D. Chinese Steel Design Parameter File Format

The parameters for steel design per GB 50017-2017 are stored in a separate file (file extension .gsp).

Example GSP File

Click the Edit Parameters (Text) button in the Chinese Steel Design Parameters - Whole Structure dialog to open and edit this file.


*{ The below data is for code check general information, please do not modify it. 






























*{ The above data is for code check general information, please do not modify it. 



Name(Parameter Name)=SUBBEAM 

Type(Member Type)=1 

Principle(Principle Rules)=0 


SectionSlendernessRatioGrade(Section Slenderness Ratio Grade)=3 

Fatigue(Fatigue Calculation)=0 

Optimization(Perform optimized design)=0 

MaxFailure(Failure Ratio)=1 

MinTooSafe(Safety Ratio)=0.3 

CheckLoadCase(Force Loads Case No.)=ALL  

CheckDispLoadCase(Displacement Loads Case No.)=ALL  





BeamSlendernessFlange(b/t on beam)=1 

BeamSlendernessWeb(h0/tw on beam)=1 

TrussStrength(Axial Force Strength)=1 

SecondaryMoment(Secondary Moment of Truss)=0 

TrussStability(Solid-web Axial Compression Stability)=1 

TrussShearStrength(Axial Shear Strength)=1 

PressedTrussSlenderness(Pressed Member Slenderness)=1 

TensionTrussSlenderness(Tension Member Slenderness)=1 

ColumnStrength(Column Member Strength)=1 

ColumnStabilityMzMy(Column Stability In-plane)=1 

ColumnStabilityMyMz(Column Stability Out-plane)=1 

ColumnSlendernessFlange(b/t on column)=1 

ColumnSlendernessWeb(h0/tw on column)=1 

CheckItemAPPENDIX_B11(Beam Deflection)=1 

UseAntiSeismic(Use Seismic Adjusting Factor)=0 

GamaReStr(Seismic Adjusting Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Strength)=0 

GamaReSta(Seismic Adjusting Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Stability)=0 

SLevel(Grade of Seismic Resistance)=0 

lmdc(Slenderness Limit of Compression Member)=0 

lmdt(Slenderness Limit of Tension Member)=0 

Lmd831(Slenderness of Seismic Column)=0 

Lmd841(Slenderness of Seismic Brace)=0 

Lmd9213(Slenderness of Seismic Single-story Plant)=0 

LmdH28(Slenderness of Seismic Multi-story Plant)=0 

rz(Plastic Development Factor in Major Axis)=0 

ry(Plastic Development Factor in Minor Axis)=0 

gamaSharp(Plastic Development Factor of sharp side)=0 

betamz(the equivalent moment factor in Major Axis plane)=0 

betamy(the equivalent moment factor in Minor Axis plane)=0 

betatz(the equivalent moment factor out Major Axis plane)=0 

betaty(the equivalent moment factor out Minor Axis plane)=0 

HasHorLoadZ(Has Horizontal Load in Z-Axis)=0 

HasHorLoadY(Has Horizontal Load in Y-Axis)=0 

DFF(Deflection Limit of Beam)=350 

DJ1(Start Node Number in Major Axis)=0 

DJ2(End Node Number in Major Axis)=0 

Horizontal(Check for Deflection in Minor Axis)=0 

Cantilever(Cantilever Member)=0 

fabz(Overall Stability Factor in Major Axis of Bending Member)=0 

faby(Overall Stability Factor in Minor Axis of Bending Member)=0 

StressFeature(Select the Stress Feature to calulate stability factor of beam)=1 

faz(Overall Stability Factor in Major Axis of Axial Compression Member=0 

fay(Overall Stability Factor in Minor Axis of Axial Compression Member)=0 

lz(Unbraced Length in Major Axis)=0 

ly(Unbraced Length in Minor Axis)=0 

miuz(Effective Length Factor for Column in Major Axis)=0 

miuy(Effective Length Factor for Column in Minor Axis)=0 

Lateral(Member in Frame Without Sidesway or not)=0 

APZ(Gyration Radius Calculation as Z-Axis Parallel Leg)=0 

rFlange(Limit Ratio of Width to Thickness for Flange)=0 

rWeb(Limit Ratio of High to Thickness for Web)=0 

BucklingStrength(Axis forced member bulking strength)=0 

ZSectType(Section Type in Z-Axis)=0 

YSectType(Section Type in Y-Axis)=0 

HSectWebInTrussPlane(Web of H in Truss Plane)=0 

rAn(Net Factor of Section Area)=1 

rWnz(Net Factor of Resistance Moment in Z-Axis)=1 

rWny(Net Factor of Resistance Moment in Y-Axis)=1 

CapReduce(Seismic Reduction Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Brace)=1 

AngleReduce(Angle Strength Reduce)=0 

LAglConSta(Connect Type of unequal single angle)=0 

LAngleStrength(Reduction Factor of Angle Strength)=0 

LAngleStability(Reduction Factor of Angle Stability)=0 

rTrussSectReduce(Effective Factor of Axial Force Section)=1 

Members(Member Number)=23 TO 25 48 TO 53 



Name(Parameter Name)=MAINBEAM 

Type(Member Type)=1 

Principle(Principle Rules)=0 


SectionSlendernessRatioGrade(Section Slenderness Ratio Grade)=3 

Fatigue(Fatigue Calculation)=0 

Optimization(Perform optimized design)=0 

MaxFailure(Failure Ratio)=1 

MinTooSafe(Safety Ratio)=0.3 

CheckLoadCase(Force Loads Case No.)=ALL  

CheckDispLoadCase(Displacement Loads Case No.)=ALL  





BeamSlendernessFlange(b/t on beam)=1 

BeamSlendernessWeb(h0/tw on beam)=1 

TrussStrength(Axial Force Strength)=1 

SecondaryMoment(Secondary Moment of Truss)=0 

TrussStability(Solid-web Axial Compression Stability)=1 

TrussShearStrength(Axial Shear Strength)=1 

PressedTrussSlenderness(Pressed Member Slenderness)=1 

TensionTrussSlenderness(Tension Member Slenderness)=1 

ColumnStrength(Column Member Strength)=1 

ColumnStabilityMzMy(Column Stability In-plane)=1 

ColumnStabilityMyMz(Column Stability Out-plane)=1 

ColumnSlendernessFlange(b/t on column)=1 

ColumnSlendernessWeb(h0/tw on column)=1 

CheckItemAPPENDIX_B11(Beam Deflection)=1 

UseAntiSeismic(Use Seismic Adjusting Factor)=0 

GamaReStr(Seismic Adjusting Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Strength)=0 

GamaReSta(Seismic Adjusting Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Stability)=0 

SLevel(Grade of Seismic Resistance)=0 

lmdc(Slenderness Limit of Compression Member)=0 

lmdt(Slenderness Limit of Tension Member)=0 

Lmd831(Slenderness of Seismic Column)=0 

Lmd841(Slenderness of Seismic Brace)=0 

Lmd9213(Slenderness of Seismic Single-story Plant)=0 

LmdH28(Slenderness of Seismic Multi-story Plant)=0 

rz(Plastic Development Factor in Major Axis)=0 

ry(Plastic Development Factor in Minor Axis)=0 

gamaSharp(Plastic Development Factor of sharp side)=0 

betamz(the equivalent moment factor in Major Axis plane)=0 

betamy(the equivalent moment factor in Minor Axis plane)=0 

betatz(the equivalent moment factor out Major Axis plane)=0 

betaty(the equivalent moment factor out Minor Axis plane)=0 

HasHorLoadZ(Has Horizontal Load in Z-Axis)=0 

HasHorLoadY(Has Horizontal Load in Y-Axis)=0 

DFF(Deflection Limit of Beam)=400 

DJ1(Start Node Number in Major Axis)=0 

DJ2(End Node Number in Major Axis)=0 

Horizontal(Check for Deflection in Minor Axis)=0 

Cantilever(Cantilever Member)=0 

fabz(Overall Stability Factor in Major Axis of Bending Member)=0 

faby(Overall Stability Factor in Minor Axis of Bending Member)=0 

StressFeature(Select the Stress Feature to calulate stability factor of beam)=1 

faz(Overall Stability Factor in Major Axis of Axial Compression Member=0 

fay(Overall Stability Factor in Minor Axis of Axial Compression Member)=0 

lz(Unbraced Length in Major Axis)=0 

ly(Unbraced Length in Minor Axis)=0 

miuz(Effective Length Factor for Column in Major Axis)=0 

miuy(Effective Length Factor for Column in Minor Axis)=0 

Lateral(Member in Frame Without Sidesway or not)=0 

APZ(Gyration Radius Calculation as Z-Axis Parallel Leg)=0 

rFlange(Limit Ratio of Width to Thickness for Flange)=0 

rWeb(Limit Ratio of High to Thickness for Web)=0 

BucklingStrength(Axis forced member bulking strength)=0 

ZSectType(Section Type in Z-Axis)=0 

YSectType(Section Type in Y-Axis)=0 

HSectWebInTrussPlane(Web of H in Truss Plane)=0 

rAn(Net Factor of Section Area)=1 

rWnz(Net Factor of Resistance Moment in Z-Axis)=1 

rWny(Net Factor of Resistance Moment in Y-Axis)=1 

CapReduce(Seismic Reduction Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Brace)=1 

AngleReduce(Angle Strength Reduce)=0 

LAglConSta(Connect Type of unequal single angle)=0 

LAngleStrength(Reduction Factor of Angle Strength)=0 

LAngleStability(Reduction Factor of Angle Stability)=0 

rTrussSectReduce(Effective Factor of Axial Force Section)=1 

Members(Member Number)=4 5 32 33 36 TO 47 



Name(Parameter Name)=COLUMN 

Type(Member Type)=3 

Principle(Principle Rules)=0 


SectionSlendernessRatioGrade(Section Slenderness Ratio Grade)=3 

Fatigue(Fatigue Calculation)=0 

Optimization(Perform optimized design)=0 

MaxFailure(Failure Ratio)=1 

MinTooSafe(Safety Ratio)=0.3 

CheckLoadCase(Force Loads Case No.)=ALL  

CheckDispLoadCase(Displacement Loads Case No.)=ALL  





BeamSlendernessFlange(b/t on beam)=1 

BeamSlendernessWeb(h0/tw on beam)=1 

TrussStrength(Axial Force Strength)=1 

SecondaryMoment(Secondary Moment of Truss)=0 

TrussStability(Solid-web Axial Compression Stability)=1 

TrussShearStrength(Axial Shear Strength)=1 

PressedTrussSlenderness(Pressed Member Slenderness)=1 

TensionTrussSlenderness(Tension Member Slenderness)=1 

ColumnStrength(Column Member Strength)=1 

ColumnStabilityMzMy(Column Stability In-plane)=1 

ColumnStabilityMyMz(Column Stability Out-plane)=1 

ColumnSlendernessFlange(b/t on column)=1 

ColumnSlendernessWeb(h0/tw on column)=1 

CheckItemAPPENDIX_B11(Beam Deflection)=1 

UseAntiSeismic(Use Seismic Adjusting Factor)=0 

GamaReStr(Seismic Adjusting Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Strength)=0 

GamaReSta(Seismic Adjusting Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Stability)=0 

SLevel(Grade of Seismic Resistance)=0 

lmdc(Slenderness Limit of Compression Member)=0 

lmdt(Slenderness Limit of Tension Member)=0 

Lmd831(Slenderness of Seismic Column)=0 

Lmd841(Slenderness of Seismic Brace)=0 

Lmd9213(Slenderness of Seismic Single-story Plant)=0 

LmdH28(Slenderness of Seismic Multi-story Plant)=0 

rz(Plastic Development Factor in Major Axis)=0 

ry(Plastic Development Factor in Minor Axis)=0 

gamaSharp(Plastic Development Factor of sharp side)=0 

betamz(the equivalent moment factor in Major Axis plane)=0 

betamy(the equivalent moment factor in Minor Axis plane)=0 

betatz(the equivalent moment factor out Major Axis plane)=0 

betaty(the equivalent moment factor out Minor Axis plane)=0 

HasHorLoadZ(Has Horizontal Load in Z-Axis)=0 

HasHorLoadY(Has Horizontal Load in Y-Axis)=0 

DFF(Deflection Limit of Beam)=400 

DJ1(Start Node Number in Major Axis)=0 

DJ2(End Node Number in Major Axis)=0 

Horizontal(Check for Deflection in Minor Axis)=0 

Cantilever(Cantilever Member)=0 

fabz(Overall Stability Factor in Major Axis of Bending Member)=0 

faby(Overall Stability Factor in Minor Axis of Bending Member)=0 

StressFeature(Select the Stress Feature to calulate stability factor of beam)=1 

faz(Overall Stability Factor in Major Axis of Axial Compression Member=0 

fay(Overall Stability Factor in Minor Axis of Axial Compression Member)=0 

lz(Unbraced Length in Major Axis)=0 

ly(Unbraced Length in Minor Axis)=0 

miuz(Effective Length Factor for Column in Major Axis)=0 

miuy(Effective Length Factor for Column in Minor Axis)=0 

Lateral(Member in Frame Without Sidesway or not)=0 

APZ(Gyration Radius Calculation as Z-Axis Parallel Leg)=0 

rFlange(Limit Ratio of Width to Thickness for Flange)=0 

rWeb(Limit Ratio of High to Thickness for Web)=0 

BucklingStrength(Axis forced member bulking strength)=0 

ZSectType(Section Type in Z-Axis)=0 

YSectType(Section Type in Y-Axis)=0 

HSectWebInTrussPlane(Web of H in Truss Plane)=0 

rAn(Net Factor of Section Area)=1 

rWnz(Net Factor of Resistance Moment in Z-Axis)=1 

rWny(Net Factor of Resistance Moment in Y-Axis)=1 

CapReduce(Seismic Reduction Factor of Load-bearing Capacity for Brace)=1 

AngleReduce(Angle Strength Reduce)=0 

LAglConSta(Connect Type of unequal single angle)=0 

LAngleStrength(Reduction Factor of Angle Strength)=0 

LAngleStability(Reduction Factor of Angle Stability)=0 

rTrussSectReduce(Effective Factor of Axial Force Section)=1 

Members(Member Number)=1 2 7 8 30 31 34 35