M. To create a new composite deck from perimeter beams

  1. Select the Composite Deck Layout tool in the Composite Deck group on the Geometry ribbon tab.

    The Composite Deck dialog opens.
  2. Select the perimeter beams:
    1. Select the Clicking on Nodes option.
    2. Click Create New Deck.
      The mouse pointer changes to the Add Composite Deck cursor ().
    3. Click on the end nodes defining the corners of the perimeter beam area.
    4. Click on the first node a second time to close the decking area.
    Alternatively, you can select the perimeter beams in the view window first. Then select the Use Selected Beam option and click Create New Deck.
    The New Composite Deck dialog opens.
  3. Type a New Composite Deck Name and then click OK.
The deck name is added to the list of composite decks with all the perimeter and interior beams listed.