EX. To review pushover displacement results

If you did not select the Postprocessing option in the results dialog in the previous procedure, select the Postprocessing workflow.
  1. On the Results ribbon tab, select the Layouts tool drop-down in the Dynamics group.
  2. Select the Graphs tool in the Pushover group.
    The Capacity Curve graph and Capacity Curve table open.
  3. On the Results ribbon tab, select the Layouts tool drop-down in the Dynamics group.
  4. Select the Node Results tool in the Pushover group.
    The Node Displacements and Support Reactions tables open.
  5. Type 63 in the Select Load Step field and then press Enter.
    The tables and view window update.
  6. On the Results ribbon tab, select the Layouts tool drop-down in the Dynamics group.
  7. Select the Beam Results tool in the Pushover group.
    The Beam Hinge Results and Beam Force Detail tables open.
  8. Repeat clicking the up arrow adjacent to either Select Load Step field until load step 4 is displayed.
  9. Repeat clicking the up arrow until about load step 44 is reached.
    Several more hinges have formed at the top of the elastic range and the first hinge has now turned blue, representing the Life Safety range of the acceptance criteria.