M. To manually form physical members

To form a physical member for a selected set of analytical members, use the following procedure.

The following are required to form a physical member:
  • analytical members must be interconnected
  • analytical members are collinear
  • the local axes of the component members should be identical (i.e., the x, y, and z are respectively parallel and in the same sense)
  • a single analytical member may not be in more than one physical member
  1. Select one or more beams which represent a single physical member.
  2. Either
    • on the Beam ribbon tab, select the Form Member tool in the Model group

    • on the Geometry ribbon tab, select the  Form Member tool in the Physical Member group (Analytical Modeling workflow)
    • on the Member Design ribbon tab, select the  Form Member tool in the Physical Member group (Steel Design workflow)
    • right-click and select Form Member from the pop-up menu.
    The physical member (i.e., M#) number is displayed on each component analytical member and the physical member is added to the Physical Member table.