M. To assign member fire proofing

To assign fire proofing to a member, use the following procedure.

The fire proofing specification allows the program to automatically calculate the weight of the fire proofing material applied to members.
  1. Optional: Select the members which will all have the same member specification assigned.
  2. On the Specification ribbon tab, select the Beam > Fire Proofing tool in the Specification group.

    The Member Specification dialog opens to the Fire Proofing tab.
  3. Select the Fire Proofing Type:
    • BFP (Block Fireproofing):

      The fire-protection material forms a rectangular block around the steel section. The thickness specified is the minimum thickness which defines the outer block dimensions.

      Figure 1. BFP: Block Fireproofing
    • CFP (Contour Fireproofing):

      The fire-protection material forms a coating around the steel section. The thickness specified is a constant thickness around the section profile.

      Figure 2. CFP Contour Fireproofing
  4. Type the Thickness of the fire proofing in the units indicated.
  5. Type the Density of the fire proofing material.
  6. Either:
    To…Do the following…
    add the specification to the model and assign to the current member selection click Assign.
    add the specification to the model for later assignment click Add.
    The dialog closes.