M. To assign nonlinear cable members

  1. Optional: Select the members which will all have the same member specification assigned.
  2. On the Specification ribbon tab, select the Beam > Cable tool in the Specification group.

    The Member Specification dialog opens to the Cable tab.
  3. Optional: Do either of the following:
    • select the Initial TENSION option and then type a value for the tension force in the cable
    • select the Unstressed TENSION option and then type a value for the initial length of the cable
    If no value is given for either option, then a minimal cable tension is assumed.
  4. Type a ratio value for one or more of the Factor in global X : Fwx, Factor in global Y : Fwy, or Factor in global Z : Fwz.
    The values are a multiplier of the self weight of the cable, applied in the selected global direction.
  5. Either:
    To…Do the following…
    add the specification to the model and assign to the current member selection click Assign.
    add the specification to the model for later assignment click Add.
    The dialog closes.