M. To renumber selected beams

To renumber the currently selected members, use the following procedure.

  1. Select the beams to be renumbered.
  2. On the Geometry ribbon tab, select the Renumber Beams tool in the Beam group.

    A message dialog opens to warn you that renumbering may not be undone.
  3. Click Yes to confirm you wish to proceed.
    The Renumber dialog opens.
  4. Optional:  Specify a Start number from
  5. Optional: Select the New Numbering Order
  6. Optional: Select the sort criteria to be used and add them to the Selected Sort Criteria
  7. Optional: Reorder the items in the Selected Sort Criteria
    For example, select the Z Coordinate and click Move Up twice so the order from top to bottom is: Z Coordinate, X Coordinate, Y Coordinate. This instructs the program to renumber beams parallel to the Y axis until no more beams are in that line. It then skips to the next selected entity along the X axis and renumbers those, again along the Y axis. Once it has reached the end of selected beams parallel to the X axis, it then skips to the next selected entity parallel to the Z axis and repeats the previous procedures.
  8. Click Accept.
    A message dialog opens with the status of the renumbering operation.
  9. Click OK to dismiss the message dialog.
    The selected beams are renumbered following the indicated pattern.