P. To view capacity curve and determine target displacement

To determine the performance point of a pushover analysis for a given performance level, use the following procedure.

The capacity curve displays the plot of the base shear versus the displacement at control joint.
  1. On the Results ribbon tab, select the Layouts tool drop-down in the Dynamics group.
  2. Select the Graphs tool in the Pushover group.
    The graph and table opens.
  3. Right-click on the Capacity Curve graph and select Determine Target Displacement from the pop-up menu.
    The Define Modification Factor C0 dialog opens.
  4. Specify the Modification Factor C0:
    1. Either:
      To…Do the following…
      use a table value select the Select from Table option and then select a C0 factor value in the table
      use an interpolated value select the Define option and then select or type the specific building parameters using the options
      The Modification Factor C0 value to be used is displayed in the dialog.
    2. Click Next.
    The Define Cm to Calculate Modification Factor C1 dialog opens.
  5. Specify the Modification Factor C1:
    1. Select the Damping ratio (in percent) from the drop-down list.
    2. Select the effective mass factor, Cm, to use by clicking the value in the table.
      The Cm value to be used is displayed in the dialog.
    3. Click Next.
    The Define Modification Factor C2 dialog opens.
  6. Specify the Modification Factor C2:
    1. Select the Structure Performance Level from the drop-down list.
    2. Select the Framing Type from the drop-down list.
      The Modification Factor C2 value to be used is displayed in the dialog.
    3. Click Finish.
    The calculated target displacement and base shear at target displacement values are displayed on the Capacity Curve graph.
  7. Optional: Right-click on the Capacity Curve graph and select Show Idealized Capacity Curve from the pop-up menu.
    The idealized capacity curve is shown in blue on the graph, along with the curve parameters. These include the slopes of the linear portions of the idealized capacity curve along with the base shear and deflection at the inflection point.
  8. Optional: Repeat steps 3 through 6 and select a different Structure Performance Level as needed.