D. To add a new solution set

To add a new set of parameters in a solution set for comparing different designs, use the following procedure.

  1. On the Chinese Steel Design ribbon tab in the Solution group, select the Configuration tool.

    The Configure Solution dialog opens.
  2. Add a new solution set:
    1. Click Add.
      The Add Solution Name dialog opens.
    2. Type a Solution Name.
    3. Select the analysis Type to use with this solution set from the drop-down list.
    4. Click OK.
      The dialog closes.
    The new solution set is added and is selected in the Select Solution drop-down list.
  3. Click OK.
    The dialog closes.
  4. In the Chinese Steel Design ribbon tab Solution group, select the new solution set name from the drop-down list.
  5. Add one or more design parameters.
  6. On the Chinese Steel Design ribbon tab in the Solution group, select the Configuration tool.

    The Configure Solution dialog opens.
  7. Select the new solution set name from the Select Solution drop-down list.
  8. Add parameter sets to the Used list by either:
    To…Do the following…
    add a single parameter select a parameter name in the Unused list and then click >
    add all available parameters click >>
  9. Click OK.
To design with a solution set, select the solution set name from the drop-down list in the Chinese Steel Design ribbon tab Solution group.