick Commands Popup dialog.

Table 1. Selection group
Tool name Description

Geometry >
Geometry Cursor Used to graphically select nodes, members and elements of the structure simultaneously.

To select nodes, members or elements using the Geometry Cursor, simply click on the desired structural components. To select multiple nodes, members and elements, hold Ctrl while selecting. We may also select the structural components graphically by creating a window on screen with the cursor around these components.

All Geometry Selects all nodes, members, elements, and solids in the model.
Inverse Geometry Selection Used to select all objects but the ones which are currently selected.
Geometry List Opens the Select Geometry dialog, which is used to select one or more model entities (other than nodes) from a list of all entities in the model.
Entities Parallel To > XY | YZ | XZ Used to select all beams, elements, and surfaces which are parallel to a specified global axis.

Select the desired global axis from the sub-menu.

Geometry Connecting To > Node | Beam | Plate | Solid Used to find out all the entities that are connected to (i.e., have a common node with) any particular node, beam, plate, or solid. A dialog opens prompting you to select the node, beam, plate, or solid number. You can select to apply immediately or click OK to see all the model entities that are connected to the selection.
Highlight Entities Sequentially Opens the Visual Check dialog, which is used to sequentially highlight a specific group of entities (beams, plates, or solids) in numerical order. Controls on the speed of the selection are also included.

Solids >
Solids Cursor Used to graphically select solids.
All Solids Selects all solids in the model.
Inverse Solids Selection All solids in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected solids are added to the selection set.
Solids List Opens the Select Solids dialog, which is used to select one or more solids from a list of all solids in the model.
Solids Connecting To > Node | Beam | Plate | Solid Select solids that connect to the selected object type.

Used in Steel Design or Concrete Design to graphically select all those beams defined as a same member in the member set up of member design, simultaneously.

Members may be user defined or may be generated automatically using the Auto Form Member tool.

To select all the beams defined as a same member using the Member Cursor, just click on one beam. The other beams having the same member name as the selected one will automatically be selected.  To select multiple physical members, hold down Ctrl while selecting. You may also select the physical members graphically by dragging a fence area around these physical members using the cursor.

Nodes >
Nodes Cursor Used to graphically select nodes.
All Nodes Selects all nodes in the model.
All Supports Selects all supported nodes in the model.
Inverse Node Selection All nodes in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected nodes are added to the selection set.
Nodes List Opens the Select Nodes dialog, which is used to select one or more nodes from a list of all nodes in the model. A free list of node numbers may also be specified.

Beams >
Beams Cursor Used to graphically select beams.
All Beams Used to select all beams.
Inverse Beam Selection All beams in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected beams are added to the selection set.
Beam List Opens the Select Beams dialog, which is used to select one or more beams from a list of all beams in the model.
Beams Parallel To > X | Y | Z Select beams that are parallel to the selected global axis.
Beams Connecting To > Node | Beam | Plate | Solid Select beams that connect to the selected object type.

Plates >
Plates Cursor Used to graphically select plates.
All Plates Selects all plates in the model.
Inverse Plate Selection All plates in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected plates are added to the selection set.
Plate List Opens the Select Plates dialog, which is used to select one or more plates from a list of all plates in the model.
Plates Parallel To > XY | YZ | XZ Select plates that are parallel to the selected global axes plane.
Plates Connecting To > Node | Beam | Plate | Solid Select plates that connect to the selected object type.

Text Cursor

Used to add comments and titles to pictures and result diagrams. The added text can be plotted, too.

The inserted text can be deleted, moved and modified using the text cursor. Refer to the Insert Text on the Utilities ribbon for a detailed description on inserting text and modifying it using the text cursor.

Filtered Selection Cursor
Used to select multiple types of geometric entities (nodes, beams, surfaces, etc.) with specific attributes in one pass. This will reduce the time required to create new views and help quickly identify the location of certain entities on your structure.

Group Selection
Opens the Select Groups dialog, which is used to select objects in a named group.

By Property Name
Used to select nodes and members based on specifications associated with them. A number of specification types are included in the sub-menu list.

Missing Properties
Used to select beams, plates, or solids that lack critical input data (Property, Density, Elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, and Alpha) in the active view.

Drag Box
Click to activate the drag box selection mode.

Drag Line
Click to activate the drag line selection mode.

Click to activate the region selection mode.

Previous Selection Cursor
Selects the last object(s) selected (if they have been deselected).

Loads Cursor
Used to modify any load already applied on the model by double clicking it.. When selected, the mouse pointer changes to the Load Edit Cursor.
Table 2. Labels group
Tool name Description Shortcut

Labels Settings
Opens the Diagrams dialog to the Labels tab, which is used to customize the view of the structure by setting different view-related parameters.

Node Labels
Select any of the label types from the drop-down list to turn the display of that label on or off. Shift+N

Beam Labels

Plate Labels

Solid Labels

Individual Node Labels
When the object label type is activated, use these tools to show or hide the individual labels of objects. This can be useful for large models or views where you wish to display multiple types of labels simultaneously.

Individual Beam Labels

Individual Plate Labels

Individual Solid Labels
Table 3. Display group
Tool name Description
Load Select the active load case, load combination, or load envelope from the pop-up dialog.

View Loading Diagram
Click to toggle the display of the current load case on the structure.
Table 4. Geometry Tools group
Tool Name Description

Structure Tools >
Multiple Structures

Opens the List of Structures dialog, which is used to determine if the current model consists of more than one unconnected structure. 

Select a Structure in the list to see each structure highlighted.

Beam Plate Connectivity Used to check for plates that are improperly connected to beams. Beams must be connected to plates at their nodes in order to ensure proper coupling and load transfer. This tool will inform the user if any improper connections are present in the model.
Merge Properties

Used to merge the properties of two or more similar objects. When a STAAD input file has a number of references of the same property, this tool can be used to consolidate all these properties into a single command.

When a STAAD file has a number of references of the same property, there is now a tool to consolidate all these properties into a single command. Clicking the Yes button, all instances of a given section property will be collated into a single property reference.

Cut Section Opens the Section dialog, which is used to cut a section through the structure along a specified global plane at a desired location of the 3rd axis.

Node Tools >
Duplicate Nodes

Opens the Remove Duplicate Nodes dialog, which is used to set the tolerance distance between two nodes the program should consider as duplicate.

Used for detecting the presence of two or more instances of the same node.

Orphan Nodes Highlights all nodes in the structure which are not connected to any member, element, or solid.
Remove Orphan Nodes Used to remove all detected orphan nodes.
Node to Node Distance Display the distance between nodes.
Remove Node to Node Distance Used to remove the display of all node to node dimensions from the current view.

Beam Tools >
Duplicate Beams

Opens the Remove Duplicate Beams dialog, which is used to set the tolerance distance between two beams the program should consider as duplicate.

Used for detecting the presence of two or more instances of the same beam.

Zero Length

Opens the Zero Length Tolerance dialog, which is used to set the tolerance for zero length members.

A member connected between duplicate nodes, which have the same (X,Y,Z) coordinates, will have a length of zero. This tool detects such members.

Overlapping Collinear Members

When two members are collinear, and further, at least one of the nodes of one of those members happens to lie within the span of the other, but the two members are not connected at that node, those two members are considered as overlapping collinear members. This tool detects such members.

The usefulness of this tool comes from the fact that it enables you to detect modeling errors which are not easily visible. Two lines overlapping on the drawing area become indistinguishable on large models, and this is one of the tools that can spot such errors.

Beam Incidence Used to reverse the incidence of selected beams so that the global coordinates of the end node are farther from the origin than that of the start node.
Dimension Beams Display the dimension of the members in the structure.

Plate Tools >
Duplicate Plates

Opens the Remove Duplicate Plates dialog, which is used to set the tolerance distance between two plates the program should consider as duplicate.

Used for detecting the presence of two or more instances of the same plate.

Warped Plates A warped plate is defined as a four-noded plate whose nodes do not lie on the same plane. This tool detects such plates.
Plate Connectivity Checks the model for plates that overlap or intersect each other at their boundaries and, if found, opens the Overlapping Collinear Plates dialog. Typically, these overlaps cause improper load transfers or instabilities in the model.

Solid Tools >
Negative Volume Used to verify that the solid elements in their model have the proper sequence (order) of node numbering to prevent warnings in the output file of solids containing negative volumes.
Warped Solids Used to check if a solid element is warped. Warped solids cannot be analyzed and will produce errors in the output file.

Physical Member Restraints
Used to automatically generate top and bottom flange restraint conditions for the selected physical members.

When selected, the program will search through all the nodes along the Physical Member and determine if any other beam is connected besides the beams in the current physical member definition. If another beam is present, a full restraint is placed on both the flanges. Otherwise, an unrestrained condition is imposed on both the flanges.

Opens the Create Group dialog, which is used to cluster a set of joints, beams, plates or solids into a single entity identified by a distinct name.
Table 5. Tools group
Tool Name Description

Connection Tags >
Load Connection Tag File
Edit Connection Tag File
View Connection Tags Opens the Assign Connection Tags dialog.
Check Connection Tags (Active only after a successful analysis has been performed) Opens the Assign Connection Tags dialog and Check Connection Tags dialog, the latter of which is used to check the load case results from the analysis against the defined connection capacities in the Connection Tags XML data file.

Opens the STAAD.Pro Calculator window, which is capable of performing mathematical operations.

Unit Converter
Opens the STAAD.Pro Converter window, which is used to convert data from one unit system to another. 

Take Picture

Used to take a snapshot image of current view. The picture is automatically added to a picture album.

Copy Picture

Used to copy the current picture to the clipboard for pasting in other Windows applications such as image editors, spreadsheet applications, or word processors,.

AVI File
Opens the Create AVI File dialog, which is used to create a video file recording of for animated deflection, section displacement, mode shape, and plate stress contour diagrams.