P. To display mode shapes

To display the mode shape diagram and a table of mode shape data, use the following procedure.

Mode shapes are available for models with dynamic load cases.
  1. Either:
    • on the Results ribbon tab, select the Mode Shape tool in the Dynamics group

    • on the Results ribbon tab, select the Layouts > Mode Shape tool in the Dynamics group
    • select the Dynamics page in the Postprocessing workflow bar
    The Mode Shape tool is only active if the current load is a dynamic load case.
    The mode shape for the currently selected mode and load case is displayed.

    If you selected the Layout or the Page control, the Frequencies & Mass Participation and Mode Shapes tables are also displayed.

  2. Optional: Select a different Load in the View Results group on the Results ribbon tab.
  3. Optional: Select a different Mode in the Dynamics group on the Results ribbon tab.
    This option is only active if the current load is a dynamic load case.
You can control the color and display of the mode shapes diagram from the Load and Results tab of the Diagrams dialog.