GS. Units in STAAD.Pro

Most values used by STAAD.Pro can be derived from two units, that of length and force. STAAD.Pro employs a system that the gives the flexibility of defining different parts of the model using different unit settings.

The units are controlled by the settings in the dialog which allow tables to dynamically change various values dynamically without changing the model or re-running the analysis. Note however, that this is built on top of a platform setting called base units which determines how the data is handled internally by STAAD.Pro.

When directly editing the input file, this is achieved by using the UNIT command (see TR.3 Unit Specification) as required in the input file.

STAAD.Pro also includes an extensive unit conversion utility.

Base Unit System

As the name suggests, this is the core unit system that STAAD.Pro uses in a session and specified before any model can be loaded. The base units is specified in the GS. Application Configuration dialog dialog.

This can be set to either English or Metric. All the units are derived from the length unit and force unit (e.g., stress = force/length2). Thus the length and force unit is determined by the base unit such that when it is set to:

  • English - the data is handled by the program using the length unit as inches and the force unit of kips (kilopounds, or 1,000 lbs).
  • Metric - the data is handled by the program using the length unit as meter and the force unit as kilonewton.

Display Units

The Options dialog includes three sheets that allow for the setting of the units to be displayed in tables depending on the unit type. They fall into the categories of:

  • Structure Units, this sets the displays of the columns in tables where units such as dimension and displacement are set.
  • Section Units, this sets the displays of columns in tables of section profiles and material data
  • Force Units, this sets the displays of columns of data typically associated with loading and results.

Current Input Units

As mentioned above, when a model is being created, it is possible to add data to the model with different unit settings in different locations of the input. The current can be set by using the Input Units tool on the Geometry ribbon. In the input file, this can be done by including additional UNIT commands.

When a model is first created, the current units are set to the unit defined by the Base Unit.

The current input units are displayed in the lower right corner of the application.