M. 3D Rendering View Right-click View Menu

Menu item Description
View Axes Toggles the display of the global axes.
Perspective Toggles the perspective lens for the rendered window.
Wireframe View When selected, solid rendering is turned off. Only the outline of shapes are shown.
Enable Lighting Toggles the light source. Turning this feature off removes any reflection.
Lights (list) Select the light color from the list.
Change Light Color The lighting is by default gray to resemble the color of steel. This can be changed to any other color.
Enable Texture Mapping The structure will be displayed with a unique texture.
Change Entity Color… Opens the Change Entity Color dialog, which is used change the color of structure entities by class.
Change Background Color… Opens a color selector dialog, so the default background color can be changed.
Change Font… Opens a font selection dialog, so the text display can be changed.
Model View Details Opens the Structure Diagram Info dialog, which contains a summary of the entity counts in the structure.
Take Picture Takes a STAAD image of the rendered view for inclusion in reports. A picture ID dialog opens to name the image.