M. To manually add physical member restraints

To manually add physical member restraints for assignment to physical members, use the following procedure.

Manual restraints apply to steel physical members which will be designed per AS 4100.

  1. In the Analytical Modeling workflow page controls, select the Design page.
  2. Select AS4100 as the Current Code in the Steel Design - Whole Structure dialog.
  3. Click Define Parameters.
    The Design Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Select the PBRACE parameter.
  5. For each brace point, specify a fraction of the total physical member length in the Brace Location cell.
  6. Select the type of restraint present for the top or bottom flange.
  7. Click Add.
    The new command appears in the tree as a child element of the current design parameter set.
  8. Click Close.
    The design parameters are marked with an icon. This indicates that the need to be assigned to members.
  9. Use one of the STAAD.Pro assignment methods to assign each parameter to the applicable members.
The PBRACE specification is tagged as (Physical), and therefore can only be assigned to physical members (PMEMBER groups).